Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1408: Great cool city

The guard looked at a few people with a kind of scrutiny, took a few glances, suddenly took out a portrait and compared them, and then asked in amazement, "You are the one who took the ancient tree of civilization?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly in his heart. The news actually reached the middle-level civilization area. It seems that there will be follow-up troubles. In fact, he had wanted to look, but he couldn't achieve it. In the source of civilization, all monks, no matter how tall they are, cannot change their appearance.

This is one of the special rules in the source of civilization, and it is as limited as the monks cannot penetrate space.

In addition, the mixed breath of Li Xing is very characteristic. Even if he changed his appearance, he could not change his breath. The breath of a monk is the exposure of its comprehensive characteristics, which is extremely difficult to change.

It is basically impossible for a person to change his breath unless he changes civilization.

Along the way, I don't know how many predators were encountered. Li Taichu's eyes were red and he sneered: "Why, you little guard also want to touch the ancient trees of civilization?"

The guard stared coldly, staring at Li Taichu and said, "Boy, the trick is brighter, but here is the Great Liang City, and the owner is the nobleman of the twelve advanced civilization!"

The most important thing for the aristocracy is the bloodline inheritance, that is, the inheritance of civilization. The higher the level of civilization, the higher the status of the aristocracy. However, if you want to be a noble civilization, you must first accept the imperial canon.

Moreover, before a civilization is accepted, it must first enter the sea of ​​civilizations in the source region, find the list of civilizations in the sea, and imprint its own flavor of civilization on the list of civilizations.

After imprinting civilization on the list of civilizations, it is often necessary to establish a certain force in the source of civilization and form a certain influence before it can be known by the royal family and then sealed down.

Both of these things are very difficult to do, and after they are done, it will be engraved on the list forever, and every word and deed will be monitored by the Supreme Court.

Li Xing knew all these things, so he knew that nobles were not easy to mess with, and had a very high status. At this moment, he said, "I am not a fake with the ancient trees of civilization, are you going to let us into the city?"

The guard smiled "Hey": "Of course I want to let you in. The aristocratic master in the city is very hospitable, and I must be very happy to learn that you are here." Then, he also made a pleased gesture.

Li Xing entered the city with Li Taichu and Tu Ba. Entering the city, you will find that in this big city, the pedestrians on the streets are endless, and the traffic is busy.

On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of shops and everything. Shops and restaurants, restaurants and restaurants, food and clothing, magic weapons and weaponry, all available.

The three also found that most people in the streets in the city had cultivation practices above and beyond, and even a small person in a broken state could not see it.

Since I had known that the hard currency of the source of civilization was the spar of civilization, so when he swallowed the tenth level vein, he left some spar with more than one million pieces.

The three were not rushed to eat because they had money in their hands. A supreme monk eats something that is not ordinary. For example, the soup, with or without the upper solid world soup, can strengthen the upper surface. A bowl requires ten ten-level civilization spar.

Another example is barbecue, the roasted things are very rare, they must be all ancient civilizations. These ancient beasts lived countless epochs and established special civilizations. By eating their flesh, you can learn the essence of civilization and make your civilization more complete.

All in all, eating a meal definitely benefits and costs a lot. Three people, like Li Xing, ate six dishes and one soup, and drank a jar of civilized wines. A total of five hundred low-grade crystals were shared.

Li Xing dug a tenth-level vein, naturally he didn't put five hundred crystals in his eyes.

The three had eaten and went to the cloths to change their clothes. These clothes are very extraordinary. For example, Li Taichu's one is made of the silkworm silk of the sixth grade civilization.

This silkworm silk coat is not cheap, of course, and it cost Li Xing 600,000 crystals.

After buying clothes, the three went to the bathhouse again. This bathhouse is really good. The hot spring inside is called a quiet spring. This spring is made of the power of quiet civilization, plus a number of other civilization forces, combined with the spar of civilization and special treasure liquid.

Soaking in a quiet spring can clear away thoughts and vulgarities, which is very helpful for the breakthrough of the realm.

Three people are drinking tea while soaking in the hot spring. This tea is even more extraordinary. It is a rare top grade. A pot of famous tea growing on a successful level requires five million ten-level crystals.

With such good enjoyment, Li Xing will naturally not forget his family. As a result, ten wives such as You Xiang and Chen Xue, as well as their sons and daughters, all stepped out of the room and enjoyed here.

After eating, drinking, and having fun like this, seven or eight days passed unconsciously. During this time, no one came to bother, which made Li Xing very strange.

According to common sense, those people already knew that there was an ancient tree of civilization on him. But seven or eight days have passed, and there is no movement at all.

In seven or eight days, it was enough for a few people in Li Xing to visit all the good places in the city. After shopping, they felt that there was nothing to stay and decided to leave.

However, when the three were about to leave the city, they were stopped by a dozen guards. The leader is Supreme Master Eight, who can be regarded as a master. He said in a deep voice: "Below is the guard on the city's mansion to send the leader, and in the order of the city man, please go to the house.

Li Xingming asked, "In the next meeting of civilians, how dare you be the host of the city."

The chief of the guard said coldly: "If you don't go, you just don't give face to the Lord, it is a death penalty."

Li Taichu raised her eyebrows and was about to have an attack, but was stopped by Li Xing in secret. Li Xing smiled and said, "We can't go to see the city's mansion."

The guard chief snorted: "Follow me then."

So Li Xing followed the pedestrian and went to the city's mansion.

Li Xing already knew the location of the main city mansion. When he was walking around the city, he passed through the main city house several times and knew some information about the main city man.

The city owner, who possesses a twelfth-class civilization, is a nobleman, sitting here in a city, and is the city's city owner. The name of the city owner is Sun Wuliu, a ninth-class superior who is said to be able to harness the power of fear in the eight ranks.

Everyone has fear, and when the fear comes, the power of fear erupts. Once a person's fear is controlled, it will be completely reduced to a slave of fear, and the end is very miserable.

The city's main government house was very large. After entering the house and walking for a long time, he entered a large hall. After entering the hall, Li Xing saw a middle-aged man sitting on the central throne.

On either side of him, there were three or five monks, all of whom were level seven or eight.

As soon as Li Xing settled down, the monks drank at the same time: "Be bold, have you met the Lord of the City, and not yet kneel?"

In previous life and this life, Li Xing has not kneeled before anyone other than his parents and teachers. He heard that he smiled coldly and said, "Sorry, don't kneel down, or let others kneel."

The captain of the guard who brought him was furious, and reached out to press Li Xing's shoulder directly, and at the same time stretched his feet to his knee socket to force him to kneel.

Seeing the other side being so, before Li Xing responded, Tu Ba and Li Taichu were already angry. The two shot at almost the same time, one left and one right, each holding the shoulders of the guard's leader, and they said in unison, "Kneeling!"

These two people are both Level Nine and Masters of Supreme Power, and they do not know how much better they are than the guard leader. At the same time they exerted their strength, and the leader's knee broke with a click, exposing white jade bones.

The bone below the knee was rotten and the broken bone on the thigh was inserted directly into the ground. At the same time, the man's shoulder was also crushed, and the pipa bone was broken into seven or eight pieces.

The guard leader screamed in pain, shivered, and pale.

Li Taichu looked at him coldly and asked, "Is it a good feeling to kneel? I think you scream so loudly, it must be so."

It seemed that people dared to be so arrogant in front of the city master, and all of them were furious and rebuked.

"Bold madman, disrespecting the Lord of the city, hurting the guards, you have committed the crime of death, don't hurry up and thank your sins, or you will regret it late!"

"Yes, the Lord is a nobleman. If he is disrespectful to the nobleman, he will be jointly hunted down by the people of the world. You cannot escape!"

Although yelling, none of these people stepped forward. They are not stupid. The power shown by Li Taichu and Tu Ba shocked them. Even if they stepped forward, they would definitely not beat others.

Li Xing looked cold and said, "Noise!"

As soon as this remark was made, an outbreak of supreme power broke out, covering the whole hall. Those who rebuked felt as if they had pressed a big stone on their chests, and they changed color, and they dared not squeak anymore.

The face of the city owner changed slightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shen said: "You, you are so rude, not only disrespect the owner of this city, but also dare to threaten the subordinates of this government. Is it why you are a bully?"

Li Xing sneered: "No secret words are spoken in front of the Ming people. The city owner told me to wait for it. Maybe not just to say a few words?"

The city owner's face remained unchanged, saying: "Our city owner asked you to come, naturally, something happened." Then, he clapped his hands, and saw the main hall in all directions, and suddenly a variety of people burst out.

These people are actually not low in cultivation, and quite a few of them have reached the level of supreme nine, and they are obviously to the point where they can control the power of heaven and earth.

The city owner laughed and said, "You are disrespectful to this city owner, but this city owner doesn't take it seriously. As long as you hand over the ancient tree of civilization, you can let you go and let you go."

Li Xing sneered: "Why go around so many turns? It is nothing more than robbing the ancient trees of civilization." After speaking, behind him, the light of immeasurable civilization suddenly rose, powerful and majestic.

Everyone saw a huge shadow of an ancient tree appearing behind him. Although it is just a ghost image, everyone can feel its extraordinaryness. Everyone's civilization level resonates, and there is a feeling of worship.

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