Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 146: Destiny Dongpingshan

Chapter 63: Destiny Dongpingshan

After Li Xing left suddenly, Bei Shi Bingyu was in place, and murmured, "What is he going to do?"

Li Xingshi exhibited the flying bear walk, and the whole person turned into a phantom and rushed towards the forward camp. Even if it is absolutely poisonous, without the full understanding of the forward camp, at this moment do not dare to rush.

The news of Li Xing's release was shocking because Li Xing had previously dressed as a yellow-shirted boy. A big master of the misty palace actually stood beside the owner of the galloping city. Who has such a character, who dares to act rashly? Only when they understand the situation will they start.

But Li Xing knew that there was nothing to help the masters at all. He didn't want to come up with a feasible solution. These strong players who practiced qi would have to fight him sooner or later. Even if Wang Xing appeared, he could not save him.

"Now, I can only take a chance!" Li Xing sighed helplessly, speeded up and rushed to the forward camp.

Li Xing, disguised by Feng Yiming, sat in the carriage without coming out. Doing so gives people a sense of mystery, making people mistakenly believe that the master of the misty palace must also be among them.

The "sick scholar" made by Li Xing Yirong, however, came straight. The forward battalion warrior was immediately alarmed, and formed a spin dragon to kill the team instantly, trying to stop the opponent.

Li Xing's body flickered like a slick fish. Before he could not show his power, he shuttled over extremely quickly and immediately entered the carriage.

In the carriage, Feng Yiming was startled and whispered, "Master, why are you here?"

Li Xing secretly gave a command, and then yelled, "Hello, be bold!" Then he stroked the wind and slammed with one palm, and the wind-sounding body broke through the carriage and rushed for more than ten meters.

At this time, Li Xing laughed loudly: "Use the magic weapon temporarily!" Casting his light electric boots, holding a day dagger, rushing towards the east. Light electric boots deserve to be a sixth-order magic weapon. Once Shi unfolds, Li Xing's body turns into a light smoke, and it goes away in a blink of an eye.

The energetic masters who looked at each other consciously realized that things had already been obtained in one step. They had little time to think about it and immediately chased Li Xing's position, including the poisonous puppet.

Li Xing mentioned the speed as the fastest, and the wind sounded loud. The formation in the light electric boots is fully operated under the urging of Qi, and a mysterious power is blessed on Li Xing, making him as light as a bird and flying like electricity.

Gradually, most of the practitioners were thrown away by Li Xing, but three other scholars followed closely. Of these three people, one is a venomous puppet. The other two people, who had suffocating qi outside their bodies, were obviously also priests practicing triple qi.

The poisonous cricket was flying ahead. The other two were obviously unwilling to get too close, but just followed him unhurriedly.

"It seems that if you want to completely open the distance, you can't do it in a day!" Li Xing felt that the light electric boots were only one line faster than the three people behind. In this way, there is not enough time to absolutely escape the sight of the three.

"These three are all the sages who have been refined into the true truth. Boy, killing them will make a small fortune!" Tianxie Emperor coldly.

Li Xing smiled bitterly. Why didn't he know that there must be good things in such masters, and killing them would indeed make a small profit. However, the three Shinji scholars were really difficult to deal with, and Li Xing was not so sure.

Chao chased down, the more greed in the eyes of the poisonous cricket. He saw that Li Xing could fly faster than him with light electric boots.

"If I get light electric boots and use five poisons to seduce, the speed of this instrument can be increased at least twice! At that time, even the masters of Qi Qi and Ya Qi may not catch up with me!"

With this in mind, the poisonous puppet decided to pursue with full force, and wanted to win Li Xing and the magic weapon as soon as possible. However, before he can start, he must solve two problems behind him.

"The two are best to keep up and catch up." Leng Sensen's voice was transmitted.

Behind them, the two Shinji princes kept their speed, and one laughed: "Hi sigh, my two are disciples in Xuanbingmen. Who are you?"

Xunbingmen frowned. Xuanbingmen is one of the five major schools of Pingguo. I am afraid that it won't take advantage of it. But he is preparing for a big event, and he must get light electric boots to succeed, so he would never give up.

"It's impossible to say, I'm going to do a trick later, kill these two people!" The heart is full of murder, and the poisonous yin and yin smile, stop talking and blindly chase.

Li Xing had fled for half an hour, and a dense mountain forest appeared in front of him. After becoming the owner of Benma City, Li Xing began to study the geography of Pingguo and knew that the name of the mountain in front called Dongping Mountain.

Dongping Mountain, which stretches for three thousand miles and spans eight hundred miles, includes dense forests, numerous wild animals, and few people live there.

Li Xing didn't hesitate, and as soon as he got into shape, he entered the forest. The poisonous cricket is at least two kilometers away from Li Xing. When Li Xing entered the forest, he immediately disappeared into sight.

"Not good!" Suddenly, the poisonous puppet was in a hurry. The latter two, also speeding up at the same time, wanted to catch Li Xing and grab the magic weapon as soon as possible.

The dense forest was very shady and dim. With his strong eyesight, Li Xing could only barely look at things and had to slow down.

"Cast your breath, and wait for your chance!" Tianxie Emperor laughed wildly.

Li Xing's body suddenly stopped, hiding in the bushes under a big tree. His breathing, heartbeat, and infuriating movement slowed down.

This is the breath-reduction technique taught by the Emperor Tianxie. Unless he is a very remarkable person, it is difficult to find his position.

He was the first to enter the forest, but as soon as he entered the forest, he was angry and found that Li Xing was gone. Originally, although the two were very far apart, he could accurately lock each other by virtue of the induction of true qi and the capture of sight.

But at this time, the person was gone, and the qi induction disappeared. As a result, the venomous cricket could not find Li Xing's position.

"Boy of the North Teacher's House! I don't know if you're nearby ~ www.readwn.com ~ Come out now, I won't kill you! Don't wait for my husband to find you, I won't regret it then!" Said the violent stern voice.

Li Xing clearly heard his threat, sneering in his heart, unmoved.

The other two Shinji princes also entered the forest and stopped to glance around. The forest was dark, and they could not find Li Xingzi.

These two people have a layer of crystal-like authenticity flowing out of their bodies, which is the unique authenticity of Xuanbingmen, the top grade of Xuanbingmen.

Both looked like they were in their thirties, with a square face and a round face. Guofang Fanglian said: "Zhao Pu, the man must be hiding nearby, hiding his breath. We might as well look for it separately."

The round-faced man named Zhao Pu nodded: "Yes! Just look for it, you can find it." He paused, "But Zheng Ming, we can't separate for the time being."

"Why?" Zheng Ming asked, "are you worried about that old thing?"

"Yes, his strength is not under us, we still have to be careful." Zhao Pu solemnly.

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