Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 147: Deadly Strike

Chapter 64: A Critical Strike

Zheng Ming disagreed, and said coldly, "Even in the Pingguo three-mu land, even the Qiyun faction would not dare to attack us. This old man is a four-practice qi. Will lose him. "

Zhao Pu advised: "Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Old things like this walking outside have powerful means on their bodies, and they must be prevented."

Although Zheng Ming felt that Zhao Pu was too careful, he finally did not act alone, but instead searched for Li Xing with Zhao Pu.

Peerless cricket noticed Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu and thought, "If you don't get rid of these two, you will fight with me for the magic weapon later!" His body flickered, and he was hidden in the bush.

Li Xing was about ten meters away from the poisonous cricket. At this moment, he was almost fused with the bushes, without breathing, his heartbeat was subtle, and his mind was immersed in the body.

Obviously, the means of accumulating interest is also extremely clever. After he hid, Li Xing couldn't see his body at all, and couldn't feel his breath.

"This old ghost must be trying to get down to Xuan Bingmen." Li Xing thought secretly.

Suddenly absent from sight, Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming were both cold, and could not help slowing down.

"The old things are hidden, do you want me to start with you?" Both thoughts came up in their hearts. Although Xinsheng was vigilant, neither of them wanted to give up the magic weapon, concentrated their whole minds, and searched for Li Xingzi.

Like a hunter, the poisonous cricket stayed still, Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming couldn't sense his breath at all. Of course, although Li Xing could not see this person's existence, he could rely on Bai Yang's power to sense this person.

Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming searched a large area, and in the past few times, they accidentally bypassed the location of the poisonous puppet and Li Ren. After going back and forth a few times like this, both felt chills on their backs. Where did Li Xing hide? Where did the old ghost hide again?

They became more vigilant and their movements were slower.

Finally, after searching for nothing, the two men approached the location of the poisonous puppet. In the dark night, coupled with the dim light and dense woods in the forest, they could not see the existence of the opponent.

As they got closer and closer, Zheng Ming and Zhipu were less than ten meters away from the poisonous puppet. This distance is enough for a deadly attack to be launched by the poisonous cricket.

The true essence of the venomous maggots begins to slowly move, which is a precursor to hands-on.

"Did they go away?" Zhao Xun asked inconclusively.

Opening his breath, at the same time Zhao Pu was talking, the poisonous throbbing, two looming red lights, as thin as hair, passed through the gap between the trees, piercing Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu, respectively.

Zheng and Zhao are not ordinary practitioners. They have practiced Xuanbing Shinji. This shroud has a certain resistance to the poisonous flying needle. So when the flying needle approached, both of them burst out with crystal-like light, making the flying needle freeze for a moment.


He then shot, and he was able to kill the enemy again and again, not only with flying poison needles, but also his powerful strength. The true power of the four qi exercises is even more terrifying than the triple true power.


The palms of the poisonous crickets were shot at the same time, and the majestic true spirit turned into two black giant snakes, which hit the two separately. The snake was as thick as a human being, fifteen meters away, and the torn air hit it hard. The power is so powerful that both Yuepu and Zheng Ming change color.

The two spontaneously separated Shinji and tried their best to fight the black snake.

The venom of the venomous puppet practice is called Molong Shinji, which is transformed into a snake. The black dragon and the black snake complement each other and multiply their power. Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu instantly realized that if they were approached by the black snake, they would be seriously injured if they did not die.

Two crystal-like truths turned into two giant palms, and rushed towards the black snake that changed the true essence of Molong. The two giant palms, as big as a door, are bright and brilliant, showing great power.

The giant palm swept through the air, making a "click" sound, as if the air flow was crushed by it.

The giant snake slammed into the giant snake, giving out a bright brilliance, like sunlight. At the same time, a wave of strong burst of air rushed out, the wood was broken, and even the stones were crushed one after another, showing its strong destructive power.


Under the horrible impact of Molong Shinji, Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu's bodies shook slightly, their bodies fell into the ground for half a meter, their faces paled. At the same time that the two men received this powerful blow, the venomous flying needle invaded and penetrated into the two.

If you hit it hard, although the venomous puppet is stronger than the two, it is not easy to kill two. However, with the aid of a deadly flying needle, Zheng and Zhao were not rivals.

The flying needle entered the body, and the poisonous cricket was loose. He knew that Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming were dead. Under the poisonous flying needle, few people are able to survive, especially the scholars who have practiced triple Qi, and they have no chance to survive.

He must regret the relaxation at the moment if he has the opportunity to reflect. Because there is another person hidden in the dark, he is Li Xing.

The poisonous puppet is looking for opportunities, and Li Xing is also looking for opportunities. He knew that it would be difficult to get rid of such strong men as the venomous puppets. If he was not killed, he would not be at peace in the future, or even lose his life.

While the poisonous cricket waited for the prey to come, Li Xing deduced in his heart over and over again how to get started, and the chance of success would be even higher. After much thought, he thought that when the poisonous cricket shot and was about to win.

At this time, the entire energy of the poisonous puppet was used on Zheng and Zhao. And, when the victory is about to occur, it is the most relaxed moment for a person. It is undoubtedly more secure to choose to shoot at this time.

For a long time, Li Xing finally shot. He kicked his legs on the ground, the ground "shocked", and his whole body was soaring. The day dagger was in front, piercing the poisonous tadpole.

With this blow, Li Xing exhausted all his strength and condensed all his spirits, and was the strongest blow. At the same time, this blow is also the first form of Wu Xiangzhe he has learned. The strongest move, the strongest power, the most focused blow.

Once this trick was done, the back of the absolutely poisonous **** was chucked in the air, and his eyes were instantly rounded, and he said, "The boy is looking for death!" He didn't turn his head back. Xing.

After all, the practice of quadruple qi is the practice of quadruple qi. Its strength is beyond Li Xing's imagination, and it can actually counterattack under such circumstances.

However, a bit neglected in the anxiety, Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu did not die despite being poisoned. Shinji has a protective effect and can prevent the spread of toxicity to a certain extent.

After hitting the poisonous flying needle, the two knew that they would die, and their hearts hated the poisonous to the extreme. At this moment I saw someone attacking the enemy, how could they be unhappy? Therefore, the radon gas was operated invariably and started to kill the poisonous ravioli.


Xuan Bing 罡 qi ~ www.readwn.com ~ came with a cold breath, turned into two giant swords, and stabbed fiercely.

At this time, 70% of Zhenzheng's true truth was used to counter Li Xing's fatal blow. 30% of Shinji, weak and weak in the face of the mortal blow of the two fighters.


The poisonous puppet was shocked and angry. If he was stabbed by Xuan Bingzhen, he would be seriously injured even if he could kill Li Xing. Therefore, at a critical moment, he divided half of the attack on Li Xing's Shinji for the frontal attack.

As a result, Li Xing's strength was less than 40%. Rao is so. In the face of Mo Long's anger, Li Xing still felt strong pressure. The two black snakes came across and crossed, the snake letter swallowed, and made a strange sound.

This black snake is a condensed form of the true essence of Molong. The lethality of radon is several times stronger than that of Zhenqi. Li Xing's strength and quality of Qi are not as good as each other. This attack seems to have no chance.

But at this moment, the stunner suddenly “hummed” and issued a strange scream “Si Ling Ling”, which turned into a ray of cold mang, pierced the black snake, and stabbed towards the poisonous cricket.

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