Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 168: Qiyunpai Mountain Gate

Chapter 85: Qi Yun Sends the Mountain Gate

The secret chamber of Zhu Ban, built in the study room, is extremely secretive. If he did not lead the way to find it, Li Xing believed that he would never find it easily. Zhu Ban entered the study, stepped on the floor of the table, and suddenly a "Zaza" sound came from the wall, opening a door.

The three entered through the portal. Li Xing saw that he had hidden a lot of treasures, but none of them caught his eyes. Only one branch placed in the jade plate caught his attention. In that branch, the waves of Baiyang Reiki spread at all times.

"It's part of Baiyang Lingmu?" Li Xing reached out and the branch was sucked into him.

Zhu Jun nodded with pain in his face: "Exactly, this is the Baiyang Lingmu that I got. There is only this one."

Li Xing politely put away Lingmu and laughed, "You're honest, I was going to kill you with one palm, and I will spare you now."

Zhu Jun was relieved, but unexpectedly Li Xing said, "Although capital punishment is waived, living crime is hard to forgive. Can you kill the people in Sanyiyuan without paying a price?" Suddenly, he pointed out to Zhu Ban.

Zhu Ban is also a figure in the level of qi training. If he evaded, he could have avoided it. But he knew that Li Xing had terrible weaponry. If he hid, he might annoy Li Xing and be killed on the spot.

Therefore, Zhu banned it and let Li Xing give directions. Suddenly, a violent instinct broke through, instantly destroying the meridians around Zhu Ban. He groaned, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Zhu Qingying yelled, quickly lifted him up, and looked at Li Xing with anger.

Li Xing said indifferently: "I miss you as a female stream and let you go." After that, he strode out of the secret room. By the way, he returned to the living room, cut off the first level of Zhang Jidao, rolled it up with a bag, and immediately left Qingyun City.

Soon after Li Xing left, Zhu Jun, looking pained, swallowed an elixir into his stomach. The elixir enters the abdomen, turning into a hot stream of heat, and he repairs his injury in a moment. That finger of Li Xing broke his foundation and could no longer practice his qi in the future.

However, the elixir that was just taken, named "Yu Huan Dan", is a wonderful medicine for healing. The effect is very good, and Zhu Zhu's wound was completely repaired.

"Father, Li Xing is really abominable, and took away the hard-working Bai Yang Lingmu." Zhu Qingying looked annoyed.

Zhu Ban sneered: "The Baiyang Lingmu, but the thing that has the master, was originally obtained by my chance. Among the spiritual trees, the master was banned. Once touched, the original master immediately sensed it. At that time, Li Xing must die! "

Obviously, Zhu Qingying had just learned about this and could not help wondering: "Father, master of Lingmu, who is it?"

"Affectionate son, the first master of the core disciples of Huolingmen, practicing Jiuqiang. His father is the master of Huolingmen, a great figure at the level of practicing God." Zhu Ban said, "So Li Xing has lived not long!"

Zhu Qingying sighed: "Just blame him for being too greedy, and don't want to think about it. How precious is Baiyang Lingmu to be so easy?"

But he said that Li Xing raised Zhang Jidao's head and hurried all the way to Qi Yun. His foot strength was extremely fast, and within three days, he had reached Qiyun Mountain.

Qi Yunpai was built in Qiyun Mountain. There is a peak in the mountain, which is inserted into the cloud and named Qi Yunfeng. Qi Yunpai was built on the peak of Qi Yunfeng. The entire Qiyun Mountain is under the jurisdiction of the Qiyun faction, and idlers must not enter casually.

Therefore, when Li Xing entered the Qiyun Mountain range, he saw a large-scale hall where he entered the mountain ahead. In front of the hall, there is a large stone monument with the eight characters "Qiyun Station, free entry for idlers".

On the main hall, there are also three characters, "The Hall of Transportation". Obviously, this hall is used to contact the news on the foot of the mountain.

Li Xing glanced at it from afar, and said that Qi Yunpai was very generous. I saw that the hall, 20 meters high, was magnificent. There were twelve stone pillars carved with moire in front of the hall, giving a sense of oppression.

In front of the palace, two inner disciples on duty were both practicing qi rework, and they found Li Xing early.

If you want to enter the mountain, you must pass through the traffic hall. Li Xing then approached the hall and was stopped by an inner disciple: "Who is coming? Stop talking!"

They both wore moon-white robes, and two red clouds were embroidered on their mouths, which were the signs of the disciples in the Qi Yun faction. If it is three red clouds, it is a disciple within the practice of Qi.

The speaker had a very rude expression, and his tone was cold, and obviously he did not take Li Xing very seriously.

On the way to Li Xing's coming, he thought about his words and arched, saying, "Here is Li Xing, the man of Sanyi Garden. Because Sanyi Garden was destroyed by the traitor prince, he came to visit."

The two disciples glanced at each other, and one laughed: "It was originally from Sanyiyuan. Two days ago, two women have come. Do you recognize it?"

Li Xingdao: "They may be Bai Jing and Bai Qiong, who are both in my Sanyi Garden."

The disciple nodded, "It's them."

Li Xing asked, "Excuse me, have the two of them already entered the Qi Yun faction?"

"They are now foreign disciples of the Qi Yun faction," said the disciple. "I think you are a person with a high level of training. You are young and able to achieve this, and have good qualifications."

Li Xing said indifferently: "I dare not be taken, luck is better in the future, but the qualifications are actually very low."

The man hummed: "Even if you are practicing Qi, the Qi Yunpai may not leave you. Wait here, and I will report to you."

Li Xing bowed his hand, thanked him, and sat in front of the hall. The inner disciple who spoke, apparently turned to the temple.

As soon as the other party left, another inner disciple walked in front of Li, and actually sat opposite him, smilingly introducing himself: "I'm Zhang Mi, Brother Li, let's talk."

One of Li Xingbao smiled: "It was Brother Zhang, thankfully."

Zhang Mi smiled and whispered: "The one just now is Zhao Han. The boy is the seventh brother. The seven brothers are always arrogant. Don't ignore him."

Li Xing didn't know the internal affairs of Qi Yunpai, knowing that this was an opportunity to inquire, so he fisted: "My younger brother has just arrived at ~ www.readwn.com ~, I don't understand anything, and I ask Li to give him a lot of pointers and be grateful."

This is a close talk about these words, I just want to draw more people to my side. Li Xing is a practitioner of qi, and it is very likely that he will also be a disciple in the future. It is not a bad thing to be able to pull it over.

Therefore, after hearing what Li Xing said, Zhang Mi smiled: "You're welcome. If you don't know anything, you can ask me. In the future, we are brothers and brothers, and we are grateful for what we are grateful for."

Regardless of what this close mind thinks, at least it gives Li Xing a good impression. He thanked him again and asked, "What did Brother Li say about Brother Seven?"

Zhang Mi's eyebrows were raised: "The disciples of the Qiyun School are divided into three classes. Those with a blood training level are foreign disciples. Foreign disciples are equipped with corresponding exercises and provide corresponding elixir and blood crystals to assist in cultivation. The disciples who practice the Qi level are internal disciples who practice more advanced martial arts, taking better elixir and Yuanjing use. Disciples who practice Qi Qi and Qi Qi have the opportunity to step into the God level in the future. They Known as core disciples, they can directly participate in martial affairs and have great power. "

"The entire Qi Yun faction has seven core disciples, and that seven brothers is the seventh core disciple. His men followed more than thirty internal disciples, but he took the lead."

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