Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 175: Too Elderly

Chapter 92: Too Elder Wind Does Not Say

The so-called fire urging is to drive the ground fire with its own true qi, so that the ground fire will be larger or smaller according to the wishes of the person who ignites the fire, which will produce the effects of fire, martial fire, rapid fire, slow fire, raising fire, lowering fire and so on. . . Due to the different periods of practicing Dan, different flames are required. If the requirements are not met, the elixir will often be forgotten.

Therefore, urging fire is an extremely important part of the alchemy process, and it must not be careless.

The chubby old man warned sternly, Li Xing looked calm and nodded: "The elders must not be disappointed."

The self-confidence shown by Li Xing made the elder very happy. He walked over with a smile, patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said warmly, "You must be a new disciple. As long as you work hard and work hard, the elder can guarantee you Through the observation period. "

Qi Yun set up an observation period for disciples who are new to it, in order to examine the disciples' qualities, qualifications, and evaluate their potential. Generally speaking, those who can pass the observation period account for three-fourths.

Li Xing has already been practicing qi. He has no qualifications to say, but his character has to be tested by the unknown. If this elder can protect him, he will have a 100% chance to pass and eventually become a disciple.

Being an inner disciple of the Qi Yun faction is a matter of pride. The Qi Yun faction is the first sect of Pingguo. Among them, there are more than one hundred and eighty disciples. This name alone is enough to dine in Pingguo.

Of course, Li Xing's ambitions are much greater than this, becoming an inner disciple, but it is only a step on the way forward, and the road below is farther and more difficult.

In this way, Li Xing stayed in Yun Guangfeng's Dan room. In the following three months, he did not go out of Dan room. In the process, Li Xing learned about the person from the fat elders while knowing this person, and at the same time, he knew why there were so few disciples on Yun Guangfeng.

It turned out that the elder's name called the wind without saying a word was a very different elder in the Qiyun school. The elders of the Qi Yun faction are divided into three classes. The elders who are in charge of general affairs are the elders who are in charge of affairs. There are also some elders, who are extremely old and have been cultivated to great depths. They are called elders.

The wind in front of Li Xing was silent, and he was a too elder, and he was a man of great strength. Although this person is not the highest person, his status in the Qi Yun faction is not weaker than a few people who practice God.

Because the wind is silent, he is proficient in Dan Tao, and the elixir that is trained can be used even by the god-level people. Lian Dan needs ground fire, just under the Yunguang Mountain, there is a vein of fire, which he was led up to, and built a Dan room here to practice Dan all year round.

The wind doesn't say this person behaves strangely and is not human. He already had several effective Dantongs to help him practice Dan. But later, several Dan Tongs were killed by him one after another, because they made some small mistakes, which led to the failure of practicing Dan.

It is definitely not a day's work to train a dantong. After several dantongs are killed, it becomes very difficult for Feng Wuyu to cultivate dantongs. Moreover, the entire Qiyun faction knows his temper and kills everybody. Who dares to be his Dantong?

Therefore, in recent years, Feng Wuyu has never been satisfied with Dantong again. Even some disciples, even if they have the qualifications to be Dantong, will deliberately act clumsy, in order to avoid becoming Dantong who is silent, and one day will die in his hands.

The longer the time, the more the wind didn't speak, and gradually felt the inconvenience of lacking Dantong. Therefore, in recent years, he has become less temperamental and less harsh on people. But this man has become notorious, and no one is willing to practice Dan with him.

Even fewer and fewer disciples are willing to stay at Yun Guangfeng, and most of them leave for excuses to go to the remaining peaks. They were all afraid of becoming a Dan boy who did not speak, and died by death.

Of course, as the elder of the Qi Yun faction, the wind did not say a word and the disciples would call him disciples. But often not suitable for other uses, he was driven away within a few days, and he wanted to train a few of them.

Li Xing's arrival didn't attract the attention of the wind. He just flashed his thoughts and had to try his luck to see if this new disciple could be made. You must know that several of Yun Guangfeng's internal disciples are unusable. Now that Li Xing is here, there is finally a glimmer of hope, although this hope is very slim.

Because Li Xing is a traverser, his qualifications in practice are extremely poor. But there are gains and losses, he actually has a good talent in Dan Dao. After the wind didn't speak, the Tianxie Emperor secretly dialed in, and within a few days, he made great progress. Even the demanding people, such as the wind who didn't speak, couldn't pick up the fault and secretly appreciated it.

Feng Buyu was supposed to start practicing Dan in the near future, but Li Xing's performance made him very happy. He actually delayed the practice of Dan and wanted to train Li Xing first. In this way, three months passed quickly.

Li Xing learns daily how to ignite fires, identify various medicinal materials, memorizes medicinal properties, and so on, and gradually becomes proficient. By the third month, he could already help Feng Wuyu to practice his elixir, and this progress was very unexpected.

During this period of study, Li Xing did not have much time to cultivate. But he also knew that before he became Bai Yang's body, the effect of cultivation was extremely limited, so there was no regret in his heart, and he didn't think that such a long time could enhance his understanding of Dan Tao.

Finally, Feng said nothing and asked Li Xing to help him practice a panacea. The elixir he is going to refine is called "Jade Bone Dan." It is a golden-grade Chinese traditional medicine, which can improve the bone texture of those who serve it. Especially for those who want to open the bone meridian, once they take it, they can break through ~ www.readwn.com ~ to open the bone meridian.

Yugu Dan is not a high-end elixir, so it is not difficult to refine and it is very easy to succeed. And the required elixir is also ordinary, even if the refining is spent, it will not lose much. Therefore, the wind didn't say anything, so he decided to let Li Xing try his hand in this furnace, and see if he really has the qualification for alchemy.

In fact, in the whole process of refining alchemy, what Li Xing had to do was just to ignite the fire. Li Xing already has considerable confidence in the means of urging fire, and he also wants to try his skills.

Time flies, Li Xing lives in the Dan room, does not communicate with the outside world, and does not know that he has inadvertently escaped a trouble.

Before returning to March, Li Xing entered Dan's third day.

Zhou Xiang sat in the elders' hall with tears in his eyes. This elder's hall is very wide and is used by the elders of the Qiyun faction for daily exercise of their functions and powers. Today, only the elders are present, in fact the elders have avoided it.

The elder Zhou Lichuan has been entangled by Zhou Xiang for a long time. He impatiently said: "Xian Er, although Li Xing was a small figure, when he came, he presented the head of a subordinate of Wang Zixing. The character has made a contribution. Therefore, the elders decided to observe him in March, and if he can pass, he will be a disciple. "

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