Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1416: Rogue Chief

Civilized life has its own consciousness. They regard the veins as home. When the veins are mined, they will unite and resist in the first place. Eighteen levels of the veins, the civilization life inside is very powerful, and even a small part of the power of twelve grades.

Naturally, this difficulty is for ordinary miners, and for Li Xing, this is not a problem. If there are ancient trees of civilization, not only will these civilized lives not resist, but they will also cooperate with his mining.

Just like when mining in the Great Liangcheng, civilized life learned that they could move into the ancient trees of civilization, and they all became eager to try. Because compared with mine veins, ancient civilization trees are safer and more livable.

A vein is to be mined sooner or later, and the resources are limited. But the ancient civilization tree is different. It is not only safe, but also able to continuously draw the power of civilization to support them.

Therefore, when the breath of civilization under the tree shrouded the twin veins, all the life of civilization boiled, and they did not have the slightest resistance.

Li Xing was not in a hurry to mine immediately. He knew that the thieves here had some strength. Before that, he must be fully prepared. At this moment, he stretched out his hand in the void, and there was a hole in the top portal.

This is the big world portal of the mixed element plane. It directly suppresses the veins and covers a huge area. As long as someone enters this range, they need to be perceived and reacted by the portal.

The current civilized plane is no longer as it was in the past. It is a small perfect plane, and its defensive power and offensive power are horrible. In fact, they are all part of Li Xing's fighting power.

Li Xing fits the power of Bai Yang, which is a kind of power and is inclusive of all kinds. Being able to control this kind of power means that Li Xing can fit other forces.

Of course, with the power of Bai Yang, he is not enthusiastic about other forces. However, other powers are available for spiritual cultivation in the plane.

Therefore, since the ascension of Ascension, he has secretly adjusted the time change of the plane to allow the people in the plane to participate in the power of heaven and earth. The power of heaven and earth in these planes was deliberately chosen by Li Xing and absorbed them.

Moreover, these heaven and earth forces can not only be enlightened by the monks of the ninth level, but they can also be used to make powerful civilized weapons.

For example, the current mixed Yuan battleships are equipped with destroying cannons, icy cannons, hot cannons, and so on, which correspond to the power of eleven destruction, the power of ten coldness, and the power of ten hot respectively.

Naturally, on top of the mixed Yuan battleship, there is also a powerful complete ancient civilization cannon, which is the most powerful and occupies a large part of Li Xing's combat effectiveness.

As soon as the Great World Gateway is opened, it is tantamount to declaring war on the thieves. You must know that this is the site of the thieves. It is absolutely intolerable for someone to set up a portal here.

For the first time, the leaders of the eight thieves gathered, see Big Chiefs. The big boss is a strong man who has mastered the six ranks of power, and has rich combat experience, and is a master in the master.

After the monks have mastered the supreme power, the strength of the combat power depends only on two aspects. First, the mastery of the supreme power, the more aggressive the supreme power, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

The second is the quality of supreme power. The quality of supreme power depends largely on the heaven and earth power it controls. The higher the level of heaven and earth power that is matched, the stronger the Supreme Power is. There is also a small part that depends on the monk's technique of using supreme power.

The leader of the thief has six ranks of power, and the combat power is naturally not weak. Adding to the eight chief thieves and countless army of thieves, the overall combat power is even more amazing.

Li Xing had long been prepared for this. When the army of thieves surrounded the portals of the Great World, he was very calm, hurriedly arranging troops, combining the best fighting forces, and exerting the strongest fighting power.

The leader of the thief is not a leisurely generation. When he stood in front of the portal, he felt the flavor of complete civilization paid in the portal, and he couldn't help but change his face, and said to the right and left: "This is a master who has a perfect civilization!"

Everyone was shocked and talked.

"Successful civilization! How many more are there in the royal family? We must not be able to beat it. This person can wipe us out with one thought!"

"It is said that a successful civilization can generally touch the power of a product, and I don't know what the strength of this person is."

"Will this person be a member of the royal family? If so, I am afraid he really fits the power of one product. In that case, the 10,000 chiefs are not their opponents!"

"But if this person is really a member of the royal family and has a lot of strength, how can he go to a deserted place like ours? Is there something wrong with his head?"

The thieves are depressed, countless, and those who can't count are so strong, they have a perfect civilization!

A successful civilization represents a pinnacle. Which of the successful civilizations is not a master? Only members of the royal family and the eight nobles exist, and there are very few such people in the outside world.

The chief leader took a deep breath and gave orders to the crowd: "You all listen to Lao Tzu, everyone must not act rashly! I'll go and meet this expert to explore the situation."

Having said that, the big boss stole his weapon and walked towards the portal of the world step by step. As soon as he entered the area covered by the portal, he felt the time passing under his feet, and various scenes appeared around him.

Each one is powerful enough to obliterate the supreme array of civilizations, one battleship with horrible attack power, and one guard with amazing combat strength, which constantly flashes on his sides and disappears.

The chief leader was shocked and trembled: "Consummation civilization is really terrifying! How can this person come to the intermediate civilization area? He should be in the perfect civilization area!"

With doubt, the chief came to a palace, and there were twelve masters on each side of the palace gate.

These twenty-four masters were carefully selected Xuanyuan real people by Li Xing, all of whom are incomparable to the ninth grade, and fit the strength of the fourth grade, too rigid!

Seeing this scene, the big leader's heart was pounding. He knew that any of these twenty-four people was enough to counter him. This discovery made him more careful, and he was in awe of Li Xing, who had never met.

After entering the hall smoothly, the chief saw Li Xing. Li Xing sat on the throne and did not speak when he came. Around him stood Li Ba and Li Gui.

Li Ba coldly said, "Who is coming?"

The power of Li Ba is still on the twenty-four real people outside of Yuanyuan, because he and Li Gui have realized the power of Vientiane and the power of Vientiane!

The power of Vientiane can change the world, the world, and the world, and the attack power is second only to the power of Jiuyang. Even so, Li Xing was not very satisfied. In fact, he hoped that these two people could understand the power of Jiuyang like him.

However, Li Ba and Li Gui have different pursuits and are willing to do so. He, the father, did not force it. However, Li Taichu obeyed what he meant, and he had to fit the power of Jiuyang with one heart. So far, he has not realized other powers.

The power of these heavens and earth is very unique, and different forces are severely mutually exclusive. Even if a monk fits a low-level power ~ www.readwn.com ~, then it will affect his next step to fit a power.

There is one exception to this, which is the power of Jiuyang. According to rumors, the power of Jiuyang is the only nine forces that are not mutually exclusive. This is one of the reasons why the power of Jiuyang is above other forces.

Under the deterrence of the force of Vientiane, the big leader's legs were weak, but he persisted, and trembled: "The villain is the leader here, his name is Zhong Zhe. See adults!"

At this time, Li Xing said lightly, "Zhong Zhan, what are you doing here?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, a force of strength was crushed down, and the thief leader finally couldn't hold it, kneeling on his legs.

The leader of the thief cried in his heart: "Great! Is this the perfect power? He should have mastered a power, and is the most powerful and mysterious Jiuyang power?"

After seeing this, he was completely in awe of his heart, and trembled: "The villain is here to know what the adult has ordered. If it is useful, the villain must help."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's nothing. I accidentally found that there are twin veins here. This is for mining."

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