Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 172: Poison girl

Chapter 89: Poison Girl

Hearing that Li Xing was actually willing to take risks, Emperor Tianxie couldn't help but sigh: "Be aware of your inner thoughts and do extraordinary things for your teacher. But Tianxin is selfless, and you must also consider the risks involved. In case of failure, it will be a miserable end. "Still," said again. "However, you are quite similar to the temper of being a teacher. I had experienced countless hardships at first. Which one was not a lifetime? In this world, there is no easy success, no effort, no difficulty. In return. "

Li Xing smiled, "Master, disciples are people who have experienced life and death. They know what they are doing, and even if they fail, I will not regret it."

In fact, Li Xing's acceptance of this suggestion was helpless. Originally, he thought that after opening Baiyang Jingtian, he could absorb Chiyang Reiki. But this was not the case. He only used the dagger to stab himself. The body absorbed Baiyang Reiki, but Chiyang Reiki hardly appeared. The reason for this result is that Li Xing is not yet Bai Yang's body and cannot cause Chiyang Reiki.

If he wants to absorb Chiyang aura, he must first train his body into Baiyang body. And if you want to achieve the body of Bai Yang, you must use the method of Emperor Tianxie. Although this method is full of fierce danger, half of it may become a monster, and it is better to die.

However, Li Xing insisted that the Emperor of Heaven would no longer persuade him, and he was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "If you are lucky, you will become a great tool in the future!"

Already decided to use Tianxie's method, but Li Xing apparently didn't know how to practice King Kong's training, so he asked Tianxie carefully.

Emperor Tianxie: "Exercising shape is not only dangerous, but it also requires extraordinary things. First, there must be a medicine tripod, and secondly, there must be some elixir. The better the medicine tripod is, the better it is. The better the result will be. "

Medicine tripod and elixir are precious things. Li Xing frowned when he heard that he needed these two things. There is a medicine tripod on his body, which is derived from the poisonous cricket. It belongs to the third-order magic weapon, and the grade is too low.

As for the elixir, you can find it slowly. Although the elixir is precious, there are always opportunities to get it. But as a result, he has recently been unable to improve his strength.

"So, in the short term, it is impossible to practice large exercises, so I cannot improve my strength for a while." Li Xing showed anxiety, even if it was difficult to obtain elixir, he seemed to be stuck in a knot. In.

Compared to Li Xing's concerns, the tone of the Emperor Tianxie sounded disapproving: "Everyone has a chance to become famous by two or ten points. You are much luckier than others. What else is not satisfying? You can find it slowly. You can also find it slowly, as long as you don't die, you will have a chance. "

Li Xingdao: "The disciples just feel that when they first come to the Qiyun faction, if their strength is not good, they always feel uneasy. That Zhou Xiang hates me. Her father is an elder. How can I have good fruits?"

Li Xing also felt reasonable. At present, this was already the case. He could only go step by step. It was useless and anxious, then he settled down.

In the next few days, Li Xing asked the Emperor Tianxie to ask more about King Kong ’s practice. That Vajrayana practice is a way to strengthen the body with the help of external forces. The Archaic Anomalous Candle Dragon originally became one of Archaic's powerful men with this technique.

According to ancient records, after the success of the candle dragon, you can move mountains and reclaim sea, with unpredictable power. Of course, the candle dragon has also gone through a lifetime of nine deaths to achieve this great achievement.

Vajrayana exercises are divided into nine, one is more difficult than the other, and the more dangerous than the other. Emperor Tianxie said that the practice of big exercises is only the first priority. As long as Li Xing can successfully pass the first major practice, he can achieve the body of Bai Yang.

King Kong ’s training first is not only dangerous, but also needs some precious things to assist. Regardless of medicine tripod and elixir, we must find the ground fire, inspect the heavens and the earth, and so on. The better these conditions are fulfilled, the greater the chance of Li Xing's success.

Li Xing lived in the stone house for three days in this way. He tried to cultivate, but made no progress, and was quite depressed. On this day, I heard something moving outside the house. He thought it was Nie Shan coming back, so he went out to meet him.

When people came out, they found out that the man was a girl. The woman looked fifteen or sixteen years old, with a bloated body, thick black skin, and a touch of green, she was clumsy, but she was surrounded by a veil, and she was picking vegetables in the garden.

Although Li Xing didn't know the woman, but when she first came to the Qi Yunpai, she knew the importance of etiquette, so she smiled and greeted, "I've met the girl under Li Xing."

The girl seemed to be startled, suddenly turned around, and a pair of surprised eyes first appeared in Li Xing's eyes. Li Xing was very impressed with this pair of eyes, and it was so similar to the eyes of his girlfriend in the past when he was intimidated by robbers.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, why was this woman so afraid of strangers?

At this time, Nie Shanda came on foot. When he saw the girl, his face changed, and he turned away, as if he had seen a ghost. Li Xing was taken aback, feeling that things were not good, and quickly caught up, calling Nie Shan in the back.

However, Nie Shan ignored it. After walking far away, he stopped after he reached a boulder, waited for Li Xing to catch up, and said, "Brother Li, it was rude to just brother, but I was really afraid of that poison."

"Poison?" Li Xing looked puzzled.

Nie Shan sighed and said helplessly: "This woman is actually not a small girl. Her name is Mu Qinghua, the daughter of Mu Qianfan, one of the two major protectors in the door. The wood protector is one of the four in this door. One of the practising gods. "

"Since she is the daughter of the law-protector ~ www.readwn.com ~ why is she calling her poison?" Li Xing asked strangely.

Nie Shan lowered his voice: "Mrs. Mu Hufa was chased and killed by evil members of the evil faction at the beginning, and she was poisoned by a yin to evil, called Wu Zhe Xuan Yin San. However, the method of Mu Hufa is clever and rigid. She lived for half a year and gave birth to her unborn baby. "

"The fetus that was born was just the woman." Nie Shan said with regret, "Well! Although the fetus survived, it was infected with corpse poison and penetrated into the bone marrow. .It means that Mu Hufa tried her best to use various elixir to barely let her live to this day. However, it is said that she can live up to another half year. "

Li Xing listened curiously, thinking that even if someone was going to die, he didn't have to be so scared.

Nie Shan seemed to know what Li Xing was thinking, and explained: "You don't know, the deadly venom is extremely powerful, and it has the strongest destructive effect on Qi. Just walk within three steps and take a breath. To harm Zhenyuan. So no one in our Qiyun group would approach her except for the wooden guardianship and teaching. "

After Li Xing understood the cause and effect, she couldn't help sighing for the woman. So, in her life, I'm afraid she only talked to her father. What a lonely life like this should be.

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