Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1413: Royalty

This is also a big truth. In the capacity of "the eleventh prince", a single sentence can make this son of Yuwen die without burial place. . . However, at this time he spoke in a secret way, but it was more deterrent.

The more you do not know the existence, the more you can form a deterrent.

Yu Wenyinghua secretly said that she was not too arrogant before losing herself, otherwise, once the big man was alarmed, it would not end well. Although Prince Kusang was reluctant to say more, he could also speculate that this so-called big man must be undoubtedly a member of the royal family.

As for who it is, he doesn't know. It may be the emperor, the kings of the royal family, or the queen and grandson, the princess and the maiden. But no matter what it is, it is not something he can offend.

Although the Yuwen family is a major force in the advanced civilization area, it is related to one of the eight major powers. But this relationship is compared with the royal family. Not to mention the Yuwen family, even if the eight major powers arrive, they must respect the royal family.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Wenyinghua squeezed a smile on his face and said, "I have a VIP here, and I was abrupt before. I hope I didn't disturb the VIP."

Prince Kusang took it as soon as he saw it, and smiled when he heard it, saying, "Brother Yuwen, the noble guest is retreating at this time." He pointed to heaven, "The previous vision was related to this."

Yuwen Yinghua was surprised, but he made it clear that the civilized atmosphere released in the city's main government house should belong to the perfect grade. There are only a handful of people with a complete civilization in the entire royal family. In this way, this nobleman's status in the royal family must not be low!

Thinking of this, he felt a stun in his heart again, and said quickly: "Brother Kong Sang is so blessed. It is really enviable to be able to meet such nobles."

The expression of pride and heavy on Prince Kousang's face was his true emotion. I am proud because I climbed to the eleventh prince. It is heavy because the prince has not yet acknowledged the ancestor's return to the ancestors. I am afraid that there will be changes in the future.

Yu Wenyinghua can quite appreciate this state of mind, and believes more and more that this is true. She patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everything is good or bad, brother, but you just need to be careful. Turn bad things into good things. "

Prince Kongsang sighed and said, "Brother Yuwen said so much." Then he smiled, "Let ’s not talk about this. Brother Yuwen is a high-level man in a high-level civilization area. Since he is here, the younger brother must be entertained."

Yu Wenyinghua ignored the events of the ancient civilization and trees early. At this moment, he was thinking about what the members of the royal family approached. He was also interested in hearing more about the news, so he did not quit, and lived in the city's main house that day.

In the small Great City, not only the Prince Kong Sang was seated, but also a family member of a high-level civilization area, and his status suddenly became extraordinary. After the news was released, many nearby forces became honest, and the forces that used to cause troubles were afraid to let them go, even sending people to pay homage to the benefits.

Yu Wenyinghua lived for half a year, and gradually became familiar with Li Taichu, Kong Sang, and others. In the meantime, a few people drank and played chess. Compared with martial arts, life was easy.

Unexpectedly, one wave after another was rising. Just when Yu Wenying was about to leave Daliang City temporarily and return to the family, Daliang City actually came to a royal family member!

Daliang City is not really a big place, but there is a famous product here, called Daliang BMW. BMW, the source of civilization, is naturally extraordinary. It is born with a strange civilization and has extraordinary strength.

You know, the monks in the source of civilization cannot fly, and the speed of BMW is so fast that it has naturally become the first mount for many monks. The big cool horse is a kind of martyr among the horses.

However, due to the limited production of Daliang horses, only a few hundred horses can be provided each year. As a result, almost all of these hundreds of big cold horses paid tribute to the royal family, or were collected by the eight major powers.

Of course, this matter was handled by King Kongsang, and the people in Daliang City had no chance to contact the royal family and the eight major powers.

However, this kind of thing happened unexpectedly this year. Some people want to grab a good Daliang horse before tribute to it.

The person who came here was named Dongfang with a single name. The ancestor of this man was the Nine Emperor, and then he opened up, and by this time he was already the eighth generation. There are many grandsons and grandchildren of the nine emperors, not to mention that they are compared with the royal family of the family, even if they are compared with the eight great nobles.

However, anyway, there is also royal blood, so after the appearance of Dongfang Li, no one dared to neglect, and still offered carefully, for fear of poor service.

The East is here, and the first place to go is of course the main city. At this time, Yu Wenyinghua hadn't left yet. When he heard that a member of the royal family had arrived, he moved his mind and decided to postpone the trip and stay to see the excitement.

When he wanted to come, there was already a royal figure here, and here came another time, and the two were about to meet. He just took the opportunity to take a look at the true face of the lord of the house.

The appearance of Dongfang Li made Prince Kongsang secretly grieved, but he did not dare to see him, so he opened the door of the palace and ordered people to welcome him eight hundred miles. entertain.

Dongfang didn't have much status in the royal family, but the shelf was quite large at the moment. I saw him sitting in the upper seat of the hall with a big grin, his nostrils almost facing the sky, and he said, "Your big city, is this the weather? How can there be no individual. "

With that said, Prince Kongsang was so angry that he didn't have long eyes? Isn't this prince human?

He didn't dare to show his anger, but just laughed and said, "Daliang City is a small place, and the poor are scarce, making the noble laugh."

If the people in the royal family are not related, they are often referred to as noble people below. This is the same as the name of "adult", and sometimes the two can be used interchangeably.

In fact, this Dongfangli suspected that there were too many people out of the city to greet him. In his view, the members of the royal family came and half of the people in the Great Liang City had to go out to greet them before they could show his status.

With a snorting noise in his nose, Dongfang Li lazily said, "I am here this time to choose a decent big cool horse. You should prepare immediately, and I will return in three days."

When he heard that, Li Taichu frowned. Anyway, he has been a city owner for nearly a year, and he knows some things better. The horses in Daliang City are not fake, but the number is limited, and there are only two or three hundred horses each year.

In addition, these horses must be registered in advance, and then all of them must be handed over to King Kongsang, and then transferred to the royal family or the eight nobles.

The number and quality of the Great Cool Horses this year have already been reported. The Oriental immediately came to ask for them at this time, which caused a great trouble for the Great Cool City.

If he were allowed to pick one, then the actual amount of horses would be different from the amount on the roster. This is a crime of deception, and the Great Liangcheng cannot afford it.

The Great Liangcheng incident had nothing to do with Li Taichu, but he is now the city owner, and Li Xing will stay here for a while to mine, so he must not let such things happen.

The Prince Kusang also felt a headache. This big cool horse was very precious. Even the Kongsang Palace only had three horses, which was awarded by the royal family five hundred years ago.

Li Taichu thought for a while and said, "Noble man, we have limited horses in Great Liang City. At present, they have been registered and reported to the royal family, so there are no horses to choose from."

Dongfang Li was furious and scolded, "Fart! Am I not a royal person?"

Li Taichu was also annoyed in his heart. Prince Kongsang hurriedly motioned to him, stepped forward and laughed: "Nobles are angry, this is really difficult."

"Difficult to do? Difficult to do for me!" Dongfang Li coldly, no room for discussion.

Yuwen Yinghua kept watching, and then suddenly interjected: "The nobleman is here for Daliang, just for the Daliang horse, isn't it for a certain big man?"

Dongfangli heard a moment and met the big man? He was not a fool, and when he heard the words, he felt something was happening, and he put away his elongated face, and said, "Why, is there anyone in Daliang City?"

When Prince Kusang heard these words, he was furious and said, okay, you Yuwen Yinghua, isn't this all right? In case the "Eleventh Prince" was exposed, he made a big mistake.

So he hurriedly said, "Is there any big man, the son of Wenwen is joking."

Yuwen Yinghua shouted, "Yeah, yeah, the villain is kidding. There are no big names here."

The more they said this, the more the East Asians became more curious, and pulled their faces down, like a donkey's face, coldly: "It seems that you have something to hide, and say, who is here? ? "

As soon as Tu Ba came up, he saw that Dongfang Li was not pleasing to the eye, and couldn't help but said, "There are big men, but I'm afraid to speak out to scare the nobles."

Dongfangli said that it was also from the royal family. He grew up in an intriguing environment, but he was not angry when he heard it, and said lightly, "Oh? I want to hear. Who is it? Is it also a royal member?"

The words of Tu Ba have already been spoken ~ www.readwn.com ~, so it is difficult to change his tongue, and can only continue to say: "This big man is a royal family, and he is a prince!"

Dongfang Limeng was taken aback at this moment, and he stood up with excitement and shouted, "Come on, which prince? Take me to see you soon!"

Nine emperors and eight generations of grandsons listen to bluffs. In fact, they are far worse than the identity of the prince. It is simply the gap between the prince and the civilians. Therefore, it is definitely an honour and opportunity for Dongfang Li to meet the prince. Too.

Prince Kusang gave Tu Ba an angry look, blaming him for talking. To this day, this matter can not be concealed, he can only laugh and said: "His Royal Highness is undercover repair, it is not appropriate to meet at this time."

Dongfang Li was very disappointed, but then smiled again, and said, "No matter, I have nothing left and right, wait slowly."

Prince Kusang was big for a while, okay, a Yuwen Yinghua didn't leave, and another Dongfangli came!

Li Taichu didn't take it for granted. He was as easy-going as Li Xing, and he didn't put this in his eyes. At this time, he said, "It's a great honor for the great city to stay."

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