Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1412: Civilization complete

After hearing from Li Xing, Prince Kongsang's heart was completely relaxed, and he quickly worshiped: "See the master! The villain will do his best to assist the master in the future!"

At this moment, the unusual excitement in his heart not only saved his life, but also related to the prince who had been missing for many years. It can be imagined that once the eleventh prince regains his identity and recognizes his ancestors, he will be the hero, and the future is bright.

Li Xing nodded and said, "I'm going to practice in this place for a while and restore the plane. During this time, you must not let people come to disturb. Wait for the plane to recover before discussing it."

Prince Kusang said: "The master just rest assured, the rest is left to the villain to do it." He patted his chest soaring, vowed to be authentic.

In this way, Li Xing suddenly had the identity of a missing eleven prince as cover. Prince Kousang was convinced of this, so he tried his best to work for Li Xing, and tried his best to cover up the Great Liangcheng incident.

As a prince of Kongsang, there is no difficulty in doing this. So, three days later, King Kongsang issued a king's order and ordered Li Taichu to be the new owner of the city.

This command, the masters who suddenly appeared in the Great Liang City, have stopped a lot. Originally, the appearance of these people was likely to have received the news that the host of the Great Liang City was violent, so they came to rob and rob.

Now that the new city masters have taken office, naturally they can no longer be so arrogant and converge.

Of course, there are also some people whose purpose is to come for the ancient tree of civilization, but they do not know where Li Xing is going, so they can only circle in the city and have nowhere to start.

After finishing this, Prince Kongsang came to Daliang City shortly afterwards, and had close contact with Li Taichu and Tu Ba. They became familiar within a few days, and called him brothers and brothers.

After the contact, Li Taichu found that the prince of Kongsang fit his temper, which made the cooperation between the two sides very happy, and there were no leaks.

However, it is said that Li Xing had the cover of Prince Kusang's room, and it was much easier for him to mine. The billions of beards of ancient civilization trees secretly infiltrated into the vast veins and began to extract the essence of civilization.

It takes one or two years to light the entire vein. However, Li Xing doesn't need so many, less than one tenth of the veins, to meet his needs if he wants to advance to the small circle.

As a result, within a few days of entering the second month, he had enough civilization, and thus possessed the capital that impacted the successful civilization.

At the beginning, the four successful civilization continents among the four wastelands were all collected by him, and they have been thoroughly enlightened. Now, I have accumulated enough to clear the barrier at any time.

Although the first-class civilization and the perfect-class civilization are separated by only one line, the two are like a cloud of mud and cannot be compared with each other.

On this day, Guanghua is soaring into the city's main government house, and the light of hundreds of millions of civilizations reflects half of the sky. Great changes are taking place in the plane of the Hunyuan, and the entire civilization system tends to be small and complete.

This change is profound, and all produce a qualitative leap.

For example, the ancient civilization tree, the fruits of countless civilizations above, are almost mature at this moment, and each fruit is shining with the light of civilization. Moreover, a large number of civilization spirits appeared, they sang around the old trees, diligently fertilized the big trees, loosened the soil, and could also do things for Li Xing.

There are also guardians of civilization, and their number has now stabilized at 8,000. Each of these civilized guards has a level nine combat power, which is equivalent to mastering the ten-strength power.

The most prominent is the many trees of civilization, like guarding the ancient trees. The guardian ancient tree has evolved to the point of condensing the guardian plane. Each ancient tree is a guardian plane.

In each of the guard planes, there are 100,000 guard soldiers and a large number of earth-guarding weapons, thereby forming a three-dimensional comprehensive defense system.

Similarly, the looting of old trees, old trees of information, old trees of miracles, etc. have undergone qualitative changes and have magical and incredible effects.

The transformation of the plane takes time, and the improvement of one small system after another eventually leads to the leap of the entire plane.

This process lasted about three months. After three months, Li Xing felt that his strength had been greatly improved, and Supreme Power was at least ten times stronger!

If two monks who are supreme nine and have not matched some kind of heaven and earth power, then the key to success or failure is the size of each supreme power. Different people have great powers ranging from small to large.

Some people have the supreme power of one unit, while others can have the supreme power of hundreds or thousands of units. The former meets the latter, so there is only the fate of being spiked, no suspense.

Moreover, the more supreme power you have, the more heaven and earth power you can control, and the greater your power. This is purely a quantitative relationship, a supreme power, a control of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the power of Bai Yang that Li Xing can grasp now is ten times higher than before!

With more power to control Bai Yang, Li Xing gradually discovered some tricks. He understood at this moment that he could only be regarded as the master of the power of Bai Yang. There are many techniques to control the power of Bai Yang with the supreme power, and these techniques will gradually appear only in daily and combat.

These skills are not taught by others, but can only be explored by yourself.

The movement of Li Xing's advancement and civilization was not small, attracting people from all directions, and countless forces came to watch. However, this matter was quickly suppressed by Prince Kongsang.

After all, the middle-class civilization area is the king of Kongsang. No one dares to give him face as a prince of Kongsang. Of course, he also explained to the outside world that an expert practiced in the city's main government.

Three months later, Li Xing was successfully promoted to complete civilization. Feeling happy, he decided to take a few days off to rest.

Just then, an unexpected guest arrived.

The real person from Xunyuan came to the newspaper and said that someone wanted to see him outside the door. The self-reported home is actually a relationship sent by a large force in a high-level civilization area. The person who claimed to be Yuwen Yinghua was the eldest son of the Yuwen family.

Prince Kusang has been in the house all the time. He was surprised when he heard that the other party was from the Yuwen family. He lives in a middle-level civilization area, but he has a little understanding of the big forces in a high-level civilization area.

This Yuwen family is one of the nine families in the advanced civilization area. More importantly, the Yuwen family is associated with one of the eight major powers, which is very daunting.

Prince Kong Sang and Li Taichu greeted at the same time. In the future, please enter the hall.

Yuwen Yinghua only brought two female followers by his side. He was in white clothes, with an extraordinary temperament, eyebrows and eyesight. Even the female followers around her are also handsome and pretty.

The host and the guest settled down, and Li Taichu laughed and said, "Yu Wen's son is coming here by car, and he is far away. Please forgive me."

Li Taichu is an aristocracy of the King of Sangsang, so he belongs to the middle class aristocracy. The Yuwen Yinghua in front of him is a nobleman in a high-level civilization area, and belongs to a high-level nobleman. Therefore, both Prince Kuantang and Li Taichu were kind to him.

Hearing that, Yu Wenying Huapi smiled and said without a smile: "Master Li Cheng is polite." Then he glanced at Prince Kong Sang, "Brother Kong Sang, if you are not at home, how can you go to this wild place and play tricks?"

He called the Great Liangcheng a barren land, but he did not deliberately exaggerate it. In fact, if compared with cities in high-level civilization areas, Daliang City has a thin civilization, scarce mineral veins and low quality, and the number and quality of monks are far below.

Upon hearing this, Prince Kongsang laughed: "The younger brother has a deep friendship with Brother Li, so he often stays here."

Yuwen Yinghua has no friendship with the Prince of Kongsang, everyone just knows the names of each other, so he no longer talks, and opens his eyes and says: "Brother Kongsang, you are the land snake here, but you have heard of the ancient trees of civilization News? "

The prince of Kongsang now knows that Li Xing is carrying ancient civilization trees, and even knows that he is mining with ancient civilization trees. Naturally, this fact made him think that Li Xing was the eleventh prince missing.

Because the ancient trees of civilization are so precious, they can only be owned by the royal family and the eight nobles.

At this moment, when the other party asked about the ancient tree of civilization, Prince Kousang immediately laughed: "In fact, the ancient tree of civilization has spread a long time ago, but no one has ever seen the ancient tree."

Yuwen Yinghua stared at Prince Kong Sang, saying: "My son didn't actually come to Daliang City intentionally, but some time ago, some people discovered that Guanghua was soaring in the city's capital, exposing a strong sense of civilization. The son thought that he could expose such a breath Is it the ancient tree of civilization? "

Kosang was taken aback, but he didn't expect the other party to think about this. He always announced that an expert was practicing here, which led to a vision. I thought I could hide the past, but I still have doubts.

Surprised in his heart, Kong Sang was still calm on the surface, and said, "Yuwen Prince joked. If there is an ancient tree in the house, how can you hide it from the royal family? In fact, there is an expert doing hidden cultivation here, which leads to the exposure of civilization. "

Yuwen Yinghua said lightly: "Oh? There is an expert here ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know where this expert came from. Can you see me?"

Kong Sang sank his face, and said, "I'm sorry, this expert is a big noble guest, but no outsider."

He had been polite before, but suddenly he toughened up, making Yuwen Yinghua surprised and angry. The latter turned his face cold, and said, "No one has such a big shelf, even my son!"

Kong Sang knew that such things were not clear, and Li Xing could not be met with him, so he simply set up an unpredictable depth to make the other party afraid.

Hearing, he said coldly: "Yuwen, son, brothers, let's talk, it's a big man, from above." He reached up and pointed up, "Don't say Brother Yuwen, even the eight nobles, Don't dare disrespect this grandfather. "

Yu Wenyinghua was originally arrogant, surprised when she heard the words, her expression could not help changing, saying: "What do you say? Even the eight nobles should be respectful? Could it be ..."

Kong Sang waved his hand gently and said, "You just know this, don't tell outsiders, otherwise the grandfather will be unhappy, and you and I will not be safe!"

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