Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 170: 9 turn Qingliandan

Chapter 87: Nine Turns of Qinglian Dan

Li Xingliu looked around and saw a avenue leading to the mountain with twists and turns. The Zhang Mi once said that there are seven mountain peaks in the Guoshiyuan, and on each of them there is a courtyard built for the living of several disciples.

Li Xing nodded slightly and strode to the mountain. This peak is about a kilometer high, and the mountain roads circle in circles. Along the way, flowers and plants are everywhere and the environment is beautiful. After walking for a while, I can see a temple built on the peak.

The palace was built for bluestone, reaching tens of meters in height and very magnificent. When he arrived at the temple, a young man suddenly walked out of the temple and saw the red cloud mark on his sleeve.

The disciple looked at Li Xing and asked, "Are you Li Xing?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes."

"The elder is waiting for you in the temple, follow me." Leading the way immediately, walked into the temple.

Li Xing followed the disciple into the palace. The lobby was extremely empty, with two middle-aged men in white robes standing in the middle. The disciple who led Li Xing enters the archway: "Two elders, Li Xing brought it."

An elder waved his hand: "You go down."

The disciple stepped down, and Li Xing looked at the two in front of him, only to find that they were very powerful, at least they were also practicing virtuosos. He didn't want to offend anyone when he first came here, so he approached him politely.

"Li Xingyuan, Sanyiyuan, see the two elders." After he saluted, he stood quietly in place.

An elder asked indifferently: "You say you are from Sanyiyuan, what is the proof?"

Li Xing also understands that people who suddenly appear like him and who claim to be Sanyiyuan are susceptible to suspicion. Therefore, he had been prepared early in the morning and said, "Bai Qiong and Bai Jing who came here one step ahead know that they can testify."

"In addition, he was the owner of Benmacheng in the lower reaches, and many of the characters there were also recognized." Li Xing said.

"What happened in Sanyi Garden and how did you escape the calamity, tell me one by one." The elder began to ask.

At the moment, Li Xing picks up things that don't need to be kept secret, and goes into details. Of course, some places that were easily suspected were hidden by him. He started with his own blood training and then won the position of a disciple.

Later, he became the head of the forward camp of Wang Zixing and so on, one by one.

The two elders were originally indifferent, but gradually, their faces were surprised. Because Li Xing's strange experience in just one year, even they felt incredible.

"So, one year ago, you were still in the dark, why did you suddenly make rapid progress? Is there any special reason?" An elder asked, looking at Qiguang.

For this issue, Li Xing knew that it was inevitable. Even if he deliberately concealed it at this time, once he showed an advantage in spiritual practice in the future, it would also attract attention. So, he already had a solution to this problem.

"The two elders, the next father, Li Ziran, once fed the next elixir." Li Xing said, "Since swallowing the elixir, the speed of cultivation is thousands of miles a day."

At the hearing of the elixir, the two elders suddenly came to their spirits and immediately asked what the elixir looked like, what smell it had, and so on.

Of course, Li Xing has not taken any elixir, but with the knowledge of Emperor Tianxie, he can say the same at will.

"The medicine is the size of an eyeball, it is pale green, and there is a layer of green light outside, and that green light sometimes condenses into a lotus shape." Li Xing said.

Upon hearing the two elders, they were taken aback: "What? It's a heavenly elixir, nine turns to Qinglian Dan!"

Li Xing deliberately showed a puzzled look: "Two elders, what is Jiuzhuan Qingliandan?"

Both elders stared at Li Xing with a weird look. One said, "You don't know what is Jiuzhuan Qinglian Dan? This Dan is an elixir of heaven. After taking it, you can forcibly upgrade your qualifications! Tianjie Dan Medicine, the entire Qiyun pie, not even half a grain. "

Another sighed, "I seem to have heard of Li Ziran's name. Since he has Tianjie Pill, why not take it by himself?"

After some cross-examination, the two elders initially determined Li Xing's identity. Moreover, because Li Xing said that he had eaten nine rounds of Qingliandan, both elders looked at him with great respect, and he was quite polite in speech.

At this time, Li Xing presented the head of Zhang Jidao and said, "This man is under Wang Xing's command. He was designed and killed by his disciples and sent to the head."

Zhang Jidao is a four-character person who practiced Qi. Although he died for a few days, his body was not. The two elders inspected for a moment, and nodded: "Kill this person, you can make a contribution." He paused, "" You are from Sanyiyuan, and you have stepped into the training level, and you have a great chance to become disciples. However, this matter is subject to the permission of the teacher. Before you make a decision, you must live on the peak and spend money on it. Someone is responsible for it. Go. "

An inner disciple came out behind, leading Li Xing out of the palace.

After Li Xing left, the two elders looked at each other and one sighed, "We Qiyun faction, we need another talent!"

Another laughed: "Tianjie elixir can at least make this son break through the level of Qi training. Let's go to the newspaper and listen to him and listen to his instructions."

The disciple who brought out Li Xing had thick eyebrows and a big smile on his face. He was younger than Li Xing, and that was why he was practicing qi. As soon as the two men left the hall, Li Xing smiled and asked, "What's the name of a brother?"

This disciple has a good temper and smiled: "Nie Shan, please go with me to the back, there are a few stone houses, and you live in them temporarily."

Li Xing nodded: "There are brothers Launie."

The area on the top of the peak is about 100 acres in size. It is high on the periphery and low in the middle, similar to a basin. Therefore, the temperature here is like spring in all seasons, and the environment is beautiful.

Behind the main hall, there is a vegetable garden, where a variety of dishes are grown ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is growing well. On the side of the vegetable garden, several houses were built, simple and easy, completely built of stone.

Nie Shan pointed at the house: "You live here first, and three meals are delivered on time. If you have not been summoned, do not run around. On this peak, there are a few bad tempered brothers, and some forbidden areas , Once you make a mistake, you have to suffer. "

Li Xingdu responded, thanked Nie Shan and lived in the stone house.

Among the stone houses, the layout is simple, a stone bed, a stone table, and a few stone ascents. There was a lot of dust in the room, and obviously no one had lived here for a long time.

Li Xing was not disappointed. When he waved his sleeves, a gust of wind blew up, and the dust in the house was blown out and became spotless. Then he sat down on the stone bed and began to practice.

Not long ago, he had already opened the Baiyang Realm, and the succession of Chiyang auras passed from a mysterious space, entered the Baiyang Realm, and was absorbed by Li Xing. However, the rate of absorption of Reiki is very slow. If it continues like this, it will take a long time to have an effect and improve Li Xing's qualification.

"Does it mean that, as before, only after being injured can Chiyang Reiki be absorbed as soon as possible?" Li Xing suddenly thought of this possibility.

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