Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 180: 9 Yang Jing

Chapter 97: The Jiuyang Sutra (1)

"What secret?" Li Xing asked curiously. , "Jiuyang Jing." Tianxie Emperor slowly said.

Li Xing showed confusion. He had never heard of the Jiuyang Jing, and even Li Ziran had never told him. However, he was a wise man, and he couldn't help but ask, "Master, is the Jiu Yang Jing related to Jiu Yang Zhu?"

Emperor Tianxie said: "Exactly, the teacher also told you that if I could get Jiuyangzhu at the beginning, I would not turn into flying ash at the last moment and ruin my life skills."

Li Xing couldn't help itching and immediately asked: "What is the secret Master wants to tell me? Does Master know the whereabouts of the Jiuyang Jing?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "More than know, the Jiuyang Sutra is in the hands of the teacher."

Li Xing's eyes widened: "What? On Master? Since Master has Jiuyang Sutra, how could Master be physically destroyed at the last moment of the breakthrough?" He was surprised and realized that Tianxie said today This secret must be related to him.

The Emperor Tianxie sighed, and this sigh was full of desolation.

"Training on the blood is training Qi, training on the Qi is training God, there is Fatian on the training of God. What is Fatian? After ancient and modern times, only one person knows, that is the ancestor of Pure Yang.

"There are ten realms in Fatian, including fetal birth, vacuum, agility, warming up, baby change, face wall, dharma body, cast sword, cave heaven, and enlightenment. . Being able to reach this step of Fa Tian is called the **** teacher and is highly respected by the world. "

"But after I entered the Tao, I could not find the path to cultivation. At that time, there were rumors of pure ancestors of Chunyang in the world, leaving two treasures. If I could get these two treasures, I would have the opportunity to step into the realm of Chunyang ancestors. , A state that transcends the horizon of law. "

"What realm is that?" Li Xing couldn't help asking.

"It can be called the realm of creation. People at this level have the magic of creation and can be imagined by non-human beings."

The tone of Emperor Tianxie is full of longing. What kind of mysterious and incomprehensible state can a realm that Tianxie and other ancient giants can also hope for? Li Xing's heart suddenly jumped up. Does he have a chance to touch this realm? Become the second strongest after Chunyang ancestor?

Emperor Tianxie continued to talk about his past.

"After entering the Tao, we know our own smallness and the greatness of the heavens and the earth. With the help of the powerful forces established in the early days, we began to look for the two treasures left by the ancestor of Chunyang throughout the Tianyuan Island, in an attempt to break through the difficulties and reach the realm of creation. "

"No one knows how to achieve that good fortune, but I myself cannot reach it through my own efforts. I can only hope for external forces. After a hundred years of hard work, the teacher finally found those two things."

"One of these two treasures is buried in the eyes of the South China Sea.

Li Xing was shocked. Is there really a South China Sea? Is there really a North Pole in the world? It turned out that in Tianyuanzhou, an ancient painting has been circulated since ancient times. It is an enlightenment reading book called The Great Wilderness.

According to the Record of the Great Wilderness, although Tianyuanzhou is huge, it also has edges. To the south of it is the vast sea, which is called the South China Sea. The South China Sea is boundless, with all kinds of monsters in it, with incredible strength.

The east side of Tianyuanzhou is called Lingshan, where people from myths and legends live, and people don't know the details.

To the north of Tianyuanzhou, there are endless icebergs, extremely cold. Unless it reaches the level of law and sky, it cannot be penetrated into it.

The west side of Tianyuanzhou is called the Ghostly Ghost Realm. Legend has it that ghosts live there.

Regarding the records in the Great Wilderness, Li Xing has always thought that it was just a folk rumor. There would be no South China Sea, Arctic Icefield, Eastern World, or Western Ghost Land. But at this moment, he got confirmation from Tianxie's mouth. How could he not be surprised?

"It took a lot of effort for the teacher to get one of the treasures in hand."

"What about the other thing?" Li Xing asked quickly, he vaguely guessed that this baby might be related to Jiu Yangzhu.

"The other one was buried in the ice field, but when I found it, I found that the thing was gone." Tianxie Emperor smiled bitterly. "You must have guessed these two things. One is the Jiuyang Jing, the other is the Jiuyang Pearl . "

"The Jiuyang Sutra is the idea left by the ancestor of Chunyang when it broke the void, which contains a shortcut to break through the avenue. The Jiuyang pearl is transformed by some of the skills of the ancestor of Chunyang. Indispensable."

"Who got the Jiuyangzhu? How did it fall on me?" Li Xing paused. The person who took Jiuyangzhu back then might not be weaker than the Emperor of Heaven. Although the original evil, known as the world's first strong, but some people may not have the name, but their strength is equally terrible.

Then I thought: "Jiu Yangzhu was left by her mother. Maybe the mother will know these things. Unfortunately, I don't know where she is now."

At the beginning, Li naturally did not elaborate on Li Xing's mother and did not elaborate on the specific origin of Jiu Yangzhu, which made Li Xing now unable to think of a reason.

"Later, after many investigations for the teacher, I vaguely knew that in addition to me, there is a strong man who has been living in seclusion. The man named Jiyang ancestor lives in the very east. After learning, he immediately I went looking for it, but the ancestor of the extremely sun that day has already left the country and is missing. "

"So it is ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Jiyang ancestor must have got Jiuyangzhu." Li Xing speculated, "Now Jiuyangzhu is in the hands of my apprentice, indicating that Jiyang ancestor did not have The refining of Jiuyang Pearl is puzzling. "

Emperor Tianxie: "I can't figure this out as a teacher. As far as I know, the strength of the extremely yang ancestor, even if he is not a teacher, will not be too far apart. Such strength should be used to worship Jiuyangzhu. It's not difficult. "

After turning his thoughts, Li Xing asked his most concerned question: "Master, since you got the Jiuyang Jing originally, although there are no Jiuyang beads, there should be some chance of success."

When mentioning this, Emperor Tianxie smiled bitterly and said leisurely: "Although there are a few opportunities, I ca n’t succeed as a teacher." He paused. "Today, the secret I want to tell you is Jiuyang. The secret of the sutra. "

Li Xing's heart mentioned in his throat that he now has both Jiuyangzhu and Jiuyangjing. Wouldn't he have a chance to peek into the realm of the future?

Tian Xie laughed: "Cultivate the Jiuyang Sutra for the teacher, and go the other way. There are some twists and turns. Listen to the teacher carefully." At the moment, he told Li Xing a horrifying process. . After Li Xing heard it, the whole person paused and murmured, "Master, how do you ... how dare you do this? If you don't, you may not fail."

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