Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 181: 9 Yin Meridian

Chapter 98: The Nine Yin Classics (2)

Emperor Tianxie hummed: "Li Xing, what is your name as a teacher?"

"Heaven and evil ..." Li Xing replied respectfully.

"Yes, as the teacher, the evil, how can we go the way of the predecessors? Although the ancestor of Chunyang, although he is the first person from ancient times to the present, he is not willing to learn his Jiuyang Sutra! He wants to go out of his own way Come!"

It turned out that if Emperor Tianxie wanted to practice the Jiuyang Sutra, he would have to use Jiuyang beads to achieve the body of Jiuyang. However, at that time, the evil spirits had no Jiuyang beads, and they were reluctant to follow the old path of the ancients, so they did the opposite and realized the Jiuyin Classic.

According to the calculation of the evil, between heaven and earth, yin and yang alternate, and there is yin and yang. Since there are nine positive auras in the world, there must be nine negative auras. After his continuous exploration, he finally confirmed this. Between heaven and earth, there are indeed nine kinds of Yin aura.

The nine auras are respectively Su Yin, Lie Yin, Yin Yin, Jue Yin, Ling Yin, Zhi Yin, Magic Yin, Xuan Yin, and Pure Yin, which correspond to the nine white yang, red yang, green yang, purple yang, and dan yang. , Zhenyang, Yuyang, Tianyang, Chunyang.

After discovering the Jiuyin Reiki, the great Emperor Tianxie was overjoyed. It took thirty years to create the Jiuyin Scriptures, and he began to practice, even achieving extremely high achievements. In the tenth year of his cultivation, Emperor Tianxie relied on his extraordinary qualifications to cultivate in the realm of Xuanyin, and completed the body of Xuanyin.

However, the Emperor Tianxie ignored one thing. The Jiuyin Jing was negative. The more he practiced, the more he felt wrong. Eventually, the yin and yang were not tuned, and his body died, leaving only a trail of remnants.

Speaking of this, the Great Emperor Tianxie sighed: "Until then, I learned that the solitary yin is not long and that Duyang is not born. Even if I do n’t practice Jiuyin Jing, but Jiuyang Jing, it will still be It ended like this, it was dead. "

Li Xing froze all of a sudden. Doesn't this mean that no one in the world can practice the Jiuyang Sutra? What happened to the ancestor of Chunyang?

As soon as he came out of this idea, the Emperor Tianxie seemed to have thought about it, Shen said, "For more than a thousand years, I have been thinking about one thing for the teacher who lived in the Tianxie Pearl. The legendary ancestor of Chunyang used it What measures can be taken to cultivate the Jiuyang Scripture to the highest level? "

"If the human body is too full of yang, it can't exist at all. The real road should be the combination of yin and yang." Tianxie said, "After a long time of thinking, I finally thought of a way for the teacher."

Li Xing blinked, but didn't speak, for fear of disrupting Tianxie's thinking. He knows that today ’s evil words will definitely speak out a lot of thoughts that have not existed in ancient and modern times, and will be of great help to his future cultivation.

"To practice the Jiuyang Sutra, it is inevitable to take a path from Yang to Gang. At the end of the road, there is only extinction. There is also no way out when practicing the Jiuyin Sutra. However, the two are opposite to each other. Jing, the other person cultivates the Jiuyin Classic, and then the two practice together so that the yin and yang complement each other, cold and heat intersect, and dragon and tiger meet together. This move will surely go up the same road together! "

Li Xing suddenly, isn't this the "double-editing of dual membership" he often heard in previous lives?

Emperor Tianxie talked about where he was most proud, and speeded up a bit, and continued: "For the teacher, if you practice the Jiuyang Sutra, you should select nine women with nine constitutions in the world, corresponding to Su Yin and Lie respectively. Yin, Yin Yin, absolute Yin, Ling Yin, Yin Yin, Magic Yin, Xuan Yin, Pure Yin. In this way, those who practice the Jiu Yang Jing can no longer worry about it and become a leap forward! "

"The reverse is also true. A woman who practices the body of Jiuyin can also find nine men who practice the body of Baiyang, Chiyang, Qingyang, Ziyang, Danyang, Zhenyang, Yuyang, Tianyang, and Chunyang. . "

Hearing here, Li Xing's scalp tingled for a while, a man and a woman, he was quite acceptable, and even yearned for it. As for one woman and nine men, it is difficult for him to recognize it. I am afraid that most men have such a mentality.

After thinking about it, Li Xing felt that there was a big loophole in Tian Xie's method. He asked: "Master, there is really a pure yin body in the world? Even if it is, that person is probably an extraordinary person. How can he be willing? For others? "

Emperor Tianxie laughed proudly: "You're right, there is no Jiuyin constitution in this world. Yang is alive and yin is a death. Once contaminated with yin, there is bound to be no life except for the cultivation of nine People of the Yin Jing. But in this world, only the Jiu Yin Jing has been cultivated for the teacher, and no second person knows, how can there be a person with a Jiu Yin constitution? "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "So, Master ’s ideas are simply fantasies, they ca n’t be implemented at all, and have no value to the disciples."

"Huh! You talked so much as a teacher, is it nonsense?" There was a little dissatisfaction in Tianxie's tone.

Li Xing's eyes brightened, he grinned, and quickly asked, "Is there any way for Master?"

The tone of Emperor Tianxie became very depressed: "Originally, I wanted to practice in this way as a teacher. Unfortunately, I lost my body, and now I am trapped in Baiyang, I ca n’t practice at all, it ’s cheap. You kid! "

Li Xing was overjoyed: "What can Master do, let's talk!"

"Li Xing, do you know the origin of Tian Xie Zhu?" Tian Xie did not rush to answer, and asked Li Xing instead.

Li Xing thought about it: "Isn't Master saying that Tianxiezhu is the result of your old man's life skills?"

"Yes, practicing for the teacher to the realm of Xuanyin, can already sense the Jiuyin aura between heaven and earth. Some time ago, Tianxiezhu was absorbed by Jiuyangzhu, but as a teacher, she felt something in that critical moment and condensed with her will Eight seeds. "

"What seed?"

"Eight yin seeds are plain yin seeds, strong yin seeds, yin yin seeds, absolute yin seeds, spiritual yin seeds, Zhiyin seeds, magic yin seeds, and xuan yin seeds. If you can find a suitable woman, that is This seed can be inserted into their bodies, making it a Jiuyin constitution, to help you cultivate. Once these female seeds are planted in these women's bodies, they will be happy and loyal to you. "

How does Li Xing listen and feel that this approach is too evil ~ www.readwn.com ~ For example, one day, when he fancy a beautiful woman, he inserts the seed into his body, so that he will surrender and serve for a lifetime. Pick and enjoy the fun of men and women. This approach is no different from using fans. Medicine fans. Traitors.

This thought flashed, Li Xing could not help but roll his eyes, his family will definitely have the potential to become a big color in the future.

At the same time, he also had a question in his mind. At this time, he asked the Emperor Tianxie: "Master, why don't you put eight seeds into a woman at the same time? Why should you find eight?"

The Emperor Tianxie asked strangely, "Why can I have eight? Why are you changing one? As a descendant of Tianxie, you should have a third house, six courts, seventy-two concubines, and beauties around the world. Can there be only one woman? Besides, that The seeds are quite overbearing. One may be able to bear it. If two are, the woman who is sown will be at risk. "

Li Xing suddenly turned his face. Somehow, in his mind, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were remembered instantly, and Bei Shiluo and Xiaoxiu were also remembered. These women are people he is more familiar with.

But in an instant, he shook his head again and secretly said: "No, it may hurt them."

But the words of Emperor Tianxie changed his mind.

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