Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1423: Age of Great Curse

After learning this result, the war avatar continued to walk in the upper bounds in an attempt to discover more secrets of the upper bound. For eight hundred years, Li Xing found a huge ancient civilization star.

The ancient star was full of vitality. What surprised him even more was that the civilization was actually a yin and yang civilization!

The avatar of war is near the ancient civilization star, and immediately above it, a light of civilization emerges, manifesting two men. Both men were very young. One had a yin smell and one had a yang smell.

Li Xing's eyes flashed, and they found that the strength of both of them was not weaker than themselves, and they exclaimed: "But the lord of the yin and the yin?"

The appearance of these two people is exactly the same, only one wears a black robe and the other wears a white robe. Hearing, White Robe was humane: "Who are you?"

Li Xing's eyes flickered and he said, "In the rumor that there is no upper bound, the monks have only 3,000 years of life. I am afraid that the two have been here for hundreds of millions of years, haven't they decayed?"

Both sides were questioning and did not answer the questions raised by the other party. At this moment, they stared at each other for a while, and the black robe said humanly: "Yes, the two of us are Yangzhu Yinzai."

Li Xing nodded: "Sure enough, they are two, coming from the lower world, and have a good personal relationship with the ninth emperor."

Yangzhu Yinzai was expressionless, all four eyes stared at Li Xing. Not long after, the white robe lord suddenly raised an eyebrow: "It's you! That saboteur, how did you run here?"

Li Xing laughed: "Why, I can't come here?"

Heiyin Yinzai said: "When you get here, you have no choice but to die. I thought that at the time, I thought you could change the status quo, it seems to be looking at you."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This is just a clone of me, and the deity is still the source of civilization. Two of you, you have not answered the next question, why do you live now?"

The lord of the yin and yang yin said in the same voice: "I am the lord of the yin and yang era. The yin and yang era is not over yet, and naturally the two of us will not fall."

Li Xing nodded and thoughtfully said, "Yes, as the master of yin and yang, you should have been obliterated by your will, but fled here to take refuge. However, you are always the master of civilization. Will not fall. "

"Good." Yang said, "Every civilization master is a victim, and I am naturally unwilling!"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Yin and Yang are not yet united. It seems difficult for the master to break through."

The heavenly court and the land of the lower world respectively represent the lord of the yang and the yinzai. The two sides confronted and eventually merged, so that the lord of the yin and yang could be promoted again. And only by ascending can they get closer to Supreme Break.

Both looked at Li Xing and said, "At the time you entered the theme from outside the region, I took good care of it, and hope you can help me."

Li Xing said lightly: "I'm nothing more than a chess piece, that's not a favor."

Yin and Yang dominated Shen's voice: "There is no such cause, you should also help Ben to dominate."

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "I would like to hear the details."

Yin and Yang dominated the road: "I am the heaven and earth of this era, mastering the yin and yang era, and operating the yin and yang civilization, so I have control of all the aspects of this theme, and nothing can escape my eyes."

After a move in Li Xing's heart, he was after all wanting to hit the supreme broken and seek true freedom. But if I want to get there, I'm afraid it will be difficult in the middle. There are many difficulties to overcome. He doesn't really understand this world.

With that in mind, he said: "The master might as well talk, maybe I will change my original intention."

Yin and Yang dominated: "I just ask you to help one thing, that is to promote the integration of Yin and Yang, and unite the heaven or the land. Only in this way, can this Lord do more hope for a breakthrough."

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "This is not difficult for me. As long as the main information is useful, of course, I don't want to help."

Yangzhu Yinzai nodded, and he knew what he knew, and Li Xing always said. At the same time, Li Xing kept asking questions and asking doubts in the process.

The **** of yin and yang is indeed the **** of heaven and earth. It seems that there is nothing he does not know. He started from the very ancient era and continued to the yin and yang era. He heard that Li Xing was out of control.

In the ancient times, the only civilization between the heavens and the earth was the ancient star of civilization. This ancient star was the center of the universe and the origin of civilization. There are countless galaxies around the ancient civilization stars.

Ancient civilization stars, boundless and boundless, there are various ancient ethnic groups living on it. On the Taikoo mother star, the level of Taikoo civilization operating was extremely high, belonging to the level of Taishang civilization, so the Taikoo ethnic groups at that time were extremely powerful.

It can be said that the broken-level creatures are quite weak on the Archean mother star, like ants. At that time, the monks, under the nourishment of the ancient civilization, made rapid progress. They also opened up their own planes and established their own civilization.

The civilization developed by countless creatures constitutes a part of Taikoo civilization and promotes the growth and evolution of Taikoo civilization.

Among the great strengths of the various ancient Taiko races, there was a hero who dominated the world, and people from all directions were born, and that was the ancient Thai emperor. Taikoo Emperor eventually unified all ethnic groups, established Taikoo Heaven, and ruled the Quartet.

Under the rule of Taikoo Tiandi, Taikoo's mother star became more prosperous and produced a number of masters.

However, in the late period of the reign of the Archaic Heavenly Emperor, suddenly there was a strange and powerful curse. The power of this curse affected the entire plane, and even the highest will, which has always existed, has been affected and will not appear for a long time.

That supreme will is actually the will born in the ancient civilization. It is very transcendent, and even the ancient emperor of the ancient times must obey.

After this cursing power appeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every tribe above the ancient mother star began to die, and a large number of talents withered, and Tai Shang civilization was hit hard, and it was almost dim.

At this time, Taikoo Tiandi did his best to save Taikoo's mother star, which gradually weakened the decay of civilization.

But at this moment, the power of the curse actually gathered on one side, forming a cursed fetus, and the fetus grew rapidly, and a young man emerged from it. This young man, who claims to be the son of a curse, is named Pride.

After the emergence of Awesome Supreme, he quickly grew into a Supreme Master, who can challenge Taigu Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Power.

Finally, the ultimate powers of the two Archetype Mother Stars, the Supreme and the Archetype, began the final battle. In that battle, the two sides fought for a long time, and they could not win or lose in a short time.

However, Taikoo civilization has been withering, and the power of the curse has directly affected the fighting power of Taikoo. This led to the Emperor's defeat in the end and was beheaded and killed.

Although Ao Supreme defeated the Emperor, he was seriously injured and disappeared after a while. However, before it disappeared, something that changed the entire Archean was done.

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