Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1411: 11 princes

As a prince, he was well-informed throughout his life and naturally knew the horror of a product. Even if the person in front of him has not yet been officially sealed off by the royal family, it still makes him extremely frightened.

Yipin force belongs to the extremely high-end force. In the source of civilization, there are only twenty-four Yipin forces known. Moreover, the vast majority of these twenty-four first-strength forces are controlled by the eight major powers and members of the royal family, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to have a chance to learn.

That's because if you want to realize the twenty-four first-strength powers, you need special methods and means, and you also need special things as introductions. Both methods and introductions are controlled by the eight major powers and the royal family.

This has led to the fact that outsiders have basically no chance to gain a grade of power. However, the person in front of him clearly controlled the power of a product, and it was obviously the rarest of the products. Only the members of the royal family could grasp the power of Jiuyang!

According to legend, there are nine most amazing forces between heaven and earth, called the power of nine suns. These nine forces contain the ultimate mystery of heaven and earth. Because of this, the nine powers have always been imprisoned by the royal family, and even the eight major noble families cannot be touched.

The power of Jiuyang is indescribable. Even the current royal family has only realized six of the nine powers.

Moreover, even if you are a member of the royal family, you cannot understand without the joint permission of the royal veteran.

Prince Kongsang did not care at all whether Li Xing had committed a capital crime or when he would be executed. He now only worried about whether he could leave alive.

In the face of Yipin's attack, he had no power to fight back, and even had no chance to fight. The man in front of him is unknown, possesses the power of a product, and uses fierce means to deal with it.

Suddenly, countless thoughts flashed in Prince Kusang's heart. He opened the curtain, strode out, and worshipped at Li Xing, saying, "I don't know that His Royal Highness is driving, the villain has no eyes, please His Highness!"

In this way, Li Xing was surprised, and secretly said, "What does he say I am a prince?"

At this time, the girl also knelt down and trembled, "Slave deserved to die! I didn't know it was the prince, but I thought it was an outsider who killed the Lord of the City. It was really a crime to be killed, please be punished.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he could not be sure for a while whether the prince of Kongsang was really so or pretended to be, saying: "I am not a prince, you have recognized the wrong person."

Prince Kongsang is a very handsome young man with very white skin and a slender figure. He smiled bitterly at this moment: "His Royal Highness, don't make fun of villains. Who in the world can cultivate the power of Jiuyang? Only the Royal Family There are such opportunities. "

Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "This emperor is not a prince."

Prince Kong Sang was anxious. He wasn't sure whether Li Xing was a prince or not, but it was possible because in the royal family, only the descendants of the prince and grandson were qualified to practice the power of Jiuyang.

At this time, he was called the prince, and actually wanted to find a chance for himself. If Li Xing was the prince, then he would be okay, killing a small town owner would not matter at all.

If the other party is not, he can also cover up the matter and get confused, so that the other party can relax his vigilance and escape the birth.

However, at this moment when Li Xing did not admit it, he became nervous, worried that Li Xing would kill him.

The girl was terrified when she saw the boy was killed. She was suddenly anxious and suddenly “surprised” and said to Prince Kongsang: “Prince, rumored that the eleventh prince was lost when he was a kid. The person in front of him is lost. The eleventh prince? "

Kong Sang now most hopes that Li Xing is the prince. Upon hearing this, he seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and said quickly: "Yes, the eleventh prince went to the sea of ​​civilization when he was young, and suffered the storm of civilization, but was lost. "

With a look of excitement, he knelt before Li Xing: "You must be the eleventh prince!"

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He felt that this matter was getting more and more interesting, and asked, "Then you tell me what happened to the eleventh prince."

The disappearance of the eleventh prince was a big thing. At that time, the eight great powers, the kings of the land, all mobilized to find, but they have not fallen. The prince of Kongsang was very clear about the beginning and end of the matter, and he knew the situation of the eleventh prince.

Hearing, he hurriedly said: "His eleventh prince was lost 800 years ago. At that time, the little prince was only seven years old. However, his highness had royal blood and was of extraordinary qualifications. It fits the power of Bai Yang. "

Seeing that Li Xing's face remained unchanged, he kept silent, and continued quickly: "Moreover, His Highness was already a small consummate civilization at that time, and was considered to be the most promising person in the royal family from ancient to modern times.

Li Xing secretly said: "He insisted on linking me to the eleventh prince, in order to save his life."

Who is he? The power of reckoning is unparalleled in the world, and an idea is immediately available. At this time, he said, "Then what kind of civilization did the eleventh emperor open up?"

I heard that Prince Kong Sang's heart sank, and others could fake, but this civilization is unique, how can he impersonate? He bit his head and said, "It is said that His Highness Eleven enlightened is chaotic civilization."

When he said this, his voice was shaking so badly that there was a bit of despair in his eyes. He naturally understood that there was little chance that the man in front of him was the eleventh prince.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, and calculated in his heart, that this was an opportunity. His mixed-yuan civilization actually has a part of chaotic matter, and chaos can also be regarded as a fixed state of mixed-yuan.

If he wants, he can completely stabilize his mixed-yuan civilization in a state of chaos, thus forming a chaotic civilization.

With this in mind, he said, "Can you have a portrait of the eleventh prince?"

Among the sources of civilization, there is a rule that the appearance of man cannot be easily changed. This was a limitation for him. There was no way to impersonate the eleventh prince in appearance.

I heard that when Prince Kongsang stayed, was he really saying that this was the eleventh prince? As he thought, he quickly took out a portrait and charmingly said: "His Royal Highness, the portrait of the eleventh prince, it has been circulated throughout the year, and it is also found in the palace of King Kongsang, and the villains have records."

Li Xing took a look at the portrait, and he couldn't help but be surprised, because the child above was similar to Li Xing's boyhood in this world. Is this a coincidence? Or is there no secret?

His heart was shaken, but his look remained unchanged, he just sighed and did not speak.

Silence is better than sound at this time. Prince Kongsang also saw the portrait of the eleventh prince for the first time. At first sight, he felt that it was similar to Li Xing in three or four points.

After all, he was a child, but now he is an adult, and cannot be completely similar. This discovery made him ecstatic and exclaimed, "Your Highness, is it really you?"

Li Xing's sigh was like a silent default, which made Prince Kong Sang hope and tremble: "Is he really the eleventh prince? How so clever?"

At this time, Li Xing's body suddenly revealed a chaotic atmosphere, but it was his temperament that fixed the mixed-yuan civilization in a certain state, and thus exuded.

Nowadays, his civilization is at the top of the first class, and a breakthrough is imminent. Therefore, this civilization naturally has a satisfactory charm.

The feeling of Li Xing's civilization, coupled with a similar appearance of three or four points, and a grade of strength in his body, made the Emperor Kongsang almost 100% certain. The person in front of him is the eleventh emperor who has been missing for many years.

He was so excited that he burst into tears and said, "My Highness, I didn't expect it to be you! It is a blessing to be repaired by the three lives!"

He cried for two reasons. On the one hand, he was really excited. After all, it was a great honor to be able to climb up the relationship with the prince. On the other hand, he knew that his life had been saved today, which also made him very emotional, and the water banned tears.

At this time, Li Xing seemed unpredictable, neither denied nor acknowledged, but just said, "When you see the prince, don't tell outsiders."

After hearing that, Prince Kusang nodded again and again: "His Highness rest assured, the villain will not tell the second person." Then he thought for a while and said, "I don't know, can I tell my father about this?"

Li Xingdao: "No, only you know this."

Prince Kusang thought to himself, "It seems that His Highness Eleven's disappearance in that year has hidden feelings one by one, and he will not let me say that, I am afraid that some people will know."

Thinking about it this way, he felt a sorrow in his heart: "The royal struggle is the most terrible, so be careful." He has decided that in the future he will depend on the "eleven prince", so he talks and cares, everything Think about everything

He said, "The villain understands."

Li Xing laughed secretly in his heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ Waiting Zhengzheng, was actually considered to be the eleventh prince who had been missing for many years. However, he now needs time to absorb the veins and improve his strength. He just needs such an identity cover, so he simply defaults.

Li Taichu and Tu Ba also felt inexplicable. Why did they suddenly become princes? However, both of them were smart people, and when they saw that they wanted to use this name to meditate here, they said nothing.

At this time, Li Xing said, "I was undercover by a strong enemy, civilization was destroyed, and is still recovering. I came here to cultivate a few months ago, but I was discovered by the leader of the Great Liang City and killed as a last resort."

As soon as this remark was made, Prince Kongsang was sweating, and it really was killing people, wasn't he also dangerous?

Fortunately, Li Xing said coldly at this time: "My identity, I don't want outsiders to know, but you are a prince of the domain, you can't be lightly killed, and you will be spared. . "

The prince Kong Sang was shocked, and he shouted, "He must be loyal and effective!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "Okay, in the future, you're the one around me. Don't call my Highness, just call my master, you understand?"

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