Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1409: Point into a dog

The town owner was shocked and happy, shouting: "It really is an ancient tree of civilization!"

The rest of the people were all very happy, their eyes were shining, and they stared at the ghostly shadow of the ancient tree. There was an impulse in their hearts to take the ancient tree as their own. You must know that this ancient tree is an extremely precious thing. Only seven nobles and the royal family each have an ancient civilization tree in the source of civilization.

Having an ancient tree of civilization means that you can build a huge civilization, open religion, and become a supreme existence like the seven nobles, ordering the world and dominating the party.

Li Xing released the breath of the ancient civilization tree, and then stared at the city owner coldly, saying, "Do you really want the ancient civilization tree?"

The city owner thought that Li Xing was afraid and wanted to discuss with him. He was excited and laughed: "Our city owner promises that as long as you hand over the ancient tree of civilization, I will make you a noble. There are endless benefits. How? ? "

Seeing the baby is right in front of him, in order to ensure that the ancient tree of civilization was obtained, he hesitated to exchange it for benefits. He also knew a bit in his heart that since Li Xing dared to come here and behaved so strongly, he must have some patience.

For such people, it's better to be hard than soft.

Li Xing "haha" laughed and said, "Okay! Very good! I have always behaved, people do not offend me, I do not offend; if anyone offends me, I must offend! Since you want to take away my old tree, then There is nothing to say, one word, kill! "

After all, the phantom of the ancient civilization tree suddenly zoomed in infinitely, instantly covering the entire city's main government house, the power of supreme terror came down and suppressed everything.

The ancient tree of civilization not only enhances civilization and enhances its strength, it is also an ingenious treasure. Li Xing's civilization has reached the first level. Under this situation, the ancient tree has incredible power.

Moreover, in the recent period, the ancient civilization tree has absorbed a lot of civilization veins and accumulated a lot, which has also improved its power.

At this time, the ancient tree shrouded the city's main government in an instant, creating a small civilized world and suppressing everything in it. From the outside, there is nothing unusual about the city's main house, and it is still normal.

The civilization of the ancient tree was magnificent, and the face of the city owner discolored, screaming: "Boy, you dare to start with this city owner, it seems that you really don't know how to write the dead words!" Then he looked around, feeling the pressure of the ancient tree, and then coldly A smile, "Do you think that with the ancient trees of civilization, you can suppress me? It's naive!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's not worthy of letting the ancient civilization trees kill you just because of the few materials you have. I will release the ancient trees just to hide the breath so I can kill them all."

The city owner stared at him: "Is it? I'm afraid that the dead person is you. It's not a good thing to be too confident." Then, he waved.

In a hurry, all the nine masters in the whole hall moved. Four of these people have mastered the power of the heavens and the earth, although they are only the low twelfth and eleventh powers.

But mastering the power of heaven and earth, after all, is different, it is many times more powerful than monks who do not master the power. A monk pointed out a person, and between heaven and earth, there was a crushing force, shot at Li Xing's brows.

This crushing force is very scary and can crush everything. If he was hit this time, Li Xing's entire head would be crushed, and his life would be whimpered.

Li Xing sneered scornfully, and arbitrarily reached out and grabbed. Between heaven and earth, a ray of Baiyang's power merged with the Baiyang's power in his body and worked. This is really a magical power. It does not have a very special lethality, but it has a versatile property.

As soon as the power of Bai Yang came out, there was a white flame, forming a white flame light knife. With only one chop, the smashing force was chopped and disappeared.

Supreme power surpasses all forces, and in principle can control all forces. However, when the controlled power is destroyed, those who send out the highest amount of blood will also be correspondingly back bitten.

The smashing force was cut off as if it had been cut on the person who pointed it out. I saw him snorting, half of his arm exploded, flesh flew, and the scene was very bloody.

The other three shot at almost the same time as the first. They attacked Li Xing with their fists, feet, and palms, each of them giving out a force. These three forces are all heavy.

For a while, Li Xing felt his body was numerous times heavy and could not help but sink into the ground. At the same time, his meridians and planes began to stiffen, threatening to collapse.

At this moment, he glanced around faintly, and two rays of white light shot out from his eyes, as if flying across the sky like lightning. Suddenly, the heavy force shattered every inch.

The three monks with control forces sprayed blood with madness and retreated.

Even after breaking through the four forces, the Lord of the City was so shocked that he looked pale, and his heart felt bad. While Li Xing did not wait for the four to react, they walked forward and pointed at one of them.

This point, nothingness and emptiness, with a finger pointing out, the power of Bai Yang blocked the surrounding, the man could not escape. When I felt that my brows were hot, Li Xing was hit.

A gentle force flowed through his body like a warm current, and the monk felt very comfortable. However, the expression on his face was quite terrified, screaming: "You are so cruel! I have broken my supreme power, and I have obtained the supreme power I have learned through countless disciplines!"

Supreme power is a force that is above all forces, not a force. This kind of thing is very mysterious, it can be regarded as a kind of ability, and this kind of ability can be artificially erased.

The power of Li Xing's Bai Yang, but a first-class force, has unpredictable power, and after it penetrates into the opponent's body, it directly erases the opponent's supreme power. Without Supreme Power, this person would also fall to Level 6 Supreme, and it would never be possible to recover.

After the opponent repaired the fall, it became more difficult to persist, the plane collapsed instantly, and the gods disappeared!

One finger was pointed out, and the subsequent three fingers were also issued separately. The same moves and the same power, the three people clearly saw, but could not escape, and their faces showed a strong fear.

"Don't! It's not easy for us to practice and spare us! We are willing to submit to you!"

Li Xing's speed did not decrease, directly referring to killing the remaining three people, cutting his cultivation, destroying his plane, destroying his jade god, and completely eradicating it.

Even killing four people, all the remaining enemies were frightened and stunned, none of them dared to move again. Even the owner of the city twitched, looking at Li Xing with a horrified look.

After killing four masters who can control the power of heaven and earth, Li Xing focused on the master of the city, and he said lightly, "Master, do you still want the ancient civilization tree?"

The city owner knows that now is the time of life and death, one has to lose his head when he doesn't answer well, and can't help but accompany a smile, saying: "This brother, the city owner is just a joke. Brother Taiwan has an ancient tree of civilization, and the future must be Sources dominate, how dare I, a little noble, dare to take such a treasure? "

Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "If you want to grab it, you want to grab it, but you are so hypocritical and worthy of being an aristocrat? I see, you can be a dog!" Then, with a wave of his hand, the power of Bai Yang would be Envelop it.

As mentioned earlier, the power of Bai Yang is almost omnipotent, otherwise it is not enough to become a product of strength. After Li Xing controlled this real power of Bai Yang, he slowly discovered its wonders.

At this moment, when his heart moved, Bai Yang's aura vibrated slightly, and the city lord felt that his waist was tight and he bowed involuntarily. Later, his shape gradually changed, his clothes fell off and his skin became hairy.

Almost instantly, the dignified aristocracy, the master of a city, turned into a big yellow dog.

This is a complete change. The owner of the city not only became a dog physically, but also a dog psychologically. He shook his tail flatteringly, ran around Li Xing, spit out his long tongue, and looked awkward in the center.

Li Xing smiled and said, "I said, you are a dog."

At this moment, in the plane, a **** dog jumped out. He stared at the big yellow dog with high toes and pierced his dog teeth. "I said, what is the situation of this guy?"

This **** dog can be said to have been with Li Xing for a long time. As early as in the Dragon Elephant World, it became acquainted with Li Xing, and followed the left and right until now.

Li Xing laughed: "Hei Wang, it will be handed over to you later. Tune and teach the emperor."

The **** dog "Wang Wang" yelled a few times and said, "The emperor is assured, this guy will give it to the king, and the king must let it obey!" Obediently lowered the dog's head, and returned to the mixed plane with it.

The owner of the city was turned into a dog. This incident made the rest unacceptable. One after another was frightened. I wondered what would happen next. Will it become a dog or a donkey?

Li Xing then swept the rest of the people ~ www.readwn.com ~: "The people in the house are all helpers and abusers. You can avoid death and live crimes. In this way, everyone enters the mixed yuan level. China labor camp for an epoch, once time is up, you can rest assured. "

The Hunyuan plane really needs a group of slaves. Because the current Hunyuan plane is huge and civilization is highly developed, a number of strange workshops have been established. Those workshops require a large number of high-quality, high-level technicians. These people are not bad and just fit.

There is no shortage of masters throughout the city. In the end, seven masters of level 9 and a large number of other masters, totaling more than a thousand, were all sent into the plane and became slaves, who had to serve an epoch.

After disposing of the entire city's main government, Li Xing began to spread the ancient civilization trees around the city's main government.

In fact, as soon as he entered here, he discovered that the reason why the city was built here is because there is a very good vein in the underground, and it is a fifteenth grade vein!

This ore vein is absolutely not small, and currently less than one percent is being mined, and the balance is very large. Today, he took the initiative to erase the entire city's main mansion. The biggest reason is actually this, that is to take this vein!

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