Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1421: Archaic History

Referring to Supreme King and Supreme King, Li Xing was shocked and asked, "What level of civilization is the emperor today?"

Huang Quan Great Shinto: "Nature is the realm of the Supreme Emperor, but today the Supreme Emperor is a far cry from the ancient Emperor Taigu then." Speaking of the ancient Emperor Taigu, his face is full of respect and continues. Said, "The ancient Emperor Taikuo has approached the supremely broken realm infinitely, and only one step away from the door! Unfortunately, that man finally appeared and made the emperor fall."

Speaking of "that person", Li Xing finally couldn't help but ask, "Who is that person, can he actually compete with the emperor?"

"You know, why did the Archean mother star smash?" Said the great **** Huang Quan.

"It is rumored that the two powerful fights destroyed the mother star." Li Xing said.

"Yes, the two fighting people, one of them is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is the proud." Huang Quan's expression was not angry. "This proud, I have somehow built it into superior means, even Tiandi also Not its enemy. "

"He not only slayed the emperor, but also wiped out the entire Taikoo civilization. What a glorious Taikoo civilization of that year! Any civilization selected by a monk is equivalent to the current advanced civilization. As for the perfect civilization, it was not a great civilization at the time. Many people's achievements are here. "

As soon as this statement was made, Li Xing was shocked: "What? High-level civilization can be seen everywhere? There are many people of complete civilization? In this sense, shouldn't Taikoo civilization reach the advanced level?"

Another great blue **** proudly said, "That is of course! When the ancient mother star existed, the main civilization between heaven and earth was too high civilization!" Then sighed, "Unfortunately, the entire civilization was annihilated by the Supreme Pride. , Tai Shang civilization disappeared. "

"He can annihilate Taishang civilization? How is this possible?" Li Xing frowned. He entered a perfect civilization and knew the power of perfect civilization. Hugh to say annihilation, even the impact is extremely difficult.

Too much civilization is even more incredible. How can it be wiped out?

"Supreme Supreme is a poisonous tumor. The existence of this person is the misfortune of the universe, too unfortunate of the mother star." The great God of Huang Quan hated, "After the annihilation of the superior civilization, that supreme disappeared completely, Nowhere to be found. "

"Fortunately, after the collapse of the Archean mother star, the fragments still contain the atmosphere of civilization, and the development and growth of the surviving Archaic ethnic groups have restored the world to some vitality."

Li Xing was deeply shocked and more puzzled. He said, "It seems that the eight are supremely suppressed by the Supreme Pride. But there is still something unknown about the junior. Why not kill the eight directly?"

The eight were silent for a while, and Huang Quan Shinto said: "During the battle with the Emperor of Heaven, even though he was not dead, he was also seriously injured. He was incapable of completely eradicating me and so on. He could only suppress it. The corpse annihilates the entire civilization. "

Speaking of this, he sighed a long time: "The ancient emperor Taikoo was the core figure born of Taishang civilization, and his disappearance caused a great blow to civilization, which gave him a chance to wipe out the entire civilization."

Li Xing understands that the role played by that ancient emperor is similar to that of the emperor in the mixed Yuan civilization, both of which represent the will of civilization. If the emperor of Yuanyuan falls, the civilization of the Yuanyuan will also be hit tremendously.

He nodded and said, "That's the case. In this way, the entire plane of heaven and earth is not what it used to be. It is the situation after the great destruction. Presumably, the repetitive world disaster is also related to this matter? "

When it comes to the world ’s calamity, the eight great gods have different expressions on their faces, and the big shrine says: “I ca n’t know everything about this, but I have long guessed in my heart.”

Since the eight of them have decided to teach Li Xingtiandi's methods, there is naturally nothing to hide, so they will let them know what they think.

According to the eight great gods, there should be a supreme will in the theme to manage everything. It is the "great deity" of the theme and has absolute control over the entire theme.

In fact, in the era of Taikoo Emperor's rule, there was no so-called "Heaven and Earth calamity", which occurred after the annihilation of Taikoo civilization. Therefore, they speculated that the emergence of the scourge of heaven and earth must be an error in the external highest will.

For example, Li Xing is the great deity of the mixed plane, if one day he is seriously injured and unconscious, then the mixed plane will fall into chaos, which may cause a similar situation.

At the same time, they also speculated that the civilization of the entire theme was evolving when the Supreme Will was coming into existence, and it was developing towards the restoration of the Supreme Civilization.

They also found that, since the beginning of the scourge of heaven and earth, a civilization has been chosen as the main civilization in every epoch. However, they did not know the detailed process of the choice of civilization. After all, these years have been suppressed, regardless of foreign affairs.

But one thing is certain, the process of civilized choice of the main plane should be related to members of the royal family and the Supreme Court.

In short, the calamity of heaven and earth occurred under the influence of the state of supreme will, a process of self-purification and ascension of the main plane.

Knowing all this, Li Xing thoughtfully said, "Sure enough, he has the highest will!"

After some conversation, Li Xing had no other thought but to concentrate on practicing the supreme deities taught by the eight great gods. The first one to be cultivated is naturally Huang Quan's great power, the great **** of Huang Quan. After practicing this skill, drowning can be taken.

In order to cultivate Huangquan Dazhenli, Li Xing stopped walking and stopped to meditate on a hill. Li Taichu and Tu Ba defended his law.

Huang Quanda Zhenli is indeed a powerful method ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not easy to cultivate. In this way, Li Xing has been here for millennia.

For thousands of years, it ’s just a snap for Supreme Master Monk, but the Nether has spent a long time.

At this moment, Li Xing's war avatar has completely integrated the entire four wastelands. Since Li Xing's civilization has reached the state of perfection, the strength of the war avatar is also rising. The war civilization he created has already entered the ranks of first-class advanced civilization, and has the opportunity to rise to the level of perfection.

In terms of strength, the Great Deity of War has repeatedly entered the source of civilization through the transmission of the formation, making an exception to the strength of the power of war! It can be said that the power of war is very suitable for him, which directly caused his combat power to soar, even surpassing the strength of his deity.

After the avatar of the war was strong, he decided to march into the thirty-three heavens first, and then go to the upper bound to explore the path for this deity. Before that, he wanted to combine the four wastes into one, but eventually gave up. Only Li Xing's deity could do this.

You must know that there is a widow of Taigu Heavenly Emperor in the four wastelands, and it is a big man associated with the source of civilization. If it is not good, it may cause great calamities and set up a strong enemy.

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