Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 177: Become Dantong

Chapter 94: Becoming a Dan Boy

Outside the Dan room, countless people were talking about Li Xing, but he knew nothing about it, and instead devoted all his energy to learning Dan Tao. . . Originally, the Emperor Tianxie took some measures to teach Li Xingdan.

Right now, there is too much elder style to show up. Although there are many ways in which the wind does not speak, there are imperfections in Tianxie's view, and it can even be said that it is useless. But Li Xing's growth is very obvious.

At this moment, the refining of Yugu Dan has entered a critical moment. The wind doesn't speak, and the whole body is covered with a layer of cyan true truth, which is called Qinghua true essence, and it is not easy to cultivate. Of all those who practice alchemy, nine out of ten are equipped with Qinghua Shinji.

This Qinghua Shinji is a collection of Otoki Essence and its own Yuanzheng. It is not harmful, but it is suitable for alchemy.

The wind is silent and the suffocation of the whole body is satisfactory, showing the great power of practicing qi, Li Xing secretly marveled.

At this moment, I saw that Feng did not speak with his right hand, his five fingers spread out, and pressed to his imagination. The multicolored Guanghua on that tripod rolled for a while, and Qinghua's true meaning was like a Changhong, rushing directly into the tripod.

At this step in which the wind is silent, the name "Ning Dan" is used. With the pure essence, the impurities of the elixir in Ding are pulled out, so that the essence of the elixir condenses into Dan. In this step, if it is not for experienced people, chances are that they will not succeed.

When others watched, they could not see any way. However, Li Xing is different. He has the guidance of Emperor Tianxie, and his eyes seem to be able to see through the wall, grasping all the changes and knowing the principle.

"Great martial arts!" At this juncture, Feng said nothing and suddenly ordered.

Li Xing's expression was sullen, his whole body was full of anger, and a ray of ground fire rising from the ground suddenly changed into nine rayes of white light. A small snake surrounded the bottom of the tripod and produced a strong force.

The same kind of ground fire is roughly divided into four levels according to the strength of the fire. The slow and weak ones are called wenhuo. According to their strength, wenhuo is divided into small wenhuo and big wenhuo; on the contrary, wuhuo is also divided into big wuhuo and small wuhuo.

The big martial fire is the most intense flame and the strongest firepower. It is often needed at the last moment of alchemy. At this moment, the elixir is about to come, it is time to use the big fire.

There are several methods for manipulating the big fire, each with its own title. Feng Buyu only taught Li Xing a means to call it "Kowloon style". After the ground fire was strengthened by the energetic qi, it was divided into nine strands and heated evenly.

Now, Li Xing is performing the Kowloon style. There was a secret mention from heavenly evil, that his Kowloon-style show was not scrupulous, but he was meticulous and fully met the requirements of being silent.

Only a few minutes after the flames burned, Li Xing felt that the vital energy in his body was being consumed. It turned out that this fire urging requires not only old experience, but also a vigorous and vigorous bottoming.

In the past, those dandongs couldn't survive, most of them were due to lack of vitality, which caused them to abandon their efforts at the time of urging. Even if you desperately insist on the fire, you have to experience the pain that ordinary people can't bear. Because in the later period of consumption of Qi, the meridians are as uncomfortable as being scratched by a needle and a knife, these pains are not acceptable to ordinary people.

Fortunately, Li Xing is strong. When he first practiced blood six, he could run his blood for sixty weeks every breath. At the time of practicing the blood, the blood gas was compressed by 30 times, making his blood pill extremely powerful.

After Blood Dan was transformed into Zhen Qi, Zhen Qi was naturally equally majestic. He was able to have today's horrific strength, because he had laid a solid foundation in the beginning.

Although the energy consumption was rapid, the ground fire was urged by him to become stronger and stronger, and finally it was dazzling as white as sunlight.

"it is good!"

The wind couldn't help but applaud. Dingzhong's qi was collected, and the colorful phosgene of Ding's mouth disappeared. Six thumb-sized, white as jade, and the fragrant elixir flew out of Ding, and fell into the hands of wind. .

"It's done!" Li Xingmei grinned. This potion of elixir also had his credit, and he was naturally happy.

The wind didn't say a glance at the quality of jade bone Dan, and smiled: "Nice and good, even if I fired it myself, the refined elixir was just that." The palm of his hand shook, and three jade bone Dan fell into Li Xing's hands. He said, "This is a reward for you. Do something good in the future. The elder will never treat you badly."

Li Xing was also rude, and received jade bone dan, but thanked Feng for not speaking.

Feng did not speak with a smile on his face. He looked at Li Xing and said, "After today, you will officially be the elder Dan Tong."

Although Li Xing wanted to refining Dan in the future, he didn't want to really be a Dan Tong, so as not to delay the practice in the future, he was about to refuse, and he gave up a sign when he saw the wind. The brand was carved from Xuanjing, with an auspicious cloud pattern engraved on it, and the word "wind".

The word "wind" indicates that the licensee is a person who is too elder to speak.

"In the future, you are the disciple of the Qi Yun faction, and the inspection in March passed. When you do not refine the alchemy, you will practice at Yun Guangfeng like the other disciples. When you refine the alchemy, I will call you."

Li Xing took the brand and thought: I came to Qi Yunpai to find a stable cultivation environment and improve my strength. If he is his Dantong, he can borrow the reputation of his elders and avoid many troubles in finding a door.

After turning his thoughts, he finally decided to accept Dan Tong's identity, so he put away his identity card and thanked Guo Feng without saying a word.

For a moment, I actually accepted such a satisfying Dan Tong. The wind didn't speak and I was in a good mood. I must smile "Hehe": "Li Xing, you temporarily live in Yunguangfeng, the things on the peak, let you Take it. There are a few small things on Yun Guangfeng, all listen to your dispatch. "

Li Xingyu stopped, so to speak, wouldn't he become the leader of Yun Guangfeng in the future? When he was faint, the wind didn't say a word and waved his hand: "Go ahead, come again when the elder uses you."

Li Xing bowed down and retreated ~ www.readwn.com ~ As soon as he left the Dan room, he felt at least ten eyes watching him.

"Oops! Has the Black Panther and the Spirit Snake already released the news?" Li Xing thought, looking up at all sides, and there were five masters with more than three levels of Qi training.

"Come out!" The five great patriots uttered at the same time, like Xingyue Pill Throw, all of them suddenly appeared in front of Li Xing.

Five people, five pairs of eyes, stared at Li Xing coldly.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, only holding the brand in his hands, and said lightly, "Under the elders, Dan Dan Li Xing, what are the five suggestions?"

At the look of the card, all five's faces changed. They have waited so far outside of the country, hoping that the wind will not fancy Li Xing or accept him as a dan boy. In that case, they have a chance to **** the magic weapon from their hands.

But now it seems that this hope has been dashed. None of the people present dare to challenge the majesty of the wind, even if they are not weak. At this moment, an inner disciple came slowly, this person was extraordinary in appearance, with a cotton-jade belt, a star-shaped jade face, and smiled, "Why, are you trying to embarrass the disciples?"

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