Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1407: Exposed

Tengu ancestor stared angrily at Li Xing and pointed at him: "You ... you ..."

Li Xing sighed and said, "This vein is very precious. If I do n’t take it, he will keep it, and he will inevitably suffer the killing. Blessings will happen, and blessings will depend on you. This is not necessarily a bad thing for you. . "

This is the big truth. The dog's ancestor's cultivation is not very good this day. He is here to stay and he will be swallowed up by more powerful characters sooner or later. Today, Li Xing snatched the veins and lost his mind. Although he lost the veins, he saved his life.

The Tengu ancestor was extremely angry, naturally he would not want to be so deep, and he hated Li Xing. Of course, he knew he was not an enemy opponent, so he recovered immediately as usual after a momentary disregard.

He sighed and said, "The villain can't imagine that an adult can have such a means, and he can drain a vein in an instant and make people admire it!"

Li Xing stared at the Tengu ancestor, and said lightly: "I always behave clearly and resentfully, although you have resentment, but I will not kill you today." In other words, he took Li Taichu and Tu Ba and turned away.

Watching Li Xing's back go away, the resentment on Tengu's ancestor's face finally appeared, and he said fiercely: "Dare to take the veins of this ancestor, you will not end well!"

A close disciple sighed and said helplessly: "My ancestors, those three seem to be very powerful, we have no way to find this place."

Tengu ancestor said coldly, "Stupid, don't you see how he extracted the spar?"

The disciple froze and said, "The disciple is wondering, how did he do it?"

The Tengu ancestor said: "The beard must have originated from the ancient civilization tree, so this ancestor speculates that this person should have the ancient civilization tree. Only the ancient civilization tree has such magical effects and can penetrate the earth. Remove all the spar in a day. "

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe their ears: "What? The ancient tree of civilization? How is this possible! The source of civilization, there are only eight forces of ancient civilization, except seven There is only the royal family outside the great aristocracy. "

Everyone obviously couldn't believe this fact, but the Tengu ancestor grinned and said, "What do you know, the civilization veins are difficult to mine because the civilization originated from the Archaeological Mother Star. The Archean Mother Star is the core of the theme. With the roots, the condensed earth is naturally very strong, and even the consciousness cannot penetrate, let alone the use of spells to spar. "

"In the world, there is only one thing that can break through the earth at will, and that is the ancient tree of civilization. Because the foundation of the ancient tree of civilization was born and grown on the ancient mother star, the roots must be able to walk through the mud and earth at will."

Everyone heard this, and some believed that Li Xing really had the ancient tree of civilization, and could not help but look at each other. They couldn't help wondering if this man with an ancient tree of civilization would become the ninth power other than the royal family and the seven powers?

The Tengu ancestor did not think about it, but hated: "What is the ancient tree of civilization? That is the treasure of heaven and earth, how many epochs have there been, and only eight strains have appeared in the source of civilization. This person actually has one Strain, if this news is released, can you imagine the results? "

The people immediately understood the meaning of the Tengu ancestors, and one clapped and shouted, "Yes! After the news is released, the whole source of civilization will be boiling. Those people will never do anything to these people in order to capture the ancient trees of civilization. Endless hunting! "

"Yes!" Tengu ancestor said coldly, "He offends his ancestor, and naturally has to pay the price!"

In the source of civilization, the speed of message transmission is quite fast, definitely faster than the speed of a person flying. So when Li Xing and his three arrived at another mine, the news that Li Xing had the ancient trees of civilization had spread throughout the nearby primary civilization area.

The people in the entire area, regardless of the height of the cultivation, all heard the wind and frantically sought the whereabouts of Li Xing. As the news from the Tengu ancestors was very detailed, not only the general state of Li Xing was recorded, but also portraits and breath characteristics.

Therefore, when the three talents fell near the mine veins and had no time to inquire about the situation, they were surrounded by some people inexplicably. In this group, the highest cultivation is the seventh grade supreme, and the rest are mostly the sixth grade or the fifth grade.

Seeing that he was suddenly surrounded by people, Li Taichu was not only not afraid, but excited. He laughed at Tu Ba and said, "A total of eighteen people, how about nine of us?"

Tu Ba said coldly: "In my plane, there are just some slaves, I want them all."

Seeing the three besieged look unchanged, he laughed freely, and the one who had the highest cultivation suddenly felt wrong. This man is Supreme Seven, but he still can't see through the three Li Xing's practices.

There was only one possibility, and the strength of the three was above him, so he couldn't see through. When he found this, he secretly said: "The news said that the strength of these three people should be above eighth level, it seems true!"

He is a clever man, and made a secret calculation. Although he feels that there are many people on his side, he is far worse than others and cannot be an opponent at all. So he quietly backed away, farther and farther, and then abruptly walked away.

The remaining seventeen people naturally found his movements, which made them stunned, but there was no second one who flinched.

A sixth-ranking monk stepped forward to drink and asked, "You are the people who took the dog's head vein?"

Ba Tu hugged his arm and said, "It's your grandpa, what's the matter?"

The man snorted coldly: "You robbed others of mines without permission, and you have committed the felony of the source of civilization, and come back with us to blame!"

He just finished, another Level 6 impatiently said, "You are so mean, what crime?" Then he glared at Li Xing and said, "Boy, I heard that you have ancient trees on your body. If you want to live, let this be. Hand it over, we can spare you! "

Hearing that the other party was coming towards the ancient civilization tree, Li Xing flashed in his eyes and asked, "Where did you get this news?"

The man sneered: "You don't need to ask where the news comes from, you just need to hand over the old trees and give you ten breaths. If you haven't handed in anything yet, die!"

He heard the other party's so arrogant tone, Li Taichu couldn't hold back and cursed: "Stop! Do you dare to threaten the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty?" Then he rushed to the other side quickly.

The collision speed was so fast that the opponent couldn't dodge and was hit. After hearing the "bang", he was smashed into pieces and he couldn't die any more.

Hitting a person, Li Taichu swept the crowd coldly and yelled, "Don't be afraid to come over!"

As the saying goes, man dies for wealth, and birds die for food. This ancient tree of civilization is far more precious and precious to everyone. The death of the companions did not scare them, but aroused the greed in these people, staring fiercely at the three of them.

Li Xing said lightly: "You deal with this matter."

Li Taichu and Tu Ba immediately understood Li Xing's meaning, which meant that they were letting go of the killing ring. Both laughed and rushed towards the crowd.

This was a unilateral slaughter. When the two waved their hands freely, they controlled the many forces in the heavens and the earth to form swords and halberds, or boxing, or palm shots, or pointing. They killed all seventeen people within a moment. Erjing, none survived.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Li Xing said: "It must be the Tengu ancestor who leaked the news. This old man is obsessed with obsession and killed."

After all, he thought.

At the same time, a faint will awakened above the Tengu Gate. It enchanted all the forces in the world, condensed into a spear, and stabbed down.

This volition was buried when Li Xing was leaving. He could wake up this volition with the thought and wipe out the Tengu ancestor. If Tengu's ancestors do not work, this will never wake up.

However, if the Tengu ancestor made an unfavorable move, Li Xing could activate this will and instantly kill Tengu.

However, it said that the Tengu ancestor was eager to tell the disciples what Li Xing might encounter at this time. Suddenly, he felt a supreme murder.

Under this murder, the ancestor of the tenth-ranked Tengu had no evasion, and watched a black spear pierce the roof, then pierced his chest relentlessly.

Long gun into his chest, Tengu's ancestor was pale, his eyes widened and stared at the void, murmured: "It turned out that you left the back hand ..." After that, he died in despair.

Although the Tengu ancestor was killed, the news of the ancient civilization tree has been leaked and irretrievable. As a result, they were besieged almost every time they went, even on the way.

All kinds of means such as traps, secret calculations and open grabs were used on them. Fortunately, this place is a region of primary civilization, and there are not many masters. With their strength, they are not afraid of these people.

In the process of fighting the looters, Li Xing found hundreds of veins, but the quality is not high ~ www.readwn.com ~ The best is only the fifth-level vein. But no matter how small it is, he took all the spar of civilization into his pocket and made a small fortune.

So they went all the way, killed all the way, and hundreds of people died in his hands. Unconsciously, they left the area of ​​primary civilization and entered the ninth-level intermediate civilization.

The moment he entered the intermediate civilization area, Li Xing felt different. The atmosphere of civilization here is obviously much richer than that of the primary civilization area, and it can be used by ancient trees to slowly absorb the civilization of nearby areas.

Entering the middle-level and nine-level civilized areas also means that the level of this place is high, and there are naturally more masters. Moreover, starting from intermediate nine civilizations, nobles will settle in it, thus making the regional environment much more complicated than that of primary civilizations.

Not long after the three had walked, they saw a big city ahead. The city is huge, more than a thousand miles long, and five or six hundred miles wide. The walls are extremely high, several hundred feet high, and there are restrictions on them, so they cannot fly over the walls.

So everyone who wants to enter the city must pass through the gate. At the entrance to the city gate, there were several soldiers responsible for interrogating the people.

Li Xing intentionally entered the city, but when they passed the gate, they were stopped by a gate guard.

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