Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1420: 8 Great God

Li Xing smiled, and said, "Senior, this is your place. I wonder if you can help me get drowning?"

That will said: "This place is no longer the ancient mother star of that year, but drowning is still drowning, and it is still the place of Lao Tzu." He smiled sneer. . "

With this promise, Li Xing was pleased and said, "With that being the case, everything depends on the seniors."

The ancient altar was suspended above Li Xing's head. It emitted black rays of light, spreading out in a ring shape, and had a wide range of influence, reaching thousands of miles. Wherever Wu Guang went, drowning appeared everywhere.

When Li Xing looked, he saw the underground of those places. There was a cyan water hidden in the ground. It was hidden underground and could not be found by the consciousness or the naked eye. However, once you set foot in such an area, people will be directly swallowed by drowning, which will become the energy for drowning and growing.

Several people were walking and communicating with the will. According to the message conveyed by the will, his name was called the Great God of Huangquan, so this drowning, also called the water of Huangquan, is one of the eight gods under the emperor, assisting the emperor to rule the world.

The Great God of Springs also told Li Xing that this drowning has a characteristic that it can absorb the essence of all things in the world, and then condense the God of Springs and Spirits. For example, a third-level Supreme is swallowed by the water of Huangquan, and the water of Huangquan can create a third-level Huangquan fighter.

These characteristics made Huangquan, the great **** of the year, majestic and powerful, becoming one of the most powerful warriors under the Emperor Taikoo.

"Drowning can melt all things, and it is not easy to take," said Huang Quanda. "However, if you are willing to inherit the mantle of this great god, I can pass on your true power."

Li Xing's eyes flashed and he said: "I don't know what Huang Quan's great power is. Is it a first-class combat power?"

"Wrong. Huang Quan's great power is a method of maneuvering against Supreme Power. Although Supreme Power has the word 'Supreme', its use still requires skill. Huang Quan's great power can give Your new stunt of supreme power is to melt everything. In fact, mastering the supreme power fits the power of heaven and earth. It is just the first step into the supreme level. You still have a long time to go. The way to go. "

Li Xing actually found this out, and he took the opportunity to ask the Great God of Quan Huang, saying, "According to the meaning of the older generation, there are many more powerful people above the younger generation. I wonder what kind of realm they have reached?"

Huangquan Great Shinto: "After the match of heaven and earth power, if there is no special means, there is no disparity in the combat power between the same-grade power. negative."

"You have just stepped into this realm, and many areas are unclear. In fact, there are three major realms. The first has crossed the first realm and entered the second realm, but it is far from the third realm." Huang Quan Great Shinto.

Hearing such statements, Li Xing immediately became interested and said, "Please enlighten me."

Huang Quan Great Shinto: "The first level is the nine levels of supremacy you experienced on the broken ancient road. This is a realm, called Xiao supreme."

"The second level is that after possessing the supreme power, it fits the power of heaven and earth, but I do not know how to exert the supreme power. At present, you are at this level, although it fits the power of heaven and earth, but it cannot play the real combat power. , Call it Supreme. "

Li Xing disagreed with this. He passed the challenge on the way and was hard to meet his opponents, showing that Bai Yang's power was extremely powerful.

Seeming to understand his thoughts, the Great God of Quan Huang said: "You are probably not convinced in your heart, and your heart fits Bai Yang's power for yourself, and it is already very strong."

With a smile, Li Xing said, "The fact is true. Supreme power should have been separated from moves and techniques. There is no way to use power."

The Great God of Quanquan laughed when he heard: "You are right. There is no difference in the methods and methods of Supreme Power. But the Great God wants to teach you the way of Huang Quan. It is not a move or a combat technique, but an understanding. Power, heighten your perception of power. "

"Are you a good power in this world? Is it so good to understand? The reason why you fit Bai Yang's power is that you are lucky. But it is only fit, and it cannot be integrated with Bai Yang's power. One, become the master of the power of Baiyang. Huang Quan's great power is to let you further fit and control the power of Baiyang, and enhance the power of Baiyang power. "

Li Xing was still mourning, and God Huang Quan said: "I can tell you that only the core members of the royal family will have the opportunity to learn the supreme exercises similar to Huang Quanda's power in the source of civilization."

Li Xing smiled at this moment, and said, "Several people are all around Taikoo Tiandi. Presumably, everyone has a method of strength?"

"Natural," said the other will.

"So, Taikoo Emperor also has the power method, right?" Li Xing asked lightly.

All wills were silent, and after a long time, the great God Huang Quan sneered, "Hello boy, you have big ambitions. Do you want to see the Supreme Master of the Ancient Heavenly Emperor?"

Li Xingdao: "Yes, the emperor is dead, but Famen will not disappear."

It was a long silence again, and God Huang Quan finally said, "Boy, you know, why were we suppressed?"

Li Xing: "I don't know."

"That's because the eight methods we mastered all originated from the Heavenly Emperor's method. If you have the patience, you can integrate our eight majors. You can do all the mathematics and then merge them into one. The man suppressed us, because he was worried about the reappearance of the Heavenly Emperor's method. "

Li Xing was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "So it is!"

At this time, the eight wills were clearly manifested. In the sea of ​​knowledge of Li Xing, the eight ghost images were manifested. These eight powers all have extraordinary looks, upright and magnificent.

All eight said, "If you have the heart, you can pass on the eight of us, or come to Japan to help us escape."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Well, if the eight seniors are willing to teach the Supreme Master, the younger ones will naturally practice with all their energy and help the seniors to get out of trouble in the future."

All eight people said: "Okay, I will wait for eight people to pass on your own methods. However, it is very dangerous to integrate the methods. If one is not good, you may go into magic, and no one can save you then."

Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization is best at blending and refining. He said with a smile: "Everyone can rest assured that this is not difficult for me."

Emperor Huangquan said: "Very good! If you really have the integration of the Heavenly Emperor's method, you can successfully advance to the third realm of absolute supremacy! Absolute supreme. In this field, the most powerful people call it supreme King, more powerful is Supreme King, and above it is Supreme Broken! "

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