Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 176: Crisis emerged

Chapter 93: Crisis Appears

"So, this Li Xing is now a half disciple of the Qi Yun faction. As a father and elder, how can you deal with him? This matter is set aside for a while and I will talk about it later." After speaking, he no longer cares about Zhou Xiang. Gu Xing went out of the Presbyterian Hall.

Zhou Xiang also saw that Zhou Lichuan would not easily change her mind and did not dare to entangle him any more, but the resentment in her eyes was even stronger. When Zhou Lichuan left, he called out coldly: "Black Panther! Spirit snake!"

The black panther and spirit snake suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Xiang, at the same time, a ritual: "What did the lady command?"

Zhou Xianghan whispered, "You can't die in vain. You give me a way to kill Li Xing!"

The black panther and the spirit snake looked at each other, and the black panther said: "Miss, the master has a life ahead, and you must not start with Li Xing."

Zhou Xiangfen faced a cold: "Why, you dare not listen to my order?"

The black panther bowed his head and said lightly, "Don't dare. The black panther said that there is a better way for the lady to choose."

Zhou Xiang's complexion was a little dazed. She knew that the Black Panther had always been wise, and could not help asking him, "What's the solution?"

The Panther raised his head and laughed: "Miss, there are more than 180 disciples in Qi Yunpai. Among them are some great figures. If they make a shot, Li Xing can't stop even one move."

Zhou Xiang froze for a moment, thinking for a moment, and suddenly said: "Do you want me to kill someone with a knife?"

The black panther nodded and said, "Miss, I and the snake have spread the news that Li Xing has several artefacts on him, which caused him a lot of trouble. Now that he has arrived in Qiyun School, he must still have the artefacts. On the body. As long as the news is spread out, it is guaranteed to keep him in trouble, and it is very likely to kill him. "

The spirit snake smiled and smiled, and said, "Miss, the panther's method is very good. You know, among the internal disciples of the Qi Yun school, there are only a few magic instruments, and they are controlled by some powerful disciples. These people, always It is the strongest, and without strength, it is impossible to keep the magic weapon. "

"Li Xing is unwilling to send out magical instruments and fight with others. However, he has limited strength. If he fights with others, he will be killed. Even if he does not die, he offends several powerful disciples and will never live long. . "

Zhou Xiang was so pleased and sneered in the analysis of the two of them: "Okay! Just do this and leave it to you two to deal with it. However, when Li Xing gave the title, I must be present to see him die in front of me. ! "

Within a few days, the black panther and spirit snake successfully released the news. The disciples on the seven peaks of Guoshiyuan knew that Qi Yun had sent a Li Xing, and the man had two magic weapons in his hand, which were of extraordinary quality.

The disciples coveted all over the magical instruments. After a while, someone came to Yun Guangfeng to inquire about Li Xing. Most of them were strong among the disciples, and they were powerful figures of five or six.

However, these people returned without exception, because they all inquired that Li Xing had become a dandelion who was silent. For the old monster who is silent about the wind, the disciples are afraid to avoid it. Who is near?

If this elder is annoyed, he may be arrested directly, and when Dan Tong calls it, he may even be killed. The strength of practicing Qi without saying a word or speaking without words is enough to protect Li Xing Zhouquan.

The news that Li Xing became Feng Tong's subordinate Dan Tong also spread to Zhou Xiang's ears, making him annoyed. Feng's silent status and strength are above his father, the elder Zhou Lichuan, which left her helpless, and only temporarily extinguished the killing of Li Xing.

At the same time, Qi Yun sent a towering tower to talk about Li Xing. This tower is the core of Qiyun School, Qiyun Tower. The people in the tower are all important members, core disciples, and senior members of the faction.

The speaker was a young man in white with a sharp eyebrow and a cold stare, a straight nose and an upright face. This person is the "big brother" Sima Shenbing among the seven core disciples, and the person standing in front of him is the disciple who guards the mountain, Zhang Mi.

"Brother, I didn't expect that Li Xing actually carried a magic weapon. There was only one magic weapon in the hand of Brother." There was a hint of greed in his eyes. "I heard that all are high-order magic instruments. How can I For the big brother ... "

Sima Shenbing smiled lightly: "Zhang Mi, have you ever thought about why Li Xing has two high-end magical instruments on his body? Black panther and spirit snake, why did he release this news?"

When Zhang Mi stayed, he didn't think so. At that time, when he heard the news of the magic instrument, the first thought that came to him was how to take the magic instrument without thinking about other things.

At this moment, when Sima Shenbing mentioned this section, he also became confused and could not help asking: "What did the master find?"

Sima Shenbing said: "I already sent someone to inquire about his past. Li Xing must have secrets in his body. If not, how can he cultivate in a short period of time and make rapid progress?"

"Isn't the elder saying that he has taken the medicine of Heavenly Order?" Zhang Mi wondered. "The master also knows this."

Sima Shenbing shook his head: "It's never going to be that simple. A person who has taken the Celestial Pill and has two high-end magical instruments, no matter how you guess, he is definitely not an easy one."

Zhang Mi thought about it at this moment, and suddenly remembered something, saying, "Brother, I remember, this man once killed a character who practiced qi and gave him his head. He was clearly qi of qi , How do you fight the quartet? "

The gap between the first and fourth levels of qi training cannot be compensated by higher-order instruments.

Sima Shenbing's eyes flashed a glory: "The black panther and spirit snake are both elders. I remember that the elder's daughter, Zhou Xiang's fiance, Xu Yingfeng, was killed by one person ~ www.readwn.com ~ That person seems to be Li Xing. "

Zhang Mi patted his head and smiled bitterly: "It's still a good memory for the big brother. It really does happen." He frowned. "Did the black panther and spirit snake be instructed by Zhou Xiang to harm Li Xing? Zhou Xiang and Xu Yingfeng have always been like paint, and I heard that there are already couples, and it is common sense that she wants to kill Li Xing for revenge. "

Sima Shenbing smiled coldly: "The black panther and spirit snake acted fiercely, and if they could shoot, they shot. With his character, he had to use this strategy to murder Li Xing, which shows that Li Xing is difficult to deal with. At least, under the combined force of the Black Panther and the Spirit Snake, it is not his opponent. "

"I always feel that he has something very important to me." Sima Shenbing clenched his right fist. "I can always enter the level of God training, my mind is clear, and there is a hint of foresight. This feeling Nothing wrong. "

Zhang Mi was dumb, his cultivation was too low to understand the meaning of Sima Shenbing's words, and he couldn't help asking: "What does Brother mean?"

"Attract this person at any cost, to make him feel that we can protect him. Find a chance to let him understand that only I can protect him."

Zhang Mi immediately realized, respectfully: "Master, rest assured, I'll prepare!"

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