Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 159: Devil is fierce

Chapter 76: The Devil Is Fierce

The five majors immediately responded, temporarily halted the fighting, and started an investigation into the Dark Demon. At the same time, the leaders of the Five Majors began to contact and formulate a unified strategy to deal with the emergence of the Dark Demon. . .

Although the Five Schools responded, they did not react to the Dark Devils. Therefore, within the next day, several princes announced that they were independent of the Five Schools and became members of the Dark Sect.

These princes originally belonged to the Five Schools, but now they have rebelled against the Schools, making the Five Schools very popular. However, the five factions remain fearful of restraint and take no action. Because the investigation shows that the Heijiao is out of the hands of the great power division.

Moreover, Shenhou Juezhuo has not been moving, and the five factions are also worried. If there is a conflict with the black demon, Juejue will take advantage of the fire and cause them greater losses.

The five martial arts, the prince of the sky, the black demon, and the seven forces stand side by side, but try to maintain restraint, and no one has shot first. Time flies, and more than a month later, in peace, there has been calm and calm, and no war has happened.

The situation outside was changing, and Li Xing lived in the city of Bayun with peace of mind and practiced with all his heart.

After nearly a month of hard work, the practice finally came to a final juncture.

The image and characteristics of the devil's fierceness were told by the Emperor Tianxie and deeply imprinted in Li Xing's mind. At this moment, he is in a state of imagination, and in his mind, the image of the devil is increasingly clear.

I do not know how long past, the devil suddenly made a weird laughter. This devil head, snake face, eight pairs of arms on the snake body, slender nails, red eyebrows and green eyes, snake snakes flustered.

At this moment, the devil is fierce, and Li Xing successfully imagined it. When this demon came out, he suddenly made a strange laugh, disturbing Li Xing's mind. The laughter had a strange magic power that made him feel violent and irresistible.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Li Xing screamed and waved his hand upwards, and the vigorous vigor burst out, breaking through the roof and rising into the sky.

"Ningxin is determined! No evil is invaded by the demon!" Emperor Tianxie made a solemn voice, which seemed to have a miraculous effect, and immediately made Li Xingan settle down and his heart converged.

"Great!" Cold sweat oozed from his forehead and he drew air-conditioning.

Emperor Tianxie: "This is the power of the evil demon, which infinitely enhances the killing of people until the madness dies. You must now find a way to restrain the poor, so that you can gradually increase your spiritual strength."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, almost instantly, the apprentice's Lingtai fell. This devil is really fierce, I do not know when I can fight it." Then, the devil fiercely made another strange laugh.

As soon as this laughter came out, Li Xing's heart suddenly swelled again and could not be suppressed.

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey," apprentice, if you do n’t get into the magic, how do you surrender the magic? If you do n’t be a human, how do you know the suffering of life? Will keep you awake. "

After listening to this sentence, Li Xing's consciousness was blurred. His eyes were blood-stained and full of murderousness, and the musculoskeletons all over his body swelled up, making a strange laugh, turning into a phantom, and dashing down the mountain.

The area of ​​Bayun Mountain is vast, with heavy mountains and green fields, and wild animals appear frequently. At this moment, there was a figure in the dense forest, like a smoke, lingering around. Wherever the figure went, the tree collapsed and the rock collapsed, and the wild animal fled in panic.

However, there is a quiet valley in the mountains. There are cliffs on both sides of this valley. For thousands of years, no one has been here. The valley is rich in vegetation and the environment is lonely, and only some flying birds are infested.

At this moment, on the cliff, a figure rushed down like a madman and fell off the cliff.

This man, naturally, is Li Xing. He was disturbed by the evil head of the devil. He only had the intention of killing in his heart. Although unconscious, his instincts let him control his qi. There was a shock from outside the body, and the body descending at high speed gradually slowed down.

In the valley, Li Xing's magic is undiminished, and he still smiles strangely, destroying all the flowers and mountains around him. I saw him clenching his palms and hit them with anger, causing great damage.

There is a cave in this valley, and the sound outside awakens a spirit beast in the cave. A cute little thing suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave. It was not much bigger than a kitten and a puppy. It was born like a lion, with round ears and white hair, like snow. Two paws, fat and cute.

The little thing came out of the cave, staring angrily at the mad Li Xing, it opened its mouth and made a roar of thunder. The sound was so loud that the valleys on both sides trembled slightly.

Li Xing heard the sound and rushed forward. His bloodshot eyes stared at the small thing, raised his palm, and slammed it hard.

The little thing was taken aback. Since it was born, it has been left here by his mother. He has never seen a human being, nor has he seen such a fierce guy. However, it is a spirit that is generated between heaven and earth. Although young, it has extraordinary strength.

Seeing Li Xing hit with a palm, the terrible qi was condensed into a big hand, and he pressed it down. The little beast opened his mouth, and a blast of cold air came out. This cold air had a strange effect. Upon contact with Zhenqi, Li Xing's true qi stagnated and settled in the air.

The beast got a chance, his body curled up, and two claws hit Li Xing's chest fiercely. Li Xingru was slammed by a rock, his body flew away from the distance, and hit the opposite mountain wall. Fortunately, his body is strong enough and has the power of Bai Yang to repair it. Therefore, even if he was injured at this moment, he still stood up straight from the ground like a okay person ~ www.readwn.com ~ The little beast was surprised. It can break the big stone with that blow. What's wrong with this person?

It is a psychic beast, its wisdom is no less than that of human beings, and it suddenly opens its mouth. At this moment, a white gas, like Changhong, burst out dozens of meters away and hit Li Xing.

Bai Qi was extremely fast. Under Li Xing's madness, he did not know how to evade, but instead roared, and punched. This white qi was strange. As soon as he touched Li Xing, he became stagnant and his face became stiff.

"Oh! It's Tiens!" The Emperor Tianxian sighed and immediately awakened Li Xing's consciousness, "Boy, we must find a way to subdue it!"

Li Xing was sober, and then he felt severe pain. When he was mad, he hit him when he saw something, and suffered a lot of damage to his body. In particular, I was struck by Tiens just now and sustained minor injuries.

"Does Tianshi belong to the spirit beast?" Li Xing knew that Tianxie easily distracted him. He was so excited at the moment. I am afraid that Tianshi has something to do with it.

When Li Xing asked, he felt that his body was trapped by a strange force, unable to move, not even breathing.

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