Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 148: Kill the strong enemy

Chapter 65: Killing Strong Enemies

This attack was what Li Xing wanted, and used all the power to urge Tianzhang to hurt people. His power can't cause damage to the poisonous cricket, but the tianji is a fifth-order magic weapon, and its power is amazing.


The white light flashed wildly, breaking the black snake, and breaking into the heart of the poisonous maggot like an electric light, and instantly crushed the heart veins and meridians.

"Impossible! Damn shit! The old man died in your hands!" The venomous roar screamed, and when he was dying, he took all his power back and let the two huge swords that Xuan Bing really changed to pierce his body.

At the same time, he struck all his strength towards Li Xing. The meridian and blood veins were smashed by the heavenly dagger, and the poisonous tadpole knew that it was difficult to survive, so he had to kill Li Xing and avenge himself before dying.


But unfortunately, it is too late to change the position of the true poison three times in a row. Xuan Bing's ever-changing giant sword stabbed him fiercely, chopping his body into three pieces, and the blood was flying.

On the one hand, the vitality of the poisonous pandemic has been exhausted and on the strength of the two; in both cases, he used all his strength to deal with Li Xing, and did not mobilize the defense of radon gas at all, making Xuan Bing radon easily dissect his body.


After all, the poisonous cricket is a quadriple who practiced Qi. Although the power of a mortal blow is far less powerful than expected, it is still enough for Li Xing to drink a pot. The horrible power and sharp murderous power, like a huge iron wall covered with steel thorns, hit Li Xing's body severely.

Li Xing's feeling was indeed the same, as if being hit by an iron wall, he was soared into the sky, and his mouth spit out blood. The dying blow of the venomous cricket, even if he did not reach the maximum power, still caused his meridians to be broken, and the internal organs were severely damaged.

The poisonous cricket had just had a long howling, and had been chopped into three pieces by Xuan Bing qi. That Xuanbing Zhenzhen is made from Xuanbing Yuanzhen and Zhenqi, which is extremely cold. The three dead bodies of the venomous maggots were frozen when they touched the ground, and they became translucent ice as soon as they fell to the ground.

After this blow, Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming have also exhausted their vitality. Their bodies shook, their skins instantly turned blue, their bodies stiffened, and they stopped breathing at the same time. The stone statues were fixed in place.

At this point, the three masters who have been chasing after Li Xing have all died. And Li Xing, lying dead in the weeds at the moment, was still. Bai Yang's power is constantly leaking out, quickly repairing the seriously damaged body.

In addition to Bai Yang's strength, Li Xing's innate qi is constantly moisturizing the injured part, which makes his body recover faster. In less than half an hour, Li Xing was able to sit up from the ground. He breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured, "I almost died in the hands of this old thing today!"

Had it not been for Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming to be defeated, it would be impossible for Li Xing to take advantage, and the odds of winning would be small.

"Haha! Good apprentice! What are you still doing, not going to inspect the spoils!" Emperor Tianxie laughed and hurried again and again.

Li Xing's heart jumped, Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming were both disciples of Xuan Bingmen, and there must be no lack of good things on their bodies. As for the characters such as the poisonous puppets, they are even more proficient in killing and overstocking. The good things on their bodies will never be less than the above two.

Thinking of this, Li Xing couldn't wait to go to the ground to examine them one by one. He checked the poisonous puppets first.

Sterilized by poison and relatively miserable, it was cut into three pieces without saying, and frozen into ice cubes. However, Li Xing didn't care how he died, he searched carefully on the body.

Take back the day dagger first. With the innate indifference, Li Xing can already control the nature. On that day, the dagger, once spurred by Qi, instantly turned into a killing light, sharp and unrivaled, directly broke the Molong true sacrifice, and killed the venomous cricket.

It was also an outrageous idea, and Li Xing seized the opportunity to kill it. If confronted head-to-head, the venomous cricket can use its full strength to completely block the cricket.

Tossing around, Li Xing only found a weird pocket behind the middle body. The pocket is woven from silk mixed with black silver thread. It looks as small as a human head, but it weighs a few kilograms when it is lifted.


Li Xing was very puzzled. He unfastened the pocket, the bag mouth turned down, and immediately two things fell out of the bag. One of these two things is only Xiaoding, only the size of a fist, but it weighs a lot.

The other is a knife with a black handle. This knife has a slap length, **** wide, like a long, narrow knife. The blade was never sharpened, and the blade was quaint and simple. This little knife is also heavy.

"What's so heavy!" Li Xing turned it upside down for a while, without seeing the doorway.

Emperor Tianxie said: "Collect it first, and study it later. It's not too late. Go and see if the other two have good things."

Li Xing knows that although these two things are small, I am afraid that they are not ordinary products, otherwise they will not be treasured by such characters as venomous puppets. With a happy mood, he continued to search the bodies of Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming. From these two people, Li Xing found a treasure bag.

In Zhao Pu's treasure bag, two elixir medicines, one red and one purple, were as big as eyeballs, the aroma was scented, and the light was shining. In addition, some worthless debris were lost by Li Xing. Zheng Ming's treasure bag also put the same two pills. In addition, there is a quite heavy stone, which is obviously a meteorite.

After stowing these things, Li Xing carefully dissected the bodies of the two with a dagger and took out a flying needle from each of them. This needle is about four fingers long, as strong as a hair, and reveals red and brilliant light, which is the tool of the innocent tadpole ~ www.readwn.com ~ the innocent flying needle.

There are two poisonous flying needles, which respond to each other when they are launched. They are weird and few people can resist. This is easily evidenced by the fact that it easily killed two triple knights.

As soon as the deadly poisonous cricket died, the flying needle also lost its spirituality and remained motionless. It was raised by Li, carefully collected, and kept for later sacrifice. He is also a patriarch at this moment. He can use magical instruments with innate innocence. The poisonous flying needle is extremely venomous.

After collecting the booty, Li Xing dug a large pit on the ground with both palms and buried three people. It wasn't that he respected the enemy, but buried people just to avoid being traced by people passing by and finding him on his head.

The origin of this poisonous puppet is not clear, but Zheng Ming and Zhao Pu are both Xuan Bingmen. Xuan Bingmen is the existence of one of the three factions of the two factions in Pingguo. Li Xing was not willing to provoke him. Now he has enough opponents.

With the body buried, Li Xing cleaned up his coat and returned to the place where the forward camp stayed. When he returned again, those around him had actually retreated. There is no one around, including Bei Shibing.

Obviously, they were all pretending to be "sick scholars" posing as Li Xing and taking away the baby, and they were already pursuing it.

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