Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1415: Siege Rogue

The queen of kongsang is named kongsang jinyi. He ranks fourth in the family and the youngest son of king kusang. It is almost true that all powerful families have conflicts with their brothers.

The same is true of the Kusang family. Since Kosang was born late and was weak, he was always under the influence of the three older brothers above. He chose to take the risk of following Li Xing, which was one of the incentives.

The three elder brothers of Kongsang Zhenyi, the boss is called Kongsang Zhiyi, the second is called Kongsang Xuanyi, and the third is called Kongsangna. These three princes are all nine-level supreme, and fit the nine-strength power.

As soon as Kuang Sangzhen took Li Xing and his staff, he entered the site of King Kousang and when he entered Kuangsang City, he was stopped by Kousang Zhiyi.

Kong Sang Zhi is a handsome and elegant man, but in fact he is a man with deep intent and tactics, and it is him who is the most severely cracked down on Kong Sang Zhen.

During this time, Kong Sangzhen did not return home, he had noticed the movement long ago, and sent someone to inquire secretly. When I heard that the fourth brother had made many friends, he became vigilant. At this time, he specifically came to intercept, to give the fourth brother a warning, and at the same time to see who he had made.

Kong Sang Zhiyi came with his guard and hurled directly in front of the crowd. He looked at Li Xing and others, and said with a smile, "Four younger brothers, you brought so many friends back, why not give them Brother introduction introduction? "

Kosang Shinichi said coldly: "These people are my friends. What is the relationship with the older brother?"

"Of course it does matter." Seeing that Kuangsang's true look was not good, Kousang Zhiyi pulled his face down, and said, "Recently a thief has appeared in Kuangsang City, and my brother is currently responsible for searching. The people you brought are unknown , Look it up. "

He said so, Kong Sang really spit fire in his eyes, knowing that this was deliberately making things difficult for the other party. But when I thought about it, the anger disappeared, and my heart trembled: "It's so good! It offends the eleventh prince, and Dongfang Li and Yu Wenyinghua, asking for help!"

Thinking of this, he stopped talking and just sneered.

Dongfang Li is a royal man, who has been questioned in such a despised manner, and with a snorting cry, he immediately lights up the warrant and yells, "Open your dog's eyes and see if I am a thief!"

Kosang Chi was surprised to find that it was a royal warrant, with a special royal pattern on it, which contained a royal flavor, and could not be wrong. He hurriedly saw Li and paid for his sins, and at the same time he resented Kosang Shinichi and knew the other party's calculations.

"It turned out that the noble arrived, and the villain just took the liberty. I hope the noble will blame it."

To leave Dongfangli's usual temperament, something must be done, but at this moment, following an "eleven prince", he has converged a lot, but just hums and stops talking.

Kong Sang really ridiculously said, "I said, brother, do you want to interrogate again? If not, we will leave."

Kong Sangzhi almost wanted to bite the four younger brothers, and he said yes, you are so brave and dared to count me! He secretly decided that to find an opportunity, he must revenge this arrow, and severely crushed the four younger brothers.

Although he hated it, his face was full of smiles. He said, "What is the joke of the four younger brothers, who is there? Who dares to investigate?" Then he invited Dongfangli and others to visit his house.

Dong Fang Li refused directly, and then a cadre entered the Kongsang Zhenyi House.

When Kongsang Zhiyi returned to the house, he immediately called the person who had searched for Kongsang Zhenyi, grabbed the collar of the man and lifted him, and said angrily, "I do n’t know if a noble entered the Great Cool City. ! "

The spy had been with Kosang Zhiyi for many years, knowing that the master was moody, sexually killing, and his face was white with fright when he heard the words, and said, "Big prince, this is a strange thing! When the villain probed, there was no city master's house. The slightest news released was that the other side kept the secret too well and made the villain really helpless. "

"Waste!" Kuang Sangzhi was furious and threw the subordinate to the ground. "Give you another chance to find out the identity of the person next to your fourth son. If you are not doing anything else, be careful of your dog head!"

"Yes Yes!"

The subordinate hurried back and went to work.

But he said that when he entered the Prince's Mansion, Li Xing probed into the news of two 16-level mines in detail.

King Kong Sang, in the first-class civilization, there are only five 16-level veins and one 14-level vein. The fourteenth-level veins are about to be lighted up and belong to King Kongsang.

Of the remaining five 16th-level veins, four also belong to King Kong Sang, and are still being mined.

The remaining two veins belong to the two thieves in the King Kong Sang. A thief is a very distinctive ethnic group in the source of civilization. They are extremely powerful and disobedient to the king. They specialize in plundering theft of veins, and even robbing pedestrians.

In the face of the thieves, King Sang Sang carried out siege five times, but all failed, but instead damaged many troops. Later, he simply let it go, so long as the thief didn't threaten the rule, he wouldn't care about it.

Hearing that both veins were under the control of the thieves, Li Xing was relieved. Hindering Kosang Shinichi, he was not good at King Kosang, nor could he. But if it is a thief, it will be destroyed directly.

When he heard about Li Xing's thoughts, Kong Sang was really pleased and said, "The villain is willing to work with his master, but before that, he must get permission from his father and ask for some soldiers and horses."

He wanted to kill two birds with one stone. While helping Li Xing, he had to make contributions and get the appreciation of King Kongsang.

Li Xing nodded and agreed, "These major events naturally need the support of King Kongsang."

The "King of the Eleven" is still unknown to King Kong Sang, so King Kong Sang was very surprised when King Kong Sang Yi expressed his thoughts. The thieves are powerful and run rampant, they are very difficult to deal with, even he can not deal with it.

However, his son wanted to do something, that was a good thing, so he took the idea of ​​hone Kosang Shinichi, and allocated a group of soldiers and horses to him to order cheap things.

In the process, Kosang Shinichi's three elder brothers did not embarrass him, unexpectedly. However, he felt that there must be something behind this calm.

However, he now embraces the thigh of the royal family and is not afraid of anything. After raising his soldiers, he and Li Xing and others go to the place where the thieves are entangled.

The place where the thieves are entangled is actually not the place managed by King Sang, because this place is not subject to Wanghua and is completely controlled by countless thieves. These thieves are large enough to fight the regular army and have now formed a tightly organized form.

There are eight thief bosses in this thief's rampant territory. They all respect a big leader, thus uniting their strength into one. The leaders of the eight thieves shared two 16-level veins and more low-level veins.

Among them, two 16th-level veins have just been mined and have basically not been damaged. The higher the level of the veins, the more difficult it is to be mined. Like this seventeen-level vein, the civilized life contained in it has a certain combat effectiveness.

In addition, the veins have formed some means of self-protection, which will continue to hinder mining. These reasons kept the gang of thieves from mining until very recently, and progress was very slow.

There are not many soldiers and horses in Kongsangzhen, only 120,000. In addition, the overall combat power of these soldiers and horses is not satisfactory. Only a small number of people have supreme combat power, and most of them are still in a broken state.

Li Xing didn't care. From the beginning, he never thought of relying on the army. He was a civilized celestial deity of complete rank and possessed a class of strength. He would not need outside help to deal with the pirates.

On this day, the army entered the sphere of influence of the thieves and immediately attracted attention. Small groups of thieves began to monitor and investigate. Li Xing ignored this, and let Kong Sangzhen's army stop there, but he continued to go deep.

With regard to this move, Kosang Shinichi naturally understands the reason, "The eleventh prince" is to go to Longtan Tiger Cave alone, and use his own power to destroy the entire thief gang. Such strength is the real combat power that the prince deserves, so he is not surprised.

"Master is careful." Kosang really.

Li Xing smiled slightly and said, "Zhenyi, I don't care about this gangster, but after killing them, I'm afraid your brother will come to grab the power."

It turned out that during the march of the army, he found that three brothers of Kosang Shinichi, Kosang Zhiyi, Kosang Xuanyi, and Kosang Nai, each raised 100,000 soldiers and horses, and dropped out not far and close. Behind.

Kosang Shinichi knew that, he sneered, and said, "These three rice barrels, I will accompany them to play. The owner can rest assured that these people will not be bad."

It is said that the army stopped, and only Li Xing went deep into the thief's lair, which made the eight thief bosses who got the news very surprised. What's the purpose of coming? Leaving the army outside and running in alone, is this going to kill him?

The eight bosses are all cautious people ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, it will not be possible to confront King Kongsang to this day. Not only did they not perish, but they became stronger. So instead of acting recklessly, they sent people to inquire continuously.

As Li Xing walked, he explored the orientation of the sixteen pole veins. The roots of hundreds of millions of ancient civilization trees under his feet extended and changed underground. When he walked for three days and nights, he suddenly stopped.

On this way, he encountered many small veins, but all belonged to lower grade veins. For such veins, he can mine clean in an instant, without even stopping for a while, a vein has been exhausted.

At this point, he finally touched the seventeenth level vein and made an unexpected discovery. Under his feet, there are two 17th-grade Zhongpin mines, which belong to the twin mines.

The so-called twin mines refer to the simultaneous growth of two veins. The scale of such veins is often larger than that of ordinary solitary veins, and the quality is twice as high, which is very rare.

Due to the increase in scale and quality, the twin mines also have a characteristic that is both a disadvantage and an advantage. That is, the overall level of the veins can reach the level of the eighteenth level veins, and it can give birth to a very powerful civilization.

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