Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 173: Yun Guangfeng

Chapter 90: Yun Guangfeng

The sympathy revealed in Li Xing's eyes made Nie Shan sigh again. He looked like a very kind person and said: "Mu Hufa did not know how many roads he had run for, how many masters he asked for, but no One can save her. However, it ’s such a big girl, she does n’t even speak well, because no one dares to play with her since she was a child. ”

"So, she often ran out by herself, causing the entire Qiyun faction to be as scared as a scorpion and not dare to get too close." Nie Shan said, and looked in the direction of the vegetable garden, his expression was a little fearful, obviously very afraid Corpse poison.

Fortunately, Li Xingqing didn't get too close to Mu Qinghua, otherwise, he might be affected by corpse poison. When he thought this way, the Emperor Tianxie interjected: "Huh! What is overcast to poison, it's just the poisonous gas extracted from the corpse of a god-level figure."

Hearing what he said, Li Xing couldn't help asking: "Master, do you know this sinister?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey," I only knew that when I accepted an apprentice, that apprentice was called Xuanwu, your brother. Your brother has a very poor qualification and cannot be repaired. However, he He had a lot of research on toxicology, and later came up with the name of a 'Poison King.' Wu Xuan Yin San is one of the poisons created. '

Li Xing was speechless for a while, but he did not expect that the poison was actually created by a disciple of the evil.

Tian Xie said: "You don't need to worry about this kind of insidiousness, the so-called insidiousness, its toxicology is just a consumption of physical yang. You have an inexhaustible amount of white yang aura, even if you eat a bowl of corpse poison, you can't die . "

Li Xingdao: "So, if you meet someone who will make you evil in the future, you can take advantage of it."

While the teacher and apprentice talked in their hearts, Li Xing asked Nie Shan: "Brother Nie, I just saw Mu Qinghua after seeing me, and I was very scared. What's going on? Is it because she never talks to strangers? , So afraid of people? "

Nie Shan nodded: "Brother Li is keen to observe, Mu Qinghua is really afraid of people. If you ask other disciples, I'm afraid I don't know, but I happened to hear it from an elder's conversation and know the reason."

"Since no one has played with her since childhood, when she was young, Mu Qinghua wanted to go out to find playmates. At that time, Qi Yunpai had many disciples of her age. But she was sinister, and who would play with her? So Mu Qinghua often cried. "

"Mu Hufa is already very anxious and impatient to explain her poison. In order to keep her out of trouble, she lied to her and said that everyone in the world is bad except him, and must not be near, otherwise they will Harm her. "

"Say this one or two times, and the young Mu Qinghua believed it and started to be afraid of births. She was very afraid of others except Mu Hufa and a few servants who took care of her. So, in After seeing Brother Li, she will show a scared expression. "

After listening, Li Xing felt that the wooden guardian was too impatient. Even if her daughter couldn't communicate with others, she couldn't lie to her like this, so that she couldn't see anyone now.

"In order to do this, she is also worried that she will harm the disciples in the Qi Yun faction, and she must do it." Nie Shan continued, "In fact, the concerns of Mu Hufa are very right. Now Tsinghua Mu often runs alone. Come out and walk around. Wherever she goes, all the disciples will avoid, and she will not return until she leaves. "

The two spoke for a while, and Nie Shan suddenly patted his head and said, "I almost forgot. I came to you to convey the order of the elders and take you to Yunguangfeng for inspection."

Li Xing was not surprised at all. He had been here for a few days, and Qi Yunpai should make arrangements. At the moment, he no longer returned to Shi Fa, and left directly with Nie Shan.

In Guoshiyuan, there are seven mountain peaks, namely Yunshu Peak, Yunxuan Peak, Yunjing Peak, Yunquan Peak, Yunheng Peak, Yunyang Peak and Yunguang Peak. More than 180 disciples live on seven mountain peaks.

On each mountain, there are elders in charge. The disciples on Tongfeng have a closer relationship and are subject to the control of the elders. Therefore, between the seven peaks, there is considerable independent space for each other.

In addition to the elders in charge, the most influential people on a mountain are seven core disciples. Above Zhufeng, most of the disciples have followed seven core disciples. In this way, there are cooperation and competition between the seven peaks, and the relationship is extremely complicated and difficult to sort out.

The mountain where Li Xing is located is called Yunshu Peak, which is quite far away from Yunguang Peak and passes through several mountains.

On these matters, Nie Shan always said to Li Xing on his way to Yun Guangfeng. The journey was long and nothing was wrong. Li Xing took the opportunity to ask many things again.

Yun Guangfeng is located at the westernmost position of the seven peaks. It is the one with the fewest disciples among the peaks, and the strength of the disciples is also the last among the seven peaks. Because of this, some of the chores in the door are often left to Yun Guangfeng.

Although Nie Shan is not from Yun Guangfeng, he is very familiar with this place, because he often comes here to do some errands and deliver letters. For example, sending Li Xing here today.

Walking and walking, unknowingly, that Yun Guangfeng was in front of them, and the two were about to climb, and suddenly came out of the two people behind the rock on the side of the road. As soon as the two men appeared, Li Xing's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the whole person was on alert.

These two men, one man and one woman, the man's calmness and calmness, and the woman's expression of ruthlessness are exactly the spirit snake and black panther that could not kill Li Xing.

Nie Shan quickly stepped forward to salute: "Sister Lingshe, Sister Black Panther." The tone and attitude were very respectful.

Panther waved his hand: "Without you, I have something to tell Li Xing, you go away."

Nie Shan didn't dare to put one, didn't look at Li Xing, and walked obediently. You know, black panthers and spirit snakes are not only the quartet of practicing qi, but also the elder tunes. They are taught by them and have a very high status. Nie Shan dare not provoke them. At this time, he chose Mingzhe to protect himself and did not participate.

As soon as Nie Shan was gone, Li Xing sneered, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com, arms around, leaning on the two and asked, "Why, you still want to kill me?"

The Black Panther said lightly: "I heard that you came to the Qiyun faction yesterday. How can you kill you if you are the same? The rule in the Qiyun faction is that it is a felony to kill the same fellow."

Li Xing didn't relax at all, and asked with an eyebrow: "Oh? So, are you talking about peace?"

"Speak peace?" The spirit snake sneered, "Do you deserve it?"

There was a flash of murder in Li Xing's eyes, and he was silent.

Black Panther said: "We are here to warn you that there is a magic weapon on your body. It is well known in Qiyun School. Be careful." After finishing speaking, the two turned around and walked away.

Li Xing's complexion suddenly sank.

"It's really worth killing these two people! Unfortunately, I can't get rid of both of them for the time being!" He gritted his teeth.

The last time, he managed to get rid of other people's pursuit, and that was the trouble caused by the panther releasing the news that he had a weapon. Today, the same trouble is about to happen soon.

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