Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1424: Ancient history

Before Ao Supreme disappeared, the first step was to slay and suppress a group of subordinates of Taigu Tiandi. Most of them were killed. Only eight gods survived and were suppressed for a long time.

In the second step, Supreme Pride performed the Supreme Means, causing the cursing power to explode, instantly destroying the entire Taikoo civilization, and disintegrating the Taikoo mother star, which was damaged long ago in the battle, and all the nations were destroyed.

This is a cosmic catastrophe. No one can hide from it. Only a few people survive and continue to inherit their civilizations.

Pride of Supreme disappeared, and the fragments of the Archean mother star fell everywhere, forming what it is today. Among them, the largest fragment of the civilization mother star forms the source of civilization today.

Other fragments have formed countless spaces in the heavens and the world.

The lord of the yin and yang also mentioned the four wasteland, which is actually a cemetery in the Archean period, and the tomb of the great civilization of the heavens that has fallen over the ages. When the ancient emperor of Taikoo and Supreme Pride fought, he was not completely killed. He sealed a remnant of will among the four wastelands.

The Shihuang of that year was a complete continent, and was later divided into four by a great figure in the source of civilization, that is, by the emperor of that civilization, in order to prevent the awakening of Taigu Tiandi's will.

Later, the remaining ethnic groups gradually developed, forming the situation today.

Hearing this, Li Xing said: "The Emperor Taikoo is really amazing. If it was not arrogant, he must have eliminated the curse."

Yin and Yang dominated: "Yes, Taikoo Emperor is really extraordinary. Like the thirty-three days of today, he built it with one hand, and Fuze has been so far."

At this time, Li Xing raised some of the biggest doubts in his heart and said, "The master knows where did that supreme will come from? Now that the supreme will has disappeared, how did the Supreme Court get in touch with it?"

The yin and yang dominated for a long time before he said: "The supreme will has indeed disappeared, but then reappears, but it is no longer as strong as it was then." He paused, "in the opinion of the lord, the supreme will is attached to the civilizations of the epoch Existence. Without civilization, there is no supreme will. "

Li Xing was very shocked, inferring: "So, when civilization is replaced, will the supreme will disappear?"

The yin and yang master nodded: "Yes, it is only when this phenomenon is discovered that this lord has this judgment." At this point, a confused expression appeared on his face, and he continued, "My yin and yang civilization is subject to the supreme will . "

"Ben Lord has a feeling that the supreme will seems to be doing the work of" borrowing the soul to return the soul ", taking the civilization of each era as an experiment, and wanting to find a way out?"

"What's the way out?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"Find a civilization that can truly carry the highest will, so that the highest will be completely resurrected, and the state of the ancient civilization of the Taikoo period was restored." The yin and yang master said with uncertainty, "Of course, this is only a speculation by the master.

Li Xing nodded: "This is really interesting. The supreme will actually depend on the era civilization."

After thinking about it, he said, "One more thing, what secret does the power of Jiuyang contain?"

Yin and Yang dominate: "The power of Jiuyang is very mysterious and does not seem to belong to this world. They are nine kinds of powers outside the domain. As for the origin, Ben dominates do not know, only that it appeared after the ancient times."

Li Xing talked with the yin and yang master for months and solved many doubts. He had a better understanding of the universe and benefited a lot.

Several years after the avatar of the war entered the upper bound, it took thousands of years for Li Xing to fully enlighten Huang Quan Dazhenli and cultivate successfully. With Huang Quan's great power, his strength has entered an absolute supremacy.

After one pass, one hundred passes, after enlightening Huang Quan Dazhenli, he successively enlightened the other eight Supreme Masters, which consumed nearly ten thousand years. When he went out, the whole person's breath became unpredictable.

At this time, the war avatars in the Supreme Realm have long been corrupted and fallen, but they have received important messages from the yin and yang masters and all passed to him.

"Don't wait for me, we need to speed up," he murmured.

Immediately after Li Xing's exit, Huang Quan Dazhenli was running. After the display of this supreme method, his power of Jiuyang became vast and profound, and he covered the whole plain in a hurry.

The drowning everywhere rose from the ground and converged towards his location. This process took only ten breaths, and the entire drowning was collected, turned into a large water balloon, suspended between his palms.

After drowning, Li Xing directly released the ancient civilization tree without delay. This ancient tree of civilization is not the same as it was in the past. Under the impulse of the small perfect civilization, it releases the light of infinite civilization and penetrates into the ground.

In addition, Li Xing urged the power of Jiuyang at this moment, so that the light of civilization condensed into ten bare hands and searched in the underground.

Three days later, the ancient civilization tree sensed the existence of the Shangpin ore vein. I saw a white light wandering in the underground like lightning. Li Xing sighed and said, "Where to go!"

In a short time, ten civilized hands urged by the power of Bai Yang began to pursue and block, and after a while, they besieged the high-grade veins and seized them. In the end, the veins turned into a little snake, swimming in the palm of light, but couldn't escape. There was a stubborn resistance to it.

Li Xing snorted coldly, as soon as the light palm was collected, he took it into the ancient civilization tree and directly refined it for absorption.

His little perfect civilization is not completely stable. Now that he has absorbed this top quality mineral vein, he has learned a lot and immediately cultivated. Under the operation of Supreme Law, the power of Bai Yang also joined the process of refining ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, this high-grade mineral vein that was extremely difficult to refining was completely absorbed by Li Xing in three days, and his The little perfect civilization has also been completely consolidated and reached a perfect state.

After catching the top veins, Li Xing helped Yu Wenyinghua calm down the entire plain and suppress all the bandits. These bandits were as vulnerable as ants to him, so no accidents occurred.

After that, he pushed forward all the way, from the senior ninth place to the first place, running all the way, calming all the bandits. As a result, Yuwen Yinghua's strength has greatly increased, and the strength of the Yuwen family has been greatly enhanced.

This move, then shocked the nine kings in the high-level area. However, before they acted, Li Xing left the high-level area and entered the area of ​​perfect civilization.

Yuwen Yinghua stayed in the high-level area. He controlled many bandits in nine places. The strength of the force overwhelmed the nine kings. Li Xing was not worried. In fact, several years later, Yu Wenyinghua unified the entire high-level civilization area.

When he came to the area of ​​complete civilization, Li Xing's first feeling was that rich and incisive civilization. Any scent of gas can be refined into the spar of Chinese civilization, showing the high purity.

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