Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1422: Into the upper bound

Since the four wastes cannot be completely integrated for the time being, the war avatar will enter the thirty-three heavy heavens, and then enter the upper bound, thus providing experience for the next growth of Li Xing's deity.

Since the avatar of war has reached the supreme realm, he can feel not only the thirty-three heavy heavens, but also the upper bound, so he can choose to enter any place. Then he can go up step by step until there is no upper bound.

On this day, the war avatars arranged everything so that the mixed Yuan empire would continue to operate as usual. He explored the consciousness into the first heaven, and then directly broke it.

In this lower bound, heaven and earth are in confrontation, and they have no time to control the affairs of the Yuan Empire. As for the four shortages, they have already completely surrendered and are operating in the system of mixed civilizations.

The long years have made the monks in Sihuang have a sense of belonging to the mixed Yuan empire, so even if there is no war detachment to sit in town, nothing will happen here. Moreover, after the war was separated, a group of powerful monks trained by Li Xing sat here.

All these monks are supreme and capable of defending the empire. For example, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Jian Xingtian, and others have already returned to the empire and entered the supreme state with the help of Li Xing.

They are all elderly people who follow Li Xing. They have the greatest resources and help, and now they are at least six levels of supremacy, and some people have even started the supreme power.

With these people in mind, Li Xing didn't worry about things in the lower world, and broke into the 33rd heaven with peace of mind.

The war avatar tore a barrier and entered the first heaven. The first heaven is actually a great heavenly plane. As soon as the war avatar enters, this plane cannot bear it.

Li Xing didn't stay long, only swept away the divine thoughts, and collected all the treasures and treasures of the whole heaven. There are countless forces here, many families, and many treasures.

These good things couldn't escape Li Xing's eyes, they were collected in an instant, and then directly transmitted to the plane of the deity, for the souls' cultivation and ascension.

Like a heavy thing, there is nothing he can see, but it is extremely helpful to the monks in the plane.

This is definitely a destructive robbery, but no one can contend with Li Xing here, so he can only yell in secret, no one dares to say a word.

In the second and third days, the most extreme planes, one after the other, could not leave his footsteps. These places are just scenic spots, and he only looks at a few glances at most.

Every time he walked, he swept through all the treasures, causing countless forces to hate them, but there was nothing they could do. For such a supreme character, they have no room for resistance at all.

In fact, there are many people who have swept the 33rd Heaven in history, and they are much more violent than Li Xing. They directly kill people and take things, leaving the 33rd Heaven uninhabited and half alive.

Li Xing only took things, not killing people, but kind. As long as a person does not die, what is lost can always accumulate, and if life is lost, there is no hope.

All the way across the thirty-three heavy sky, no one dares to ask, no one dares to control. Every time he walked up, he felt that the upper bound was closer to him, and at the same time, the more he felt the restraint of the main plane.

To the thirty-three days, Li Xing looked up at the sky and murmured: "Unbounded, what kind of place is it?"

First, he is not in a hurry to enter the Supreme Realm immediately, but cultivates Supreme Supreme in situ. Before long, Li Xing's deity successfully learned the two methods of Huang Quan Dazhenli and Blue Man.

The wisdom of the deity is the wisdom of the avatar, so the war avatar has a strong combat power, and his level has gone from greatness to absolute supremacy!

"It's time. With my current strength, although I can't dominate the unbounded world, at least it won't be too weak, right?" He smiled and walked. He stepped out one step, the thunder sounded in the void, the electric light and electricity went out, and he entered the upper bound.

Li Xing has always felt that the upper bound is not a good place. Otherwise, why would people in the source of civilization not want to leave? Will it only enter if forced to help?

It was also when the ancient road was broken. Those who were eliminated were directly thrown into the upper bound, as if entering the upper bound was an exile.

In the moment of entering the upper bound, what Li Xing saw was a barren land. One by one, ancient civilizations were suspended in an endless void, and there was no breath of life above those ancient stars.

"How could this be?" He frowned, feeling that as long as he broke through this layer, he would always be able to obtain the ultimate freedom. But this last barrier was too difficult for him to break through.

That's why this place is called the upper bound. Above this bound, there is no world. If you break through this bound, you will be free. But is freedom really so easy to obtain?

Li Xing flew slowly in the endless barrenness. He flew for several years without seeing a living person. He couldn't help secretly wondering, was he dead?

Finally, in the eighteenth year, he found a dying old monk above an ancient civilization. This monk is very powerful and fits the power of eight grades, and belongs to the master of the highest rank.

The fire of this person's life was about to go out, shocking Li Xing.

When he saw Li Xing, the old man was expressionless and said, "Are there another one to die?"

Li Xing was shocked and asked, "How do you become like this Taoist? We are supreme monks with endless lives. How do you grow old?"

The old man laughed in the sky: "Endless life? Endless life? You are wrong, this is the upper bound, the upper bound! Anyone is going to die." After that, he burst into tears, crying miserably.

Li Xing stunned and said, "Dao friends, do people in the upper bounds have a life limit?"

The old man stopped crying, as if talking to himself: "Heaven and earth are innocent, all things are rude dogs, heaven and earth are innocent, all things are rude dogs ..." Then he continued to cry.

Three days later, the old man died of anger ~ www.readwn.com ~ After Li Xing's investigation, he was shocked to find that his bones and bones were completely corrupted. You know, this is the Supreme Body, how is it possible?

In the following century, he encountered more than ten monks one after another. After questioning, he finally inquired about everything.

In the upper bounds, no matter what the cultivation is, the strength is strong, each person has only 3,000 years of life. If the 3,000 years cannot be broken and broken, the body and soul will be rotten and irreversible.

But how difficult is that supreme fragmentation, in other words, as long as the person who enters the upper bound, basically will die within three thousand years, without exception!

This is undoubtedly cruel, and the upper bound is a place of exile!

In the meantime, Li Xing encountered the bones of some people who had met on the broken ancient road that year. They had been dead for years.

Umbra is a very quiet place, because the monks here have no fighting spirit, and almost everyone dies in silence. How difficult is a breakthrough? Three thousand years is too short for anyone to break through.

Therefore, whoever enters the upper bound will end up with only one, that is to perish!

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