Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 155: Demon Kill Road

Chapter 72: The Demon Kills the Dao

The sacrifice of magical instruments is to use their own vitality to communicate with the legal array in the magical instruments, so that there is a mysterious relationship between the magical instruments and people. This process becomes more difficult the later, because at the last moment, the array will devour and consume a large amount of innate innocence.

Now, Li Xing has encountered such a situation. Innate innocence was swallowed up by the French array. His strength was not only greatly reduced, but he could not move in a short time.

Before the Guoshi finally reached the cave, he narrowed his eyes and took a long breath. The breath contained a scent that was not part of Yamano's nature. His eyes flashed fiercely, covering the whole body of Shinji, approaching the cave step by step, and at the same time preparing to launch an attack at any time.

The appearance of this patriarch immediately alarmed Li Xing, and his heart was tight, and he cried: "Master, what a disaster!"

Emperor Tianxie smiled faintly: "Only one person, you have a great chance."

"I have a chance?" Li Xing sighed. "The apprentice is now practicing the poisonous flying needle. Once it stops, it is a pity to give up all its former achievements!"

"Who said that you should stop practicing the sacrifice?" Tian Xie the emperor hummed. "This emperor is facing Tian Yuan I. Can't you think of a way to deal with such little people? Li Xing, the fierce Zen you cultivate, not only Strengthen your spirit while dealing with the enemy. "

As soon as Li Xing stayed, Tian Mo fierce Zen can attack people, he also knows, but did not expect it to be now, and quickly asked: "Please enlighten me."

"Heavenly ferocious zen, you have visualized the ghost and completely surrendered it. Therefore, you can drive the ghost at any time to attack the enemy. However, if you did not know the method before, now you will teach the **** to kill. Way! "

The demon's method of killing people is inexplicable, but because Li Xing has been practicing for a long time, he has an in-depth understanding of it, so he understands instantly, and he is overjoyed: "Okay! Good! The original demon Zen has this wonderful use!"

At the moment, he concentrated his mind, and a demon appeared in his mind, which was the charm. As soon as the phantom appeared, he roared at Li Xing again and again, Li Xingling was clean and quietly said: "Phantom, not yet subservient!"

Suddenly, a force of oppression emanated, and the charm gradually quieted down.

At this time, the scholar had already stepped into the cave and saw Li Xing at a glance. He laughed "haha": "You are hiding here!"

Only then did I exit, and I saw Li Xing suddenly open his eyes, revealing a weird smile, and a strange sound came out of his mouth: "Well!"

Suddenly, a dark wind emerged out of thin air, and suddenly, a black light broke into the eyebrows of this patriot. He was startled and said secretly: "The method of hitting God!"

God-man at the level of refining God, because of his strong spiritual power, can hurt people. This method of hurting the spirit is called hitting the gods. Li Xing's release of fascination is actually similar to the method of hitting the gods, so this scholar was shocked.

You must know that this method of fighting the gods can only be performed by a god-man, and Li Xing is only a matter of practicing qi. It is impossible to perform it. The appearance of fascination made the scholar feel shocked, and there was a wave of fluctuations and gaps in his will.

The charm is conceived by Li Xingguan. The devil can interfere with the spirit of man. Immediately after it was released by Li Xing, it invaded the mind of the patriarch.

People who practice Qi, re-enforce Qi, and lighten God, but do not mean that they are mentally weak. On the contrary, the spirit of Qi Qi is often several times stronger than that of blood fighters. Therefore, after the invasion of Phantom, this patriarch immediately calmed down and remained unmoved.

But in this way, he was dragged by Phantom and could no longer approach Li Xing.

In the cognizance of the sea, a terrible image of a demon loomed, disturbing his mind at all times, making him afraid to relax a little, lest the devil head invade and cause irreparable harm to him.

The phantom attack dragged the opponent, Li Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately went all out to run the innate qi, and fully sacrificed the poisonous flying needle.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the sky gradually dawned. The patriarch stood in the cave like a stone, and remained motionless. There was a hint of anxiety between his eyebrows, because after the night's battle, he couldn't manage to hide his charm.

If he goes on like this, he is worried that Li Xing will strike him. Although he is very confident in his true body protection, but can't fight back by others' shots, it is always something that can not be reassured.

Li Xing was also anxious. While sacrificing flying needles, he had to control the charm for a while, exhausting his body and mind, and was almost unable to support it. At this moment, the Emperor Tianxie suddenly said, "It's time, and I'm going to eat those pills."

Not long ago, Li Xing seized four elixir from Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming of Xuanbingmen, all of which were extraordinary products. Although the Emperor Tianxie did not know the name of the elixir, he could roughly infer their functions.

Two kinds of elixir, one can cultivate Yuan Shen, and the other can provide vitality, there are two. At this point, Li Xing will run out of spirits and strength, and can just take it.

After being reminded by Tianxie, Li Xing said nothing and took one of the two types of elixir and sent it to the mouth. The elixir was immediately transformed into two scented liquids and entered the abdomen. Immediately, two heat streams curled up on the chest, one upward and one upward.

The upward heat flow rushed into my head, making Li Xing feel fresh and refreshed, and no longer feel drowsy. A downward stream of heat enters Li Xing Dan Tian, ​​then follows the meridians and enters the sea of ​​chest breath, supplementing Li Xing's exhausted innate innocence.

Between the three breaths, Li Xing felt that his strength was gradually recovering, and the speed of refining the poisonous flying needle was greatly increased.

"Okay! Up to three more hours, flying needles will be successfully mourned!" Li Xing secretly rejoiced, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But his joy disappeared again immediately, because he heard that someone appeared outside the cave. Did another hunter who was hunted down also arrive?

Li Xing started sweating on his head. If this is the case, he may be more aggressive.

First, a small white fox, the size of an adult's fist, suddenly burrowed into the hole, flashing like lightning, hiding in the old tree roots behind Li Xing, and shrinking into a ball. If you don't look closely, you won't find it .

It turned out to be a fox. Li Xing just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, and a man appeared in the hole. As soon as the man appeared, the temperature in the cave suddenly dropped a lot, and a layer of ice crystals immediately formed on the cave wall.

The man, wearing fox fur, looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, with fat skin and clear eyebrows. However, his eyes were extremely cold, ten times colder than the temperature in the cave. The powerful momentum he brought even made Li Xing's charm uncomfortable and dissipated in an instant.

The confederate who had been restrained by Phantom immediately returned to God, stood back a few meters, and watched the fox fur man vigilantly.

Hu Qiu's man's eyes faintly glanced at the scholar, and then fell to Li Xing again, staring at the two poisonous flying needles, his pupils narrowed, and he said coldly, "Who are you, the poisonous puppet?"

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