Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 169: Core disciple

Chapter 86: Core Disciples

What Li Xing is eager to know now is exactly what is happening inside the Qi Yun faction. If it is possible to settle in this faction in the future, it is definitely not a bad thing to know something in advance. . .

At this moment, when he heard Zhang Mi's enthusiasm, he seemed to know everything, so he took the opportunity to ask carefully, and was very respectful of Zhang Mi.

This secret, quite like an enthusiastic person, actually has to answer questions, you and me, one by one, and talked.

"Brother Zhang, the seventh brother you said, I don't know how strong it is?" Li Xing has seen the ancient jade among the four heroes of Pingguo. Immediately wanted to ask clearly, compare the strength gap between the two.

"Among the seven core disciples, the seven brothers are practicing Qiqiu. The brothers do not know, we Qiyun School, only the core disciples can be called 'brothers' by the disciples below. Among the seven brothers, the master is the master. The big brother is not the earliest one to start, but the highest one. It is said that at any time, you can break through the level of training and enter the level of training. "

"Ah! Are you going to step into the level of practicing God?" Li Xing's face was surprised, and he suddenly thought that one of the four heroes of Pingguo seemed to be from the Qi Yunpai and could not help asking: Brother Zhang, the master is out, but is he called a desert soldier? "

Zhang Mi smiled "Hehe": "It turns out that you know that the elder brother came from the desert family, with a surname of Sima and a famous soldier, and he is called a desert soldier by people outside."

"The four heroes of Pingguo, No. 1 in the sky, the ancient jade of Xuanbing, the ruthless son, and the desert soldiers. These four people are the most powerful of the younger generations in Pingguo. They all have unlimited future!"

Speaking of these four people, Zhang Mi's face could hardly conceal the envy: "This kind of talent, my generation can only look up, it is difficult to catch up!"

Li Xing secretly said: "Are the four heroes of Pingguo? I may not be able to surpass them, it is just a matter of time!"

"Everyone in Pingguo County, everyone is a trivial person, and everyone has a story. For example, the ruthless son, who is also called amorous son, loves him, calls him amorous; women who hate him, call him ruthless."

"The big brother can occupy a place among the four heroes of Pingguo, it is enough to prove his strength. But in addition to the big brother, the other six brothers are also strong, especially the second and third brothers. The qi training is tenfold. The remaining four brothers are all qi training. "

"At present, the ranking of the seven brothers has continued for three years. However, we do not know how the rankings will change in the future. Because, maybe one day, the four brothers below will break through the nine training levels and enter the ten training levels. weight."

Li Xingdao: "So, Brother Seven is the weakest of the seven."

"That's not necessarily." Zhang Mi shook his head. "You are new to Qiyun and don't know many things. The Seventh Brother, called You Bikong, is the nephew of the teacher. This level of relationship cannot be compared to outsiders." Zhang Mi said in a low voice.

"If not, Brother Seven is the weakest. How can there be thirty or so inner disciples following him? You know, there are only one hundred and eighty disciples in the entire Qiyun School. Only forty or more, who were with Brother Er, not even thirty. "

Li Xing nodded: "That's the case. How could the younger brother know if it wasn't for Brother Zhang's guidance? Dare to ask, which brother Zhang is following?"

Li Xing is not a fool. The other side is so enthusiastic. Explaining in detail, why is there no purpose? Since so many people are following a fellow brother, the Zhang Mi in front of me is probably no exception, so Li Xing talked.

Zhang Mi smiled with a smile: "Brothers have always been with Brother Brother. On weekdays, they have not taken much care of Brother Brother. Brother Brother is generous and strong, and if Brother Li has anything in the future, he can come to me, I I will ask your brother to help you. "

Speaking of this step, anyone can hear what he said, but Li Xing did not immediately accept anything, just thanked: "The younger brother thanked Brother Zhang."

Zhang Mi continued with a smile and continued: "Brother Li, Li is from Sanyiyuan, and has already started practicing. It stands to reason that in all likelihood he will become a disciple. However, the faction is very strict in recruiting disciples. Observation period of friends. During this period, if you have any questions, please ask me. "

Li Xing repeated thanks.

Between the two, Li Xing also understood the basic situation in the Yun faction. Within the Qiyun school, foreign disciples live in Dongshan Mengshiyuan, and their own elders are responsible for everything.

The inner disciples, who live in Nanshan Guoshiyuan, also have a group of elders in charge. As for the core disciples, they lived in the "Qiyun Tower" in Beishan with high-level figures from the Qiyun School.

When talking about the Qiyun Tower, Zhang Mi mentioned in particular that the Qiyun Tower totaled twelve floors and was the core of the Qiyun faction. There is a prohibition on the tower, and even the characters at the level of law and heaven cannot easily invade.

The two talked for a long time, but Zhao Han, who was in the door of the Seventh Brother, returned slowly, beckoned to Li Xing, and shouted, "Follow me to Guoshiyuan, an elder will ask you something."

Li Xing rose to Zhang Mi and said, "Brother Zhang, see you later."

Zhang Mi smiled: "Brother Li, go, don't make the elders impatient."

That Zhao Han, after seeing only a short time, Zhang Mi has become quite familiar with Li Xing, he "hum" a heavy, turned and walked forward, without waiting for Li Xing.

Li Xing chased quickly, and the two passed through the traffic hall, followed a white stone avenue behind the hall, and went straight up the mountain. The road ahead was long, but Zhao Han walked faster and faster, and finally changed into a light smoke.

Zhao Han has already seen it ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am afraid that Zhang Mi has already drawn this new kid to the side of his master, so he deliberately teases Li Xing, deliberately speeds up his steps, and wants to leave Li Xing behind.

We must know that there is a considerable gap between the practice of Qi and the practice of Qi. Zhao Han originally thought that once he walked with all his strength, Li Xingding would be left far behind.

But who knew the outcome of the incident was unexpected, and I saw that Li Xing was not anxious to follow, his face was not red and gasp, and he looked relaxed and natural.

Zhao Han was startled and secretly said, "Strange! This man is obviously practicing heavy Qi, how can he be so fast? It seems that he hasn't tried his best, can he say that his strength is still above me? How is this possible? "

Zhao Han thought in his heart that the steps could not help but stop, Li Xing also lowered his speed. He also knew in his heart that this was Zhao Han's intention to fool himself, but he didn't take it seriously.

Unconsciously, the two have boarded Beiyun in Qiyun. The Qiyun School of Beishan consists of seven peaks in the shape of a lotus.

Zhao Han suddenly pointed at the nearest mountain and said, "Li Xing, the elders will wait for you with a smile, Aofeng, you go!"

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