Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 167: Baiyang Lingmu

Chapter 84: Baiyang Lingmu

In the main hall of the city, Zhu Ban and his daughter Zhu Qingying accompanied guests in the hall. That chapter of Jiji Dadao sat in the main seat with a golden sword, a pair of eyes full of encroachment, swept around Zhu Qingying.

Zhu Ban smiled "Hehe": "Brother Zhang, thanks to your help last time, Zhu was allowed to stay in the post of city master."

It turned out that Zhu Ban entrusted Zhang Jidao at the beginning, and Zhang Jidao said before the prince prospered that Zhu Ban could successfully become his Qingyun master.

Zhang Jidao retracted his gaze and said lightly, "Brother Zhu, I'll see you this way. I'm here to find Li Xing. Qingyun City is the old place where Li Xing lives, and he is likely to appear here."

Zhu Ban heard of Li Xing and laughed: "Then Li Xing is just a clown jumping beam. He is weak, and Zhang Xiong must have captured it."

Zhang Jidao's complexion became heavy at this moment: "You look down on him too much, this Li Xing, fled under the siege of me and another Guoshi that day, and killed Wang Yang. There are two powerful things in his hand. Magic weapon, a lot of power. "

Zhu Jin's eyes turned and he said, "Brother Zhang, Li Xing was born in Sanyi Garden, and when Sanyi Garden was slaughtered, he was not here. Now, he must have received the news early, and he would never return. If I were Li Xing , At this moment will definitely join Qiyun faction. "

Zhang Jidao took it seriously, and nodded: "You're right, but I can only come here to look for the order of the altar master. As for finding it, it depends on luck."

How Zhu Jun couldn't see, this Zhang Jidao actually didn't work hard to find Li Xing. He couldn't help wondering: "Is that Li Xing now becoming so powerful? Even Zhang Jidao and other quagmiers And unwilling to offend? "

Zhu Ban's idea is not entirely correct. Last time, Zhang Jidao pursued Li Xing with another and failed, and also lost one. At that time, Zhang Jidao felt the horror of Xuanbingmen Ancient Jade. He thought that there must be an expert to help Li Xing, so he didn't want to meet Li Xing now. Who knows, will never meet such a strong one again.

The two talked in the hall, and suddenly a servant came, holding a plate of fruit in his hand, and brought it to Zhang Jidao. This servant, Zhu Ban naturally recognized, so he didn't care.

But when the servant put down the fruit plate, a red line suddenly shot in his sleeve. The position of the red line is very low, it is extremely fast, and it penetrates Zhangjidao's chest like lightning.

This red thread is the venomous flying needle, a magic weapon that Li Xing sacrificed for a short time. The flying needle is close to the body, Zhang Jidao's innate qi is protecting himself, but it can't stop for long.

"You are Li Xing!" Zhang Jidao's momentum was soaring all over the body, and a gust of wind suddenly emerged, beating in all directions, and the tables and chairs were shattered. Zhu Jun also avoided it from afar, showing a terrible look.

Li Xing stood firm, eye-catching light, and instantly visualized the fierce devil, attacking Li Jidao.

Li Jidao had been conspired, and only felt that the venomous flying needle was desperately drilling into his body. However, he has nothing to do for a moment and a half with his Qi body. But at this time, a strange power suddenly invaded his sea of ​​knowledge.

The demon head turned into an invisible demon, and began to intrude on his intelligence.

What Li Xing displayed was the killing of the demon. Last time, the fascination of the demon had made the practicing quartet of patriarchs have only the ability to parry and had no fight back. Nowadays, how many times this tyrannical arrogance is arrogant than the fascination, and Zhang Jidao is busy in an instant.

"Not good!" He yelled, his feet tumbling, and he couldn't control his qi anymore. The venomous flying needle took the opportunity to penetrate into him, and within a short while, the powerful four-strength man was killed.

It took less than a minute for Li Xing to enter and kill Zhang Jidao. Zhu Jun and Zhu Qingying both looked at each other and did not dare to move.

The servant had changed back to Li Xing's appearance. He turned around and smiled at Zhu Jin with a cold smile: "Zhu Chengzhu, it's been a long time!"

Zhu Jun chuckled and said with a laugh: "I haven't seen you for a few months, but your strength has become so strong."

In Li Xing's eyes, the killing suddenly appeared: "Zhu Ban, it is said that one of the people besieging Sanyi Garden?"

Zhu Ban's face turned pale for an instant. In order to please Wang Zixing, he indeed entered the Sanyi Garden with the crowd, and had more than a dozen lives in his hands. At this moment Li Xing came to score, Rao is his ingenuity and he didn't know how to deal with it.

However, Zhu Qingying knelt down with a "thump", and his eyes were full of tears: "Li Guoshi, my father was forced to do nothing, otherwise, our father and daughter would be dead, save Li Guoshi to let us go."

Li Xing made a right-handed move, and Zhang Jidao's corpse raised two red lines. Two red threads flew around Li Xingfei, which was the absolutely poisonous flying needle.

Looking at the flying needles, Zhu Jun's father and daughter were frightened and their faces were even more ugly.

"Murder kills, Zhu ban, let's die!" Li Xing looked cold, and the flying needles glowed intensely.

"My mercy!" Zhu Ban shuddered and said loudly, "If you don't kill me, I'll send you a treasure!"

Now that his life is gone, Zhu Ban has no other choice and decides to trade his baby for his life.

Li Xingyi: "Treasure, what do you have?"

Zhu Ban's face was ugly, and his voice was dry: "Li Xing, I have a piece of Baiyang Lingmu in my hand!"

Baiyang Lingmu! Li Xing moved in his heart and quickly asked Tian Xie: "Master, what is Baiyang Lingmu?"

Emperor Tianxie laughed "haha": "It's luck! I didn't expect this baby to have this baby."

"Baiyang Lingmu is precious?" Li Xing asked.

"Yes, Baiyang Lingmu can absorb Baiyang aura between heaven and earth, and thus produce Baiyang spiritual fruit. After eating Baiyang spiritual fruit, you can have Baiyang body."

Li Xing was taken aback: "What? You can make a body of Bai Yang!"

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although you start the Baiyang Realm and always get Baiyang Reiki. But this Baiyang Reiki is far less effective than Baiyang Reiki. For example, water and soil can grow grain, But water and soil cannot be eaten as food. "

"Baiyang Lingmu is one of the elixir. In fact, each elixir has its own different effect. One of the biggest benefits of opening the white sun realm is that it can cultivate elixir."

After listening to the words of Tian Xie, Li Xing drank, "Where is Lingmu?"

Zhu Ban's expression was determined: "If I surrender the spirit tree, will you let our father and daughter pass?"

Li Xing sneered: "Can't let you go, wait until I've seen something before. Give you three counts, otherwise, kill!" Then, he has started to count, "One, two ..."

Li Xing counted quickly, making people feel that he didn't seem to have much interest in Bai Yang Lingmu and would kill at any time. Zhu Jin's heart was stunned, and he quickly said: "Lingmu is stored in a secret room, please come with me."

Li Xing showed a hint of ridicule. He knew that Zhu Ban could not hold on. After all, no one would joke about his life casually. At the moment, Zhu Ban is leading the way, Li Xing and the two enter the secret room to find Baiyang Lingmu.

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