Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 162: Breakthrough begins

Chapter 79: The Breakthrough Begins

Li Xing's trip was to find some food for Tiens. I saw his body rushing into the sky like a shell, and immediately reached the cliff. For a few days, he felt hungry at home, and was anxious to hunt a few wild animals.

In these days, in order to better communicate with the rich, Li Xing didn't practice the fierce Zen, so he was very conscious. In less than a meal, he hunted a wild boar and a mule.

The force of one bucket is 10,000 kilograms. Li Xing's true power at this moment has reached 15,000 kilograms, that is, 150 million kilograms of power! The strength of hundreds of millions of catties is enough to move mountains and reclaim sea.

However, the so-called 150 million jin is just the potential that Li Xing is innately innate. In other words, only if Li Xing has developed all his potentials and exploded, will it be possible to generate 150 million kilograms of terror.

Therefore, in fact, Li Xing can really exert his true power, but it takes several tens of thousands of pounds, and the utilization rate is only two or three ten thousandths. But these tens of thousands of catties are enough for him to run wild in the mountains and forests, and the wild animals are not his opponents.

Li Xing's innate innocence was able to have a fifteen thousand fighting power, far surpassing ordinary scholars, because he had laid a solid foundation when he first practiced blood. The blood gas in his body was extremely strong. When he was training eight, he compressed his blood gas by thirty times. The average warrior, only compressing it two to five times, is not as crazy as Li Xing.

At the time of practicing the blood, Li Xing again made such an overbearing blood to reach thirty-six heavy arms. These two steps made Li Xing's blood lords outrageous. By the time he practiced his blood, he had the potential for thousands of fights.

Later, Xuexue Dan entered the congenital yuan, turning the acquired into an innate, and this potential immediately increased tenfold, giving him the potential value of tens of thousands of fights. Of course, with the deepening of Li Xing's cultivation, the power of true energy will increase, and the utilization efficiency of true power will also increase.

In the following cultivation, all he has to do is find ways to improve the utilization efficiency of this terrorist force. From the dual training of qi to the ten training of qi, for most scholars, the purpose is to continuously improve the efficiency of using true power.

However, even after reaching the top ten levels of training, it is extremely difficult for Li Xing to fully realize his full potential. As long as he can show 30 to 50%, it is already very remarkable and he can be proud of the heroes.

After Li Xing hunted the wild animal, he picked up some dry wood and threw it into the valley, and then returned. He chose an open area, peeled the animal skin, removed the internal organs, and then took out two wooden roots, rubbing only one. Because of his strength and speed, Mugen's heat became fierce and suddenly burned.

When the fire broke out, Li Xingpan would come down and roast the game with patience. It didn't take long for the strong flavour of the meat to come out.

Fugui could not wait any longer, and sat astridely opposite Li Xing, staring at the food that was pouring in oil and water, drooling. The medicinal fox that was smashed out by the rich could not help looking at it.

Obviously, both little guys have been attracted to barbecue.

With a smile, Li Xing laughed. He had expected that although riches and medicinal foxes were wild creatures, in all likelihood they had not eaten cooked food. The taste of cooked food, I do not know how many times more delicious than raw blood, there is no reason to dislike the two little things.

"Things are not ripe yet, don't worry." Li Xing said, palms approaching the flame. The flame was forced by his true power, and it actually condensed, and the heat immediately increased several times. Then, in just a few minutes, the meat was completely cooked.

Li Xing tore off a hind leg of a wild boar, shook the steaming barbecue to the rich and laughed, "This is yours."

Little Tiens rushed over immediately and couldn't wait to start enjoying the delicious food. It was the first time that I had eaten roasted meat. I just felt that it was incredibly delicious.

Later, the medicinal fox also got a piece of cooked meat. Although very afraid of Tiens, it still couldn't resist the temptation of food. He let go of his belly and ate.

Seeing two little things eating and greedy and greedy, Li Xing couldn't help laughing, and also tore off a piece of wild pork, and quickly got up. One person and two beasts actually had amazing appetite. After eating three, five and two, they ate the dumplings and wild pork cleanly.

After eating, the rich and the rich were still full of hope, looking forward to Li Xing, hoping to eat some more.

Li Xing waved his hand and said with a smile, "In the future, there will be opportunities. As long as you are obedient, you can eat barbecue every day."

Little Tiens was overjoyed, came over flatteringly, and licked Li Xing's palm.

In this way, another five days have passed. Li Xing barbecues and feeds the second beast every day. His relationship with wealth is closer. Even the medicine fox had a good impression on Li Xing and was quite close to him.

On this day, the Emperor Tianxie suddenly said: "It's almost time. After this day, you can try to help Tiens to help and cultivate the fierce Zen!"

The mysterious ice emitted by Tiens can restrain the demon, and at the same time, he can calm Li Xing's mind and mind, so that he is not afraid of the interference of external demons. In these days, Li Xing has been in constant contact with the rich and rich, just to use its power to cultivate.

After hearing this, Li Xing said, "I feel almost the same, I will try it today." He was very excited. Because once the fiendish fierce Zen breaks through, it will be able to open up the Baiyang realm, thereby improving the qualification and breaking through the vitality.

Practicing Qi is heavy, and there are thirty-six Qi qi all over his body. He has only got through the first congenital yuan qi now. After Qi-Qi Tong is passed, innate true qi will be formed in the whole body, so that the innate true qi runs unhindered, and then moves towards the dual training of qi.

At this moment, Li Xing pointed at the medicine and made a gesture. Immediately, Tiens blew a chill at the poor little fox and imprisoned it. This is done to prevent the drug fox from escaping.

This medicine fox is very precious ~ www.readwn.com ~ can help collect elixir. With elixir, alchemy can be refined, and elixir is another shortcut for cultivation. Of course, Li Xing is not willing to give up.

"Wealthy, later, if you see me crazy, you will imprison me." Li Xinglian said with a gesture, and there was almost a dozen days of communication between one person and one beast. Rich and wealth actually understood his meaning and nodded his head point.

My heart was relieved. As long as the rich and rich could understand, Li Xing was at ease. At this time, he sat inside the cave, thinking about the fierce devil.

In a moment, Li Xing knew the sea, and a snake-body demon appeared. It laughed strangely and began to soak the Qingming. A strong killing intention rose in his heart and could not be suppressed.

Suddenly, Li Xing's eyes became blood red and his eyes were full of anger.

Seeing this scene, Fugui immediately sprayed a white light at Li Xing, and the white light flashed, and the smirk expression of Tianmo's fierce fierce suddenly became stiff. This felt to Li Xing as if everything had been postponed.

If we say that the former gangsters can release one hundred points of interference every moment, then the delayed gangsters can only produce one point of interference each moment. In other words, the power of the demon head was greatly weakened. Faced with this kind of intensity interference, Li Xing is completely acceptable.

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