Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 156: Black ice field

Chapter 73: Xuanbing Field

Li Xing's heart was so tight that the other party must have recognized the poisonous needle, but was this person a friend or an enemy? His heart turned, and he pointed at the man in front of him: "The flying needle was obtained from this man."

Fox Qiu's eyes fell on the patriarch again, and he asked coldly, "How could the poisonous flying needle be in your hands?"

This patriarch was trapped by the charm for a day, and his heart was exasperated. At this moment, when he saw such a weird young man suddenly appearing, he was quite disregarded, his heart was more angry, and he was more lazy to explain. He laughed and said, "Boy, who are you?" Come on, get out of here! "

Fox Qiu Ju's momentum doesn't look much stronger than Lian Qi San. Although he disappeared when he appeared, Guo Shi didn't know this. He thought that the young man was not as good as him.

The teenager's eyes were cold, and the cave temperature became colder, and his breath became ice. At this moment, Li Xing smelled a scent of aroma coming from behind him, he thought of the little fox.

When the air was cold, the scholar thought that the young man was going to take a shot, and laughed wildly: "Look at your cold ice and hold your breath, you should be a disciple of Xuanbingmen! Boy, Xuanbingmen can't fool people!"

Li Xing turned his eyes and called out immediately: "Be careful! He is an accomplice in poison, he is good at using poison!"

Suddenly Li Xing called so intentionally. Since this boy is practicing Xuanbing Shinji, it must be Xuanbingmen. Not long ago, Zhao Pu and Zheng Ming of Xuanbingmen were killed by a poisonous flying needle. Therefore, he judged that this boy must have hatred and poison.

The scholar had to open his mouth. The young man heard Li Xing's words and suddenly said coldly, "Kill a murder!" Suddenly, he had a layer of crystal-like truth all over his body, which was extremely cold. Shinji shook and shouted, and the entire cave was suddenly covered with ice crystals.

The patriarch's face changed dramatically, and he screamed, "Xuanbing Field!"

When Li Xing heard it, he was startled. The field is a state that can only be reached by top ten masters of qi training. In the realm, the enemy's strength is greatly weakened, but its own strength is greatly strengthened.

This young boy is actually a master with great vitality. He almost entered the training session and became a god-man!

Guoshi did not think about it, the whole body burst into purple and black true meaning, and rushed towards the hole with all his strength.

Hu Qiu juvenile stretched out his hand, the air was stagnant, and the figure of the patriarch was still in flight. Together with the true essence of the body, it suddenly solidified into ice and stood in the air strangely.

Sweat was seeping from Li Xing's forehead, and he felt that the patriarch died instantly and could not even fight back.

Fox Qiu's right index finger trembled, and the scholar dropped from the air, and a "ding" made a crisp sound and turned into millions of fragments. A virtuoso master was so easily killed.


Suddenly, a scream came from behind Li Xing, and the little fox turned into a white light. Suddenly he went underground and disappeared.

As soon as Hu Qiu Ju flashed, he was behind Li Xing.

Although a stranger behind is a taboo, Li Xing didn't dare to move because the other party was too strong. Such a person was also futile in defense and simply did nothing.

The boy frowned, looking very disappointed, and murmured: "Attention, this medicine fox is actually proficient in the five elements."

Medicine fox? Li Xing was still wondering, but the Emperor Tianxie exclaimed: "It's a medicine fox! What a pity, what a pity!"

Li Xing asked strangely, "Why is Master so surprised?"

"You don't know, this medicine fox knows the elixir well, it can smell the medicine incense within five hundred miles, it is the magic treasure that all the Dan masters dreamed of!" Tianxiedao.

Li Xing's heart suddenly warmed up and murmured: "So, if you tame a medicinal fox, it will be a thousand times easier to take medicine in the future! No wonder the master will be excited, the medicinal fox is really a treasure!"

The drug fox fled, and the young boy stayed for a long time, seeming to blame himself, and his appearance changed constantly.

Li Xing can understand the mood of this person, such as Yaohu and other treasures. If Xuanbingmen can get it, he can definitely surpass the other four schools by virtue of it. This young man's state of mind is like a candidate who was right for the 100 million yuan lottery prize, but forgot to buy a lottery ticket.

This mood is more uncomfortable than death.

Knowing that the other party was in a bad mood, Li Xing kept saying nothing, for fear of angering the boy, he was frozen into ice and died.

After a long time, he heard the young fox sighed, and then a cold voice sounded behind him: "Who are you?"

Li Xing replied: "In Shibei Shixing, Tianchen is a Chinese."

The boy's figure flickered, and he stood opposite Li Xing. He looked at Li Xing's eyes and seemed to judge whether his words were true or false. The North Division family of the Heavenly Kingdom is one of the eight surnames. They are not trivial, and their strength is many times stronger than that of Xuan Bingmen.

"As a member of the Bei Shi family, can you be familiar with the Falling Star Sword Technique?" The young man asked.

Li Xinggan said with a laugh: "I am in Bei Shi's house, but I am only a teacher of Miss Bei Bing. I have no status.

Li Xing also had good luck. When he had a chat with Bei Shibing, he mentioned some things about Bei Shi's family. Among them, the Falling Star Sword Technique, the Falling Star Sword Technique, is the top-ranking martial arts of the Northern Masters.

If Li Xing didn't know this, he would not be able to answer the other party's question properly, thus revealing his feet.

Hu Qiu Jue stopped talking and went to sit aside and began to meditate. In this way, Li Xing was relieved and palpitated: "With this horrible guy, another person easily dares not enter, but it is in my favor."

At this moment, Li Xing seized the opportunity to sacrifice the poisonous flying needle with all his strength.

More than two hours passed, and another scholar also found the hole after all, but he did not dare to enter, and stopped outside to patrol. For about ten minutes, he seemed to know that the people in the cave were so powerful that he turned around and ran away.

Not long after, there was a mysterious induction between the absolutely poisonous flying needle and Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ That flying needle also shined brightly, turning into two red threads, flying around Li Xing, moving like the wind, and quickly Electricity.

"Finally the sacrifice is finally successful!" Li Xing was overjoyed, he quickly collected the flying needle and stood up.

The boy still closed his eyes, and seemed to have no interest in what Li Xing did at all.

However, Li Xing stepped forward slowly, bowing his hand in salute: "Thank you very much for your shot, otherwise you may die under the other hand."

The teenager's eyelids moved slightly, opened his eyes, looked coldly into the air, and said lightly, "You came here to find someone?"

Li Xing's heart moved, and she thought a few things, and said quickly: "Exactly! How does your Excellency know? I was ordered to look for Miss Bei Bingbing, but she never heard of her."

Hu Qiu Judeng nodded: "You did find her. A few days ago, I saw Bei Shibing and invited him to sit at Xuanbingmen, but she refused. If you want to find him, go to God Hou went, she recently got close to the family of the Hou family. "

Li Xing thought to himself, "The **** Hou Shizi is said to be a master at the level of refining gods. Does this chick see him?"

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