Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 153: Slaughter 3

Chapter 70: Slaughter Sanyiyuan

It's getting late, and most of the people in Sanyi Garden have fallen asleep, but Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong are still dealing with matters at this moment. The establishment of the second Sanyi Garden in Benma City is a huge project, and they must go all out.

However, the three homeowners are willing to deal with this kind of labor, because the Sanyi Garden will make a breakthrough in the near future, which is what they have been hoping for and cannot do. Now, with the help of Li Xing, he finally found an opportunity.

At this time, Li Ying, who was handling the business, suddenly stopped. He is the strongest person in Sanyi Garden, and he has a keen sense of dual training. At this time, his face suddenly became very dignified, quickly flashed into the alarm room, and rang the bell.

The warning bell in Sanyi Garden will only sound at a critical moment. Li Ying's help like this is undoubtedly judging that things are not good.


The rapid bell awakened everyone in Sanyi Garden. The bell sounded like a bad omen, everyone was sinking in their hearts and moved quickly.

There are many reasons why Sanyi Garden can stand to this day. One of them is that when Sanyi Garden encounters a crisis, the whole Sanyi Garden's actions will remain orderly, and everyone knows what to do.

Bai Pingdu and Chen Jinsong arrived at the first time, Li Ying yelled, "There is a strong enemy invasion! You are organized in the back, I will check!"

In Sanyi Garden, I don't know when thirteen uninvited guests came, only Li Ying felt their presence, and no one knew. Among these thirteen people, there are three practicing qi nationals and ten practicing blood fighters. Among the three patriots, the strength of one person far surpassed Li Xing, and he was a strong man with three or more qi exercises.


After seeing Li Ying, the strongest man simply gave the order without saying a word.

"Who are you, and why should you deal with Sanyiyuan?" Li Ying roared, and quickly retreated, feeling the arrogance of the other side. He was afraid to fight with that person.

But the other side was too fast, and in a flash, they came to Li Ying. Li Ying felt a force that could smash the earth, and the true meaning of the other side sent out a thick black purple, revealing the amazing magic. He groaned, completely unable to resist, and was instantly shaken up by the terrifying suffocation. After landing, he was motionless.

The man defeated Li Ying with one stroke, and sternly said, "One is not staying! Kill!"

The people in Sanyiyuan began to organize resistance. They had advanced and retreated, and they should have been able to make effective resistance. Ke Lai's strength is too strong, as soon as Li Ying goes, none of the others can compete against the strong enemy.

Thirteen people launched a **** slaughter of Sanyiyuan. In the face of the three murderous scholars, Sanyiyuan was almost unbeatable, and people fell one after another.

Chen Jinsong saw this from a distance. A cold air came up from the soles of his feet. He was cold and murmured, "Sanyi Garden is over!" With one glance, he judged that the other party was too strong! Sanyiyuan is not an opponent at all and has no chance of winning.

On the other side, as soon as Bai Pingdu appeared, he was boxed and killed by the Shinji Koji. The tenfold training of the blood against Shinji is as fragile as an ant and has no chance of survival.

Chen Jinsong suddenly retreated, flashed into the alarm room, and sounded the alarm twice. The bells this time were quick and short. It told all members of Sanyiyuan that they could escape without having to resist.

The members of the Sanyi Garden have remembered every kind of reputation, and they practiced it more than once. But this was the first time they had encountered such a situation, and everyone was shocked.

Fear, hatred, sadness, all kinds of complex emotions rise in people's hearts. But after an instant, they have started to flee in accordance with the prompt of the bell.

"Want to leave? One person did not stay!" The sergeant in the killing killed Bai Leng in the palm of his hand. In a flash, he came behind Chen Jinsong, and with a slight wave of his palm, a purple and black gas rushed out, and Chen Jinsong's internal organs Liu Yan shook into meat, and couldn't die anymore.

"Come on!" Li Jie screamed, tears, bloodshot eyes, and rushed towards one side. Halfway through, he met Bai Jing and Bai Qiong. The three formed a team and continued to run away.

"Leave me!"

With a loud laugh, a scholar came flying into the air, this person's strength was not weaker than Li Ying, flying between the vertical, as fast as lightning, quickly caught up. With a wave of his hand, he was innately transformed into a three-handed moon-moon knife and stabbed at Li Jie three.

The air knife resembles a crescent moon, sharp as gold and iron, carrying fierce anger, beheaded and killed, and emits a strange sound.

Feeling the pressure of the knife, the three's faces changed greatly, and they wanted to hide, but they couldn't avoid it. At this moment, Li Ying on the ground suddenly roared, blocking her body in front, and yelled, "Go! Go to Li Xing!"


The air knife severely cut Li Ying and cut his left arm. Two knife marks appeared on his chest and blood spattered.


Li Jie screamed, but was thrown away by Li Yingyi's right sleeve, and he was thrown out of the high wall together with Bai Jing and Bai Qiong.

"Come on!" Bai Jing wiped her tears. "We listen to Uncle Li."

Li Jie also knew that staying was a death. He couldn't save Li Ying, so he had to make a roar and ran towards the distance with all his strength.

"Huh! I can't help it!" The two scholars each issued a majestic sword that was reborn in Li Ying's body. He moaned, his body split into three, and he died.


A patriarch rose into the air and chased Li Jie in the direction of his escape, and the others continued to kill.

"Oh my God! Why exterminate Sanyiyuan!" Li Jie hated ~ www.readwn.com ~ he ran faster, he must survive, and he will avenge blood and hate in the future!

Suddenly, there was a long laugh behind him: "Can you escape?"

The faces of the three changed greatly, and Li Jie said loudly: "Let's go and separate, whoever can survive, destiny!"

All three were not stupid, and immediately split into two directions, one direction for Sister Bai Jing and one direction for Li Jie. This is to distract the other party.

At this time, the chasing after him was a meal first, and then there was a hint of obscenity in his eyes. He abandoned Li Jie and chased Sister Bai Jing.

As for Li Jie and other little people at the level of training, this patriot is not at all concerned. Even if Li Jie escapes, it is unlikely to harm them. He ran to chase after, but only fancyed the beauty of Bai Jing and Sister Bai Qiong.

Guoshi was able to fly in the air by virtue of his qi. The speed was several times faster. In a few breaths, this person caught up with the sisters of the Bai family.

"Chick, don't stop for Lao Tzu!" He fluttered in his sleeves, grabbed forward, two anger rushed out, condensed into two big hands, and suddenly held Bai Jing and Bai Qiong in his hands.

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