Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 142: Yellow shirt boy

Chapter 61: Yellow Shirt Boy

The yellow shirt boy said angrily, "Did you not eat? Your voice is as small as a mosquito!"

The shop guy was frightened, and finally raised his voice: "Yes! Yes! Damn, what's the order of the guest officer?"

"No serving for now, I'll sit for a while." The boy in the yellow shirt waved and let the shop buddy go.

The **** the other side couldn't help getting angry, and reprimanded, "Don't you have eyes?"

The boy in the yellow shirt seemed to notice her, looked at the girl curiously, and smiled at her bright eyes: "I don't have eyes, what is this?"

The girl actually calmed down. She is a scholar with dual qi and good character. She sneered at the moment: "We are here only for one purpose, and it is better not to have conflicts until the last minute."

The yellow shirt boy nodded: "Yes, if we fight and let others take advantage, wouldn't it be a loss?"

The girl hummed, wiped the tea from her face, and lowered her head.

The boy in yellow shirt seemed to be interested, and whispered, "I heard that person was not easy to deal with."

The girl said disdainfully, "It's nothing but training."

The yellow shirt boy smiled "Hey": "It seems that you don't know much."

"Oh?" The girl raised her head again. She came to Benma City because she heard two wind instruments, and she was here to prepare for the opportunity to snatch. Since she wanted to grab the magic weapon, the more she knew, the better, so she was very interested in the words of the boy in yellow shirt.

And this young man in yellow shirt was actually made by Li Xing Yirong. After discussing with the Emperor Tianxie, he decided to turn the light into darkness, and dispose of the group of people who came to **** the weapon to release the danger.

Sanweiju has five floors and is the tallest building in Benma City. Here, the environment of Benma City can be clearly observed, attracting many experts.

Seeing that the other party was interested, Li Xing lowered his voice. However, his voice was so low that he couldn't hide the other four guests. They were all scholars with good ears and heard really well.

"I heard that the main horseman in Benma City is ten strong in blood training, but his strength is overbearing, and he has killed a character who has dual training in Qi. Moreover, I feel weird about one thing."

"What's the matter?" The girl asked questions common to the five guests.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "Do you know who released the news?"

The girl laughed: "Some sources have their own sources. How can you tell others at will?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, the girl is so insincere, then forget it." He lowered his head, drank tea seriously, and made a "wheezing" sound.

A middle-aged man with a dark and long beard couldn't help but said, "We learned from a friend's mouth, brother, what's your question?"

Li Xing raised his head, strode to the opposite side of Dahan and sat down, looking at each other. This person is also a two-practice qi, a coarse shirt, a reckless person at first glance, it is easier to deal with.

Li Xing smiled: "Brother is really a hearty man, brother, I have nothing to say." Pause, "Brother's friend, must be related to the black panther and spirit snake of Qi Yunpai?"

The big man froze and said, "It has nothing to do with Black Panther and Spirit Snake, but my friend is from the Qiyun School."

Li Xing nodded and asked the rest: "Is the person telling you the news all related to Qi Yunpai?"

Everyone's heart was a sudden one, and the person who told them the news was either the Qiyun faction or the person who was extremely close to the Qiyun faction. What does this mean?

Li Xing smiled "Hehe": "I heard that there are two very good magical instruments in the hands of the owner of Benma City. How precious are the magical instruments, not even in the Qiyun faction. Now that they have fallen, Qiyunist Why didn't you take a shot? "

The girl retorted: "That's because the owner of Benma City was Wang Zixing's subordinate, and Wang Zixing was a disciple in Qiyun School."

Li Xing clapped and said, "You are right! But since the owner of Benma City is his own, Qi Yunpai should not pass on the news everywhere and kill his own."

With such an analysis by Li Xing, everyone felt that things were weird.

The news was indeed released by Black Panther and Spirit Snake, and they wanted to use it to attract masters against Li Xing. However, this leaves a gap, because everything has its own reasons. Qi Yunpai's release of the news so energetically is susceptible to suspicion.

The girl was splashed with tea just now, and she was very annoyed with Li Xing. She deliberately asked, "Why did Qi Yunpai do this? We don't know, but why do you do it?"

Li Xing laughed: "Good question! The people in Benma City are born here, longer than this. I don't want bloodshed in Benma City."

After listening, the girl couldn't find any rebuttal, and said nothing. A tall and thin guest, but a prince who practiced triple vitality, had a magnificent momentum. He looked at Li Xing with a smile and asked, "Little brother, how do you know so much?"

Li Xing had thought about his speech a long time ago, and when he asked, he said, "This thing has nothing to do with me, but something happened, and this one got me involved."

Everyone raised their ears, Li Xing said: "Under the last name Xu, practice hard from an early age, the biggest wish in life is to become a legendary man and mage!"

There was no joke about Li Xing and no doubt. Anyone who practiced qi had a strong desire to become a god-man and a mage. Li Xing had such a thought, which was too normal.

"Unlike other people, after practicing blood and qi, you will go out and become famous and enjoy glory. Instead, you will stay at home and practice with one heart. Your parents are businessmen who are honest and honest. A tofu shop doesn't have much income, but it can also feed and eat. "

"But ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unexpected circumstances, people have good luck. One day, two injured people broke into the house. Although I have just reached the first level of training, I can see that both of them are training Qi is triple, and the true strong are united. "

"They were both seriously injured. My parents brought food for hospitality. The two saw my parents' kindness and decided to stay and raise them in my house. At that time, I had been in retreat in my house, The two met, so they never met me. "

"One night, I heard the two of them opposite each other. The two men and one woman, the man said,‘ Spirit snake, Li Xing is actually surrounded by powerful masters. Who is he? ”

"The woman named Spirit Snake said:‘ He seems to have a relationship with the misty palace, we kicked the iron plate! Black Panther, we must find out the details of this person! '

"The Black Panther asked her how to check, and the spirit snake said that it can attract masters to appear. At that time, the people in the misty palace will appear and kill all of them. In this way, things will be a big problem. The misty palace and Li Xing Your relationship could be exposed. "

"Hate! It's so vicious!" The rude man smashed the table with the palm of his hand, and the whole floor was shocked.

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