Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 178: Flower white

Chapter 95: Little White Flower

As soon as this person appeared, the faces of the five inner disciples became more ugly. They looked at each other, said nothing, and turned away.

Li Xing's heart was full of curiosity. What is the identity of the person in front of him? How could all the five great scholars be shocked away? Thinking so, his eyes could not help falling on the other side.

The other side smiled and said to Li Xing: "Brother Li, I have heard of your name for a long time. I saw you today, and my life is fortunate."

Li Xing never knew the person in front of him, but seeing that he was so polite, he wasn't cold enough, so he fisted: "Don't dare to be, your Excellency?"

"Xiahua Xiaobai, Yun Jifeng's first master." Hua Xiaobai tone introduced himself easily.

The nephew of this "first master" is really nothing like an expert, but he looks like a rich man.

Naturally, Li Xing would not try to win people and listened to the other party's introduction. He secretly said, "This man and I have never known me, but today he seemed to be breaking out for me. There must be hidden feelings."

Secretly raising his vigilance, Li Xing laughed and said, "It turned out to be Brother No. 1 Master Hua, my brother is polite."

Hua Xiaobai didn't know when he had an extra folding fan. He opened it with a flutter. He fanned it a few times, looked at Li Xing, and said with a smile: "Master, let me protect you, you can rest assured, as long as it is not The core disciples shot, and no one dared to touch you. "

Listening to the other person's tone was so great, Li Xing couldn't help but look at the other side again, only to notice that the bottom of the flower's white foot was suspended under the ground, and a suffocation of gas went down the foot. This is the symptom of Qiqi when he reaches the eighth level of Qi training. After opening the eighth level of the congenital meridians, it will appear after the flying meridians.

Personal meridians are divided into three types: acquired meridians, congenital meridians, and deified meridians. The acquired meridians should be opened during the practice of blood; the acquired meridians should be opened during the practice of Qi.

The congenital meridian is different from the acquired meridian. The congenital meridian is divided into nine levels, the first level of training is to open up the first level of innate meridian; the second level of training is to open up the second level of innate meridian. By analogy, practicing Qi Baqi will open up the eighth congenital meridian.

After each heavy congenital meridian is opened, it will give practitioners an ability. For example, the eighth-level congenital meridian, also known as Feitian meridian, will become as light as a goose feather after opening this meridian.

After discovering the strength of the other party, Li Xing's heart was full of respect. The other party was so young that he practiced his vitality, and his future achievements were inestimable.

In addition, Li Xing captured extremely useful information from the dialogue. Great people like Hua Xiaobai are willing to come out and help each other because of the big brother. Why does the big brother help him?

Hua Xiaobai closed the folding fan, pointed his head forward, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Li, I promised you to take care of you in the future. However, if you don't want to be bullied, you must first improve your strength. Second, You have to be prestigious. If a person has prestige and has been prestigious for a long time, even if his strength is poor, he can be arrogant for a period of time. "

Listening to Hua Xiaobai's argument, Li Xing was almost 100% sure that this Hua Xiaobai was definitely an arrogant person.

Hua Xiaobai continued: "With the improvement of strength, I can't help you. I can only help you on Liwei." He said, walking to a stone house by himself.

In that stone room, there were six inner disciples at the moment, all of them were on Yunguang Peak.

Seeing Hua Xiaobai coming from a distance, the six people who had watched the fun all retracted their heads, all of them looking pale.

"Why is this evil star here? And it seems to be familiar with that newcomer?" An inner disciple asked his surrounding companions.

"Ghosts only know! This Huabai legend is the person most likely to be the eighth core disciple, and he is arrogant and plays tricks. He came here, did he want to trouble us?" Another inner disciple said worriedly .

The woman snorted: "What is our identity? Weak strength and low status, even if Brother Hua wants to bully people, he will not bully us."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the ten eyes of the other five looked at it with a strange look.

The woman's face turned red slightly, her mouth opened, and she seemed to be arguing, but was snatched by a person next to him. He laughed, "Hey, we forgot, Sister Akiba, you have always been infatuated with flowers, with you, Maybe we can avoid this. "

The female disciple named Qiuye gave a blank speech to the male disciple: "Chai Lei, don't talk nonsense, when have I been infatuated with him?"

The disciple named Chai Lei suddenly picked up the orchid finger, narrowed her throat, and said the girl's tone: "The flower is small and white, although cynical, but it has a talented person and a good heart. There is no woman like this man."

Suddenly being so embarrassed, Qiu Ye was instantly ashamed and angry, staring at a pair of black-and-white eyes, getting angry.

Just at this moment, the figure at the door flashed, and Hua Xiaobai had arrived.

The people were taken aback and stopped talking and saluted him.

Behind Hua Xiaobai, Li Xing also followed closely. He wanted to see how Hua Xiaobai taught himself.

Hua Xiaobai glanced at six people and said lazily, "You six lazy ghosts, you have always done things seriously. Today I give you a big thing to do."

The six of them just talked secretly, but at the moment they didn't dare to say anything.

He pointed at Li Xing behind him and said with a smile, "This is Li Xing. He is new to Yun Guangfeng. His strength is not as good as you, but in the future, you must all listen to his orders. Hear?"

The rule of the strongest is applicable everywhere. Hua Xiaobai practiced Qi Qi. For his weak disciples, Akiba, this is a heavenly order and must not be disobeyed.

The six thought or didn't want to, and agreed in unison.

Hua Xiaobai nodded with satisfaction, turned and smiled at Li Xing and said, "Brother Li, if you want to hit, fight, if you want to scold, scold. If there is any disobedience, tell me, I will give him a good look."

Li Xing did not show any gratitude and excitement ~ www.readwn.com ~ just said lightly: "Thank you."

Hua Xiaobai did all of this and was satisfied. He patted Li Xing on the shoulder: "There is a master, you are at ease." Then he smiled and strode away.

As soon as Hua Xiaobai left, the eyes of six pairs of doubts and fears fell on Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't have a cold on Hua Xiaobai's "Li Wei" set. He smiled and met with six people: "Brother Li Xing, new to Yun Guangfeng, I hope more of my brothers will take care of him." He thought that the six would be hostile to him because of Xiaobai's orders.

What was unexpected was that the six of them actually showed a very grateful expression. Then Chai Lin happily grabbed Li Xing and asked him to sit down in the room. Be scared. "

Li Xing couldn't understand the meaning of his words, and suddenly appeared on the spot.

Akiba explained: "Brother Li is now Dan Tong, Elder Feng, so we don't have to be afraid to be caught by him as coolies in the future."

As soon as Li Xing heard it, it became clear why the people in the other party had to thank him.

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