Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1404: Civilization veins

Many people cultivate the civilization created by someone at the same time. It is called civilization dependence. What is attached is the foundation of a powerful civilization, also known as the main civilization. . . Those who are dependent are called sub-civilized monks.

The main civilization monk has the natural driving privileges for the second civilization monk. Moreover, if the sub-civilization can make a breakthrough and promote a certain civilization in essence, the monk of the main civilization can also sense it at the first time, thereby simultaneously upgrading the level of civilization.

There is no doubt that the owner of the main civilization has an absolute advantage. Assuming that the monks of the sub-civilization challenge the monks of the main civilization, there is no chance of winning. For example, a certain Yuanyuan real person on the Yuanyuan plane, no matter how he grows up and how strong, can never be the opponent of Li Xing, the creator of civilization.

However, it is said that with the help of three mixed Yuan real people, Xu Diaogong surged in strength after unifying the six nearby forces in one fell swoop. In order to express gratitude to Li Xing, Xu Diaogong gave Li Xing one hundred pieces of civilization stones this day.

This spar of civilization has the size of a fist, two pointed ends, and a large middle, similar to a fusiform.

When Li Xing obtained the one hundred spar of civilization, he immediately saw that these spar of civilization were similar to the fragments of civilization he had originally obtained in "Outer Heaven". The difference is that the civilization spar here is more pure and belongs to the product of the enrichment of civilization.

Li Xing immediately sent the spar of civilization to the ancient tree of civilization. As soon as the spar approached the ancient tree, it turned into a strong flavor of civilization, which was swallowed up by it instantly, leaving no residue.

He secretly sighed and said, "It seems that the growth of the ancient civilization tree requires a lot of civilization. I want to get as many spar of civilization as possible, or enter the area of ​​higher civilization level to absorb the civilization."

Thinking of this, he considered whether he could become a nobleman here and also rule a territory? In this way, he can mine the underground spar of civilization in the open.

As soon as this idea came out, the ancient tree that had just swallowed a hundred civilization spar suddenly became agitated, and severely pierced the roots of civilization into the void, and appeared in the area near Li Xing.

This root seems to be sharper and tougher than anything in the world, and it easily breaks through the hard ground and quickly takes root in the earth. One root whisker is separated into hundreds of millions of small root whiskers. The small root whiskers grow rapidly, continuously downward, and extend to all sides.

It stretched very fast, and soon found a vein of civilization. In this vein, there are scattered spar of civilization, different sizes and shapes.

The root and beard of the ancient civilization tree pierced fiercely into the spar, and the spar of the civilization was instantly atomized, and then absorbed by it all at once. The ancient civilization tree used the same method to scan this civilization vein in a very short time.

The mineral veins, the spar of civilization, are counted, not less than 100 million. If it is artificially mined, it must be mined with millions of miners for more than 10,000 years before it can be completely colored. However, Li Xing swallowed this vein in a very short time.

Li Xing was surprised at first, and his heart was ecstatic. At this moment, he finally understood why the seven great powers all have ancient civilizations. The ancient tree originally had this ability, which reminded him of the situation when the ancient tree swallowed up the fragments of civilization. The two have the same purpose.

Xu Diaogong didn't know at the moment. The civilization veins under the Crow Gate had been swept away by the ancient civilization tree of Li Xing. If you knew it, I would vomit three fights, and then I would desperately find Li Xing.

Of course, Li Xing would not mention the matter on his own initiative. He stayed for another three days just fine and then left.

During his time living in Crow Gate, he already had a certain understanding of the source of civilization. Although he could not go deeper, at least he was no longer as obscured as before and knew nothing about it.

The place where the crow gate is located is only a small place in the area of ​​primary civilization. After getting out of this area, it suddenly entered a wider area. After walking for more than ten days, Li Xing found that the atmosphere of civilization is still very thin, indicating that they have not yet come out of the source of primary civilization.

The source of civilization is a very peculiar place. Li Xing, who has the supreme power and can control the power of one product, has no way to walk in this place. He and Li Taichu and Tu Ba could only fly in the air.

The speed of flight cannot be too fast, so they have not been able to leave the range of the primary civilization area until now. Along the way, the three encountered many forces, big and small, but overall they were not very powerful.

On this day, Li Xing, who was in flight, suddenly felt that the ancient trees of civilization shuddered a little. As soon as his heart moved, he stopped immediately.

Li Taichu saw that there was a bare hill below. There was no good scenery, and he asked curiously, "Father, what do we stop at this place where the birds don't shit?"

Tu Ba knew that Li Xing would not stop for no reason, saying, "The boss must have found something."

Li Xing didn't speak, he was suspended in the air, staring at the ground below. Before long, he reached down and pressed. Suddenly, hundreds of millions of beards burst out from his five fingers, shot straight under the ground, and continued to expand.

These are naturally the roots of the ancient civilization tree. Li Xing sensed that there are a large number of civilization spar below, and the purity of this civilization spar is relatively high.

The purity of spar is the concentration of civilization in the spar. The higher the purity, the more spar of the same size, the more civilization flavor it contains.

The spar that Li Xing swallowed at Crow Gate not long ago has a relatively low purity, which is less than one tenth of the spar now encountered.

Xu Mi entered the earth as if he had entered the earth without any obstruction. He accurately found the location of the veins and began to devour greedily. Sure enough, the purity of the spar here was much higher than the first encounter.

It is also a spar the size of a fist. The amount of civilization in it is ten times that of the former. In addition, the scale of this vein is much larger than the former, and it can mine at least 3 billion pieces.

In other words, the number of civilizations contained in this vein is 300 times that of the first time it was discovered!

The ancient civilization tree sucked these spar of civilization violently and turned it into a flavor of civilization. Since the ancient tree of civilization was refined by Li Xing, it has been basically hungry. This is also impossible, because Li Xing was outside the source of civilization, and there was no way to provide civilization nourishment to the ancient trees.

Thanks to that, Li Xing did not starve the ancient civilization tree by plundering the power of civilization. Now, the ancient tree of civilization is a hungry ghost who has not eaten a hundred years, desperately devouring the breath of civilization.

It was only half a day, only half a day. All the spar in the entire vein, even the size of sesame seeds, were eaten and licked by the ancient civilization tree, and no residue was left.

When the ancient civilization tree swallowed so much civilization, Li Xing suddenly felt a sense of sublimation. Just like a person, he had been hungry before, and his limbs were weak. But now when I ate, I suddenly felt that my strength had increased several times.

As soon as this feeling appeared, he knew he was going to break through again.

In the ancient civilization road, due to the refinement of the Supreme Tower, his level of civilization has already stepped into the first-class advanced civilization. Even to an outsider, he is a first-class civilization.

But he is not a first-class civilization after all. Now, ancient civilization trees have eaten enough nourishment for civilization, which has directly contributed to the advancement of civilization, from second-class civilization to first-class civilization!

Stepping into the first-class civilization, the whole plane of Junyuan has undergone tremendous changes. The souls in the plane felt the deepest. They felt that the civilization in the plane had a rich flavor several times.

Moreover, the entire civilization system has become more complete, just like the unicycle has evolved into a double carriage.

The improvement of civilization brings huge benefits to Li Xing. First, the direct beneficiaries of the ascension of civilization are the living beings. Many of the monks who can't break through for a long time have directly broken through the bottleneck and went to a higher level.

These provide indirectly the strength of Li Xing. His strength is more than doubled when compared to the second-class civilization.

Just when Li Xing immersed his mind in the joy of civilized ascension, and in the plane of the mixed Yuan, a huge jade monument suddenly appeared. This jade monument is somewhat similar to the original merit monument, but it is taller and more majestic.

I saw a few lines of text above the jade stele, which read: Li Xing, who ranked No. 117,863 in the rankings; No. 193,682 Entered the advanced first-class civilization; the combat power ranking ranked 37,766.

Seeing the inscription, Li Xing was not surprised. He was accustomed to the existence of the meritorious monument and knew that the highest will was omnipresent and omnipotent. Just like he can monitor everything happening in the mixed plane at any time.

However, he was somewhat surprised by the ranking above ~ www.readwn.com ~ He said: "It seems that the source of this civilization is crouching tigers and dragons. I thought I was already relatively strong, but I did not expect the combat effectiveness to be ranked at 30,000.

You know, he is a Supreme Master monk who can control the power of a product, and he has actually ranked more than 30,000. It can be seen how many masters are in this source of civilization.

Seeing Li Xing's release of numerous beards, Tu Ba and Li Taichu looked at each other with shocked expressions. Li Taichu shouted, "Father, you are too cruel, just swallow this vein directly."

Tu Ba smiled hesitantly: "The boss is the boss, if he doesn't do it, he will do it with a shot. Good, swallowed well, it seems that the boss has made progress."

Li Xing realized the changes after the ascension, and smiled slightly, saying, "Good luck, I did not expect to find such a vein here."

Just after that, there were more than a dozen people flying in the distance, and someone sternly said, "Who is breaking the veins here? Are you impatient?"

As soon as Li Xing heard the other person's tone, he snorted coldly, and rushed forward. He wanted to see who was so loud. In this area of ​​primary civilization, people with a combat strength of more than 30,000 like him can definitely walk sideways without fear of anyone.

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