Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 163: Open Baiyang

Chapter 80: Opening the White Sun Realm

The devil is fierce, and he constantly releases the demon, but the power of the demon is limited and within Li Xing's tolerance. He concentrated all his energy against the invasion of the demon head. In the process of countering the devil, Li Xing's spiritual strength was not strong. So, Li Xing was sitting in Tiens Cave for three months. During this period of time, the mysterious ice gas that the riches spouted continuously weakened. As a result, the delay caused by the devil is getting smaller and smaller, and the demon released by the devil is getting stronger and stronger.

During this process, Li Xing's spiritual strength continued to increase, and eventually reached a level where he could completely counter the poor. Three months later, he no longer has to rely on the help of riches to deal with the poor with his own power.

"Okay! It's still the last step. As long as you clean up the poor, the spiritual power will be unprecedentedly strong, thus opening up the Baiyang Realm!" Tianxie Emperor said loudly.

The devil is fierce and fierce at the moment, under the suppression of Li Xing's powerful spirit, his temperament is gradually irritable.

Li Xing suddenly bit his tongue and shouted, "Break me!"

After that, in his heart, a strong thought erupted, and with an irresistible power, he suddenly hit the poor. The strength of this force made the poor man scream, and then turned into a black smoke to dissipate.

Li Xing opened his eyes, sighed with relief, and smiled, "Master, the apprentice finally surrendered to the devil!"

"Okay! You have a few days off and are ready to start Baiyang Realm!" Emperor Tianxie laughed loudly.

According to Tian Xing, Li Xing was resting for the next few days. Immediately surrendered to the poor and fierce, causing him to consume a lot of energy. At this moment, it is not appropriate to start the Baiyang Jingtian immediately, but to restore physical strength.

This day, the medicine fox suddenly called out. This medicine fox has been supervised by the rich and wealthy for three months, and he is tight every day. Today, he suddenly made a sound and immediately caught Li Xing's attention. He looked over and saw that this little fox came over with tears and it was very easy for people to have sympathy.

What happened to Li Xing's heart? At the moment, he beckoned to Yaohu. Yaohu glanced at Fugui and saw that he was squinting to sleep. Then he slowly walked to Li Xing and drew into his arms.

Li Xing touched its smooth fur and said with a smile, "Xiao Xue, what's wrong?"

Together in March, Li Xing not only gave Tiens a rich name, but also gave him a name, Xiaoxue. Although the name "Xue Xue" is not rich and tacky, it is not elegant.

At first, Xiaoxue didn't catch the name very much, but every time Li Xing called "Xuexue" and "Xuexue", this little fox could only be forced to accept it.

At this time, listening to Li Xing's question, the little fox's paw pointed outside and squeaked a few times.

Li Xing knew what it meant, and sighed, "Do you want to go out?"

The little fox nodded immediately, looking at Li Xing pitifully, hoping he could agree.

Li Xing smiled bitterly, and even if he was kind, he would not let go of the medicine fox easily. The preciousness of the medicine fox can hardly be measured. He was about to shake his head to refuse, but he saw a large teardrop falling from the eyes of the little fox, making a whine.

Li Xing's heart moved, and he touched Xiaoxue's nose with his fingers and asked, "Are you missing home?"

Xiaoxue nodded hard, and there was some expectation in his eyes. But at this time, the Emperor of Heavenly Evil said: "Li Xing! Don't be a lady! The medicine fox is extremely precious. Once let go, it will be almost impossible to find it in the future!"

Feeling that Li Xing meant to let go of the medicine fox, Tianxie immediately spoke to stop it.

Li Xing frowned for a long time before he said, "Master, although Xiao Xue is a spirit beast, but it is smart and snowy, no different from others. It is very painful to restrain him, and I cannot bear it.

Emperor Tianxie whispered coldly: "Those who achieve great things must be black-skinned. How can you succeed like you?"

Li Xing smiled, "Master, why must we succeed?"

The Emperor Tianxie ended his speech and did not know how to answer.

Li Xing also said: "The disciples thought that no matter whether they succeeded or not, they must not violate their heart."

The Emperor Tianxie was silent for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "Okay! There is the style of the Emperor, you are the master of your own affairs."

Li Xing knew that although the evil emperor said so, he was really unhappy. However, he likes to do things casually, and still decides to let go of the medicine fox, saying, "Master, disciples will not let your elderly down in the future."

As he said, he patted Xiaoxue's head and said with a smile, "You and I met for a fate. I will let you go today. Be careful in the future, and you won't be caught again."

Xiaoxue screamed with joy, put his head in Li Xing's arms, and then jumped to the ground, Baba looked at the rich. It turned out that he was afraid of letting go. Hugh watching the rich and rich is sleeping, but it is always paying attention to the medicine fox, as long as it dares to escape, it will immediately suffer.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Rich, let Xiaoxue go."

Fugui opened his eyes and looked at Li Xing in confusion, he didn't understand, what a good "food" to let go. Doubt returned to doubt, but it listened to Li Xing very much, nodded, and leaned his face away from Xiao Xue.

Xiaoxue was overjoyed, glanced at Li Xing, then turned into a white light and rushed out of the cave.

The medicine fox has finally gone, and the sigh of the great evil sighed: "If anyone knows that you actually let go of the medicine fox, they will treat you as a fool!"

The emperor could not help but scold Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled "Hey, Master, good fortune and misfortune, letting off Xiaoxue is not necessarily a bad thing."

At this moment, several people appeared near Bayun City. They act like electricity, and they are all powerful figures in the Qi training level, and many of them are strong in Qi Qi training. These people searched and searched for the drug fox.

If Li Xing hadn't let go of the medicine fox, he would be surrounded by masters soon, and his life would be unexpected.

But at this time, the medicine fox has left ~ www.readwn.com ~ he can still continue to practice with peace of mind. After three days, when he recovered his energy, he was ready to start Baiyang Realm.

Baiyangjing is one of the nine great yangjings contained in Jiuyang Pearl. According to Emperor Tianxie, by opening Baiyang Realm, you can gain the power of Chiyang in the Realm of Chiyang, thereby improving his qualifications.

At this moment, Li Xing immersed his whole heart and soul into the ego to sense the white sun.

"Bai Yangjing is hidden in the mud pill palace of your heart. If you want to open it, you must find its place." Tian Xie the emperor sounded loudly.

At this time, Li Xing's thoughts were all focused on the eyebrows and constantly searching. The first time, nothing was found, then the second, the third. I don't know how many times I searched, and the time passed unconsciously for three days.

Li Xing doesn't drink or eat, and doesn't mean to stop. On that day, he suddenly frowned in a part of his eyebrow, and there was a slight wave. The fluctuation was minimal, but Li Xing was shocked and immediately locked all his spirits in the direction of the fluctuation.

Suddenly, a thunder blast sounded in his mind, and billions of bright colors were produced. Li Xing was loose in shape, and opened his eyes, and the whole person was still.

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