Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1414: Keep going

Dongfang Li was in a good mood, and he didn't even mention the matter of looking for Daliang Horse. He smiled, "Well, if I can see His Royal Highness, I will reward you!"

In this way, in addition to a Yuwen Yinghua in the city's main government building, there is another Oriental Tower. Although Dongfangli's influence is not as good as that of Yuwen's family, the identity of a royal child is there, so he is quite able to manage the scene.

As a result, the small city-owner's house became even more stable, and no one dared to provoke it.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than a year. During this period, Li Xing has completely hollowed out the entire fifteenth level of civilization veins through ancient civilization trees, leaving no residue. It is indeed an intermediate-level mineral vein. During the collection process, Li Xing discovered a total of millions of civilized lives, all of which were included in the mixed yuan plane.

Li Xing has always been clear about what happened in the city's mansion. At this time, the mine has been mined, and he feels that there is no reason to stay. At first, he was enthusiastic about mining, and the ultimate goal was to promote civilization to a small perfection.

Now that the goal is achieved, there is no need to stay long.

On this day, Li Xing finally decided to meet Yu Wenyinghua and Dongfang Li. These two people have been mixed in the city's main mansion, and it is time to say a few words to them.

When they heard that the "big guys" were finally willing to meet them, Yu Wenyinghua and Dongfang Li were excited and waited in the lobby early.

After the hall, Li Taichu welcomed Li Xing like Tu Ba and the stars. At this time, Li Xing possessed a level of complete civilization and first-class strength, which made him very noble, and at a glance he knew that the royal family was authentic.

Li Xing deliberately released the momentum of a perfect civilization, and immediately caused Yu Wenyinghua and Dongfang to feel the pressure, and immediately fell to his knees, saying that His Royal Highness.

Since this time, Prince Kongsang has revealed some circumstances to the two, so they are not completely ignorant, at least understand that Li Xing is a prince.

Li Xing waved and said lightly, "No need to be polite, get up."

His voice relies on the power of Bai Yang, so he has a powerful power, as if the Supreme Master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan speaks, making people admired.

The two stood up and looked at Li Xing with a peek. At this glance, Li Xing was described as noble and dignified, and every move seemed to represent the highest will. As a result, the two more firmly believed that Li Xing was indeed the prince, otherwise how could he have such power?

Among them, Dong Fang Li was a member of the royal family after all, and knew the situation of several princes very well. He felt that Li Xing had a perfect civilization, and secretly speculated: "Of the ten princes, only the great prince established a perfect civilization, but this person is not the image of the great prince!"

While he was wondering, Li Xing said, "These two people have been in the house these days. Is there something wrong?"

With this question, he made Dongfang Li nervously, quickly set aside his thoughts, and respectfully bowed to Li Xing: "The grandfather of the emperor! The villain is the eighth generation grandson of the nine emperor, named Dongfangli. See His Highness! His Royal Highness! "

The Nine Emperor is the ninth brother of the emperor of civilization, the uncle of the princes, he will naturally call the princes grandfathers.

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "Oh? It turns out that you are a member of the royal family."

Dongfang Li said with a charming smile, "Grandpa Grandpa, how did your old man come here?"

Now that he has fulfilled his identity as "the grandfather of the emperor", Li Xing simply accepted it and said, "I have no reason to pass by here." After asking, "I heard that you are here to choose Daliang horse?" "

Dongfang Li was taken aback. When he came here last year, he really wanted to choose Daliang Ma. And the horse was not what he wanted, but to give it to a noble girl, thinking it was a way to please.

At this moment, he dare not admit it, because this big cold horse is owned by the royal family. How can a small royal family of one of his branches be qualified to own it, he said: "No, the next grandson just came to see what the big cool horse is like. Looks like, dare not ask. "

Li Xing said "um", so he didn't say much.

At this time, Yu Wenying said: "His Royal Highness, the villain is Yu Wenying's worship! Your Highness is auspicious!"

Li Xing glanced at him and trembled: "Finally, we have achieved the Little Perfect Civilization, but we still need a lot of mineral veins if we want to make the Small Perfect Civilization stable. For example, there are dozens or hundreds of such veins. Only. "

"This place is an area of ​​intermediate civilization and there are few mineral veins. It is said that you must not go to the area of ​​high civilization. Yuwen's is in the area of ​​high civilization, just to use his power to explore the situation."

With such a thought in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, saying, "You are the son of the Yuwen family. Well, the future must be the trump card."

Listening to the praise, Yu Wenyinghua felt light and fluttering, very comfortable, and said in his mouth, "I don't dare to be."

From beginning to end, the two did not dare to ask the prince in front of them, although they had doubts in their stomachs.

Li Xing came out like this, said a few words at will, and then walked away. At this time, the two talents were released, and they both seized Prince Kongsang and asked about Li Xing's identity.

"I said, Brother Kongsang, how many princes are your Highness? How do I remember that the Grand Prince does not look like this?" Dongfang Li couldn't help but wanted to know the situation eagerly.

Yuwen Yinghua also said, "Yeah, this prince should be a perfect civilization. Such cultivation is rare in the prince. Should there be only one or two?"

Prince Kong Sang said in his heart that His Royal Highness Eleven intended to reveal their identity to these two, and I told them!

Thinking of this, his face became serious, and Shen said: "Two people, you are so big, do you really want to know? But there is a word in front. After listening, you must not tell the second person, otherwise you will kill yourself. disaster!"

Both were startled, and said to themselves what happened? Why are you beheading?

However, both of them were obedient and nodded hurriedly.

So Prince Kong Sang told Li Xing the identity of the eleventh prince.

Hearing that Dongfang Li took a breath of air, his face became very complicated, and he murmured: "It was the eleventh prince who had been missing for many years, which is no wonder!"

Yuwen Yinghua sighed and said, "When His Royal Highness disappeared, I am afraid there is another hidden affair, we must not get involved, otherwise there will be no place for burial!"

Prince Kongsang said positively: "The two haven't thought about it. If we help His Highness Eleven now, and wait for His Highness to recognize his ancestor and restore his status, we will all be heroes!"

He deliberately pulled the two into the water to form more energy, so he became a lobbyist.

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Li smiled bitterly: "I'm not clearer than you? But things are weird!"

Hearing this, Prince Kongsang's heart was also stunned, saying, "Does the noble know the details?"

Dongfang Li looked around and turned into a voice, saying: "Don't dare to know the details, but there has been a rumor in the royal family that the eleventh prince was missing, most likely related to the great prince."

Everyone quickly stared and listened, listening to a section of the palace secret.

According to Dongfang, the eleventh prince is exceptionally talented. When he was seven or eight years old, he was a successful civilization, and fit the power of Baiyang. These achievements have made the great prince, who has always been powerful and highly qualified, far behind.

As the emperor of civilization and the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty focused their attention on the eleventh prince, the great prince felt the crisis. If allowed to continue, he may not maintain his detached position in the prince.

The great prince is very powerful, and there are five or six princes who have their horse heads. So, after planning with other princes, he decided to take the eleventh prince when he entered the sea of ​​civilization and remove it.

No one knows what the great prince used, but the eleventh prince disappeared on the vast sea and never appeared again, and the matter became a mystery.

Naturally, this is just a speculation among the people. As for the actual situation, it is impossible for Dongfangli to know.

Having said that, Dongfang Lidao said: "Regardless of whether the rumor is true, but one thing is certain, the disappearance of the eleventh prince is strange! Think about it, the eleventh prince is so highly regarded and his guarding power is unimaginable. How could it disappear? So, someone must have deliberately caused this and led to the loss of His Highness Eleven! "

Yu Wenyinghua thought deeply of it, but said in his mouth, "This kind of thing, let's talk less, it's too taboo."

Prince Kongsang also said, "Yes, don't talk about this topic again." Then he asked the two, "how do you think? You already know the identity of His Highness Eleven, you must be loyal now, otherwise ..."

He did not continue to say the following, but Yu Wenying and Dongfang Li both knew that this was a threat. Although the eleventh prince has not yet established his identity, it is true that it is true. They were in awe of the prince, and their will had long been submissive.

After a moment's thinking, Yuwen Yinghua said, "Brother Kong Sang, let's help His Highness Eleven together!"

Prince Kongsang was overjoyed at ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said, "Okay! In the future, we will be brothers.

Seeing the two of them, Dongfang Li hesitated. In his heart, he didn't want to participate in the royal battle, because he understood the danger. However, he could not bear to give up such an opportunity. If the eleventh prince succeeds in returning to the ancestors, he will inevitably have to pay more attention and reuse it.

Following such a promising prince, it is a temptation for his little royal family member.

He only hesitated for a moment, then looked up and said, "Okay, count me!"

With the addition of new members, Li Xing's work is even more convenient. Three days later, he decided to leave the Great Liang City and march towards the first-level intermediate civilization area.

This is the site of King Kong Sang, and it is also the core of the intermediate civilization area. The reason for this is because Kongsang told Li Xing that there are two 16-level mines here.

Intermediate ore veins are very precious. In order to promote civilization in the future, Li Xing will require a lot of civilized forces, and the demand for ore veins is naturally vast. Therefore, after learning the news, he rushed to the intermediate first-class civilized land as soon as possible.

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