Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 171: King Kong

Chapter 88: King Kong Refining

With this in mind, Emperor Tianxie suddenly said: "Li Xing, do you know why the body will absorb a lot of Baiyang Reiki only when you are injured?"

Li Xing was also very puzzled about this. He thought about it more than once, but didn't think about it. He was curious and immediately asked why.

Emperor Tianxie said: "The Jiuyang Aura is very mysterious, and the teacher is not completely clear. However, it is said that the highest state of cultivation is called the body of pure Yang. Before reaching pure Yang, the human body must go through white in turn. There are eight stages, such as the body of the Yang and the body of the Chiyang, and finally there is a chance to achieve the body of the pure Yang. "

"When a person ’s body is damaged, especially when it ca n’t be recovered, Jiuyang Reiki can quickly enter the body to repair the damage. In fact, the process of repair is the process of Jiuyang Reiki tempering the body. Wait until the end, your The entire body will be filled with Baiyang Reiki, which will become the body of Baiyang. The injured body is the most vulnerable to the refining of Reiki. "

After hearing the explanation, Li Xing smiled bitterly: "So, I still have to continue to be injured in the future to quickly upgrade my qualifications?"

"You have to endure hardships and hardships, and you must be a good person. Even with Jiuyangzhu, you cannot succeed casually. You must experience some hardships." Tianxie smiled, "But after suffering, you will Become a sharp knife, shocked Tianyuan. "

"In this world, in addition to you, there are a number of people who are born to be able to sense and absorb Jiuyang Reiki. Such people often only absorb one or two Reikis. And these people, without exception, are wizards of the world and have Extraordinary achievement. "

"However, you must keep in mind that although there are Jiuyangzhus, their success depends on themselves and must not be lazy." Tianxie Emperor warned.

"Yes, the disciples have taken down." Li Xing said.

When it was night, Li Xing took out the **** from his arms *, blinking without blinking, stabbing into his leg fiercely. Suddenly, cold sweat ran down his forehead, and he clenched his teeth. Even if he had "self-harm" more than once, but every time, he still felt extremely painful and almost unbearable.

Soon, a lot of Baiyang Reiki exuded in the sky of Baiyang Jingtian, flowed out from his Muxin Palace, and then entered the body meridians and began to repair the damaged body.

Emperor Tianxie has been observing Li Xing's cultivation, and at this time he couldn't help saying: "Li Xing, although he was a teacher at first, was not a body of Jiuyang, so he only knew a little about Baiyang's body. But At the moment, it seems that you are not yet a true body of Bai Yang. "

Li Xing drew his air from the gap between his teeth and fixed his mind before asking: "Master, not the body of Bai Yang, what will happen?"

"The so-called Baiyang body is full of Baiyang aura, as well as the viscera, meridians, and meridians. The Bailing body can be practiced thousands of miles a day, and others can't. After the formation of the Baiyang body, it can sense the world The Chiyang aura in between, and gradually cultivate the body of Chiyang. By analogy, the practitioner will go step by step until the pure Yang. "

"Of course, in this world, since the ancestor of Chunyang, no one has yet reached the realm of Chunyang." Tianxie said.

"So, if the disciple is not Bai Yang's body, he cannot sense Chiyang Reiki?" Li Xing's heart was tight.

"It can also be said that this is like a person climbing a tower. The bottom layer is the body of Baiyang, and the second layer is the body of Chiyang. If you cannot enter the first floor, how can you climb to the second floor? The body of Jiuyang is so gradual that only great achievements can be made. "

"But how can we reach the body of Bai Yang?" Li Xing calmed his mind and quickly sought advice.

"Nine-yang bodies known to the teacher are all from the inside out. They have special constitutions and can naturally sense the nine-yang aura. But you are different. You can only sense the nine-yang aura with the help of the nine-yang bead. As a result, our qualifications have been enhanced and we have today's strength. "

"As long as the nine-yang body is slowly cultivated, you can have the body of Baiyang, the body of Chiyang, etc. sooner or later. But you are different. If you do not use extraordinary methods, I am afraid that you cannot reach the body of Baiyang. During the "Extreme Method", the tone of Emperor Tianxie suddenly became very dignified.

Li Xing knew very well that he was a traversal, and his soul was attached to Li Xing's body. It may be that the soul has not yet fully integrated with the body, so his qualifications are so poor, it is incredible, and it is necessary to rely on Baiyang aura to upgrade to continue to cultivate.

Therefore, from the current point of view, there is no second method that is feasible except to build the body of Bai Yang. After a little thought, Li Xing said: "Master's method must be very dangerous and difficult, but I would like to try it anyway!"

Emperor Tianxie is very satisfied: "There are great benefits and great concealment. Although you have Jiuyangzhu, your qualifications are too poor. You ca n’t practice it if you leave Jiuyangzhu. So, you want to achieve something, Baiyangzhi You have to go through this level. "

"You're right, this method for the teacher has great risks. But once you succeed, you can have a white Yang body and repair it. You can also make rapid progress. This method is called 'Great Refining Skills.'"

Li Xing has never heard of the large-scale plastic surgery. He didn't ask much, and quietly listened to the explanation of Tianxie.

"Dalian form surgery is the method that I saw in the ancient books for my teacher. Dafa form technique can change the physique of the human body and make human bones like steel. The power is infinite. Therefore, this technique is also known as King Kong Dalian Shape, the purpose is to force the flesh. "

"The founder of this technique, named Candle Dragon, is a stranger in ancient times, and his specific deeds are no longer available for examination. However, I have carefully studied the King Kong shape, and it is indeed available. However, this At the time of the operation ~ www.readwn.com ~ is very dangerous, and the chance of success is not more than 50%. "

Li Xing took a sigh of air-conditioning, and the success rate did not exceed 50%. In other words, if he used this method, he would not end well. Silent for a while, he asked with a bitter smile: "Master, what will happen after failure? Is it dead?"

"If it dies, it's good luck, and the danger is there. This method may make people into monsters." Tianxie Emperor said, "The candle dragon has failed a few times before, and the result is There were five humanoid monsters. The humanoid monster was inhuman and inhuman, it was amazingly lethal, and it lost its sanity, and was eventually executed by the candle dragon. "

"Although it is dangerous, after thinking about it, the teacher thinks that this method can help you absorb Baiyang aura as much as possible to achieve the body of Baiyang. However, whether you accept this method depends on your decision." Emperor Tianxie said this without saying a word.

In the long silence, Li Xing's thoughts fluttered.

"When I was born again, I decided not to be an ordinary person. I would rather be a dazzling meteor than live an ordinary life! I just bet this time, regardless of success or failure, I have no regrets!"

With a flash of thought, Li Xingshen said, "Master, the disciples are willing to try!"

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