Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 154: Escape journey

Chapter 71: Escape

The big hands that really gathered together instantly stopped the Sister Bai's. They were completely out of energy and revealed huge fears in their eyes.

"Hey, girl, wait for Lao Tzu today!" The Guoshi laughed, holding his left and right hands in his hands, and returned to the same way.

Li Jie hurried away, but no one was found to be chasing him. He didn't dare to stop a little, and walked all the way to the wilderness. He finally arrived in Benma City two days later.

Time goes back two days.

Li Xing wanted to practice with peace of mind, but unfortunately he did not agree. Just as he was preparing to cultivate, an unexpected guest arrived. It was his old counterpart, Wang Yang.

In the welcome hall of the city's main government hall, Wang Yang sat in the middle with a golden sword. When Li Xing came, he laughed and pointed at Li Xing: "Li Xing! Knee down to this son!"

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and stared at each other coldly. Hugh said it was Wang Yang. Even if Wang Zixing was here, he was not qualified to let him kneel. With a smile, Li Xing glanced left and right, and found that Wang Yang was on his side with two magnificent scholars.

"These two guys are at least the three-practice qi. I have little chance of winning against them." After turning his mind, Li Xing decided to avoid it for the time being and not to bump into each other.

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly: "Wang Yang, what is your purpose here?"

"Of course I won you!" Wang Yang narrowed his eyes, "give me!"

With a wave of his hand, the two scholars moved, and the air in the entire hall suddenly stagnated. Li Xing felt great pressure.

Li Xing also moved at the same time, wearing light electric boots under his feet, as if a light smoke flew out, and immediately came to Wang Yang. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that Wang Yang would kill him at this moment. There is no need to keep a handle on a person who wants to kill himself.

When Wang Yang saw that Li Xing was suddenly in front of him, he didn't even have a chance to shout, so he saw a fist coming. Immediately, he felt a pain in his chest and lost consciousness.

Li Xing's fist was very overbearing, carrying violent innate innocence, and "pounced" through Wang Yang's chest, blood splashing.


As soon as the two scholars saw Li Xing, they came to Wang Yang and killed him instantly. The two kingdoms were shocked and angry, and rushed towards Li Xing twice.

"Haha! I won't be here anymore!" With a long cry, Li Xing urged the light electric boots, rushed out of the hall, and hurried away. The scholars of the two countries were naturally reluctant to give up and pursued.

The long shout of Li Xing actually warned the forward camp here. After hearing the howling, the striker battalion immediately evacuated Benma City and headed for Bayun City. Bei Shibing was also told not to stay here.

Bei Shibing didn't know what happened, but she sensed that a strong enemy had come from the city's main government. Knowing that Li Xing had his own way to deal with it, Bei Shibing immediately fled the scene.

On the other side, Li Xing once again embarked on a path of death, chased by a master.

The death of Wang Yang made the two scholars extremely angry, biting the fleeing Li Xing and holding him under his palm. However, light electric boots are sixth-order instruments, and Shi unfolded at an extremely fast speed. No matter how they catch up, they cannot catch up with Li Xing.

As Li Xing escaped, he thought to himself, "The strength of these two people is not weaker than the venomous cricket. Why is Wang Zixing suddenly having such masters?"

Just thinking about it, Emperor Tianxie laughed wildly: "Boy, don't think too much, first find a way to kill these two people!"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, the last time a drug-free cricket was so dangerous. Today, both of them are not weaker than the drug-proof crickets. How can I fight them?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "A few days ago, didn't you get the flying poison needle? As long as you worship it, you will have a chance to kill them."

When referring to the poisonous flying needle, Li Xing moved: "Okay!" Now, he took out the poisonous flying needle and injected it with innate innocence. Suddenly, the flying needle turned into a red thread, flying around his body. Innate aura, there is an irrelevant relationship with flying needles.

"To sacrifice the poisonous flying needle, at least three days must be cultivated with innate innocence. You can run away while running away. There are light electric boots to help, not afraid that they will catch up." Tianxie said.

Li Xing immediately urged the light electric boots, gradually pulling away.

Escaped all day and night like this, even though Li Xing was really vigorous and vigorous, he still felt heavier and less powerful. However, after two days of flight, he has left the two scholars far behind.

Ahead of Bayun Mountain, there are lush forests on the mountain. Although the two scholars were thrown away, they were not far away. They locked their general direction and caught up half an hour later.

After chasing for a day and a night, the qi quartet scholars couldn't take it anymore. Both of them felt very tired, and their anger was even stronger.

"The instrument on Li Xing's body is amazing, at least it is a fifth-order instrument!"

"So, we can't let him go and kill Li Xing, then the weapon is ours." The other said in a dark voice.

"Here is Bayun Mountain. He has escaped for so long. He must be physically weak and unable to escape! You and I act separately, and once we find him hiding, immediately tell each other." After some discussion, the two split into two paths and went deep In the mountains.

Li Xing was very tired. After entering the mountain, he found a cave and began to restore his strength.

"Master, it will take another two days for the poisonous flying needle to succeed in the refining. I hope they will not find me during this period." Li Xing said without worry.

Emperor Tianxie: "It's okay, and then we will run away."

After hearing what he said, Li Xing sighed, "I'm still too weak for my apprentice. I have been chased and killed repeatedly, but I have no power to fight back."

"Huh! This is also normal. I thought that at the beginning, this emperor was also chased down by many enemies, but later became the first person in Tian Yuanzhou. It doesn't matter what it is now. As long as you can persist and grow, you will eventually become a strong generation. , Smile proudly! "

There is not much time for Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ After a few words, he immediately started to run the innate qi at full strength, while rehabilitating his physical strength, he sacrificed the poisonous flying needle.

Unknowingly, one day passed and the two scholars could not find Li Xingzi. By this time, Li Jie had rushed to Benma City.

In Benma City, the owner has already been changed, and Wang Zixing sends people to sit here. Li Jie wasn't a fool. He first heard the news secretly, and found out that Li Xing was no longer here, and his heart was cold for a moment.

"What to do? Sanyi Garden is gone, Li Xing is also alive and dead, I don't know where to go?" Li Jie thought for a long time, palpitating, "It seems that I can only go to the Qiyun faction, maybe there is some hope!"

Li Jie embarked on his journey to the Qi Yun faction, and Li Xing's sacrifice of the poisonous flying needle also came to a critical moment. However, at this time, a scholar was close to him.

Although Bayun Mountain is very large, the patriarch's response is very sensitive. Between them, they can capture the breath left by Li Xing. Therefore, after spending nearly two days, they are getting closer to Li Xing.

At this moment, a scholar was less than 100 meters from the cave practiced by Li Xing, and was approaching step by step.

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