Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 183: 19 princes

Chapter 100: The Nineteen Princes

After leaving Yangweiyuan, Li Xing continued to visit. It didn't take long for him to find Bai Qiong and Bai Jing. The two women, who live in Qingzhuyuan, are also foreign disciples. When Li Xing appeared, the two sisters were talking intimately with a foreign disciple, with laughter on their faces.

Seeing Li Xing, the two women were all alone, and then came over quickly.

"Li Xing, why are you here?" They were all very surprised, but somewhat happy. Last time, if it wasn't for Li Xing's rescue, they were still in Zhangjidao's hands.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I am also a disciple of Qi Yun, so please see you by the way."

Only one word was spoken. The man who had just talked to Bai Qiong and Bai Jing followed quickly, raising his eyebrows, showing a chill, pointing at Li Xing, and sternly asked Sister Bai: "Who is he?"

As a foreign disciple, few people dare to be so arrogant in front of the internal disciple, so Li Xing was curious. He looked at each other and recommended that he might be a back-office person. Or, this person is simply a stupid generation. Life and death.

Sister Bai Qiong's face changed, and she laughed quickly. She said in a coquettish tone: "The 19th prince, this person is from Sanyiyuan, and has saved our sister's life."

Li Xing suddenly realized that this man was the nineteenth prince, the youngest son of today's lord Xiang Zhishan. At that time, Bai Qiong and Sister Bai Jing had long served as husbands and wives, and slept with the 19th prince more than once.

This very gossip story was passed on hundreds of times by people with broken mouths in Sanyi Garden, and Li Xing didn't even know it.

The Nineteen Emperor's face was slightly haggard, and his expression was slowed down, and he said coldly, "It was originally you from Sanyiyuan, why didn't you say it earlier?" Then he slightly raised his chest, waiting for Li Xing to salute him.

Although the seat of the lord of Xiangzhishan is not well-known, he still gave birth to dozens of sons. He thought that as a noble prince, he would definitely get the national respect.

The 19th prince, named Xiang Huan, was loved by Xiang since he was a child. His arrogance and arrogance were worse than the prince.

If the rules are followed, Li Xing, regardless of whether he is a disciple or not, must show respect, or at least show respect. However, now that the princes are separatist, the black demon teaches the emperor to make the princes and the princes' status greatly reduced.

With a slight smile, Li Xing looked away and nodded to the sisters of the Bai family: "If there is something in the future, you can go to Yun Guangfeng to find me." After speaking, turn around and leave.

Xiang Huan set up the shelf. I thought that Li Xing would come forward to see him, but he wouldn't know if anyone knew it. He could not help but rushed up. The prince came up and took a step forward. He said angrily: "Be bold! kneel?"

Li Xing was too lazy to look back. He could also figure it out with his toes. Qi Yunpai left the 19th prince here, I'm afraid he had no plans. In the future, once there is a conflict with the Dark Devil, the nineteenth prince is a good card, and he can even help him to sit on the landlord.

However, now that Xiang Huan is nothing to Li Xing, he doesn't even want to waste time on him.

Xiang Huan was so angry that he pointed at Li Xing: "Okay! Good! I will not spare you when I become the master of the country in the future!"

Bai Qiong and Bai Jing were so annoyed that Li Xing was so rude, and quickly stepped forward to comfort him. In their hearts, the prince is the prince after all, and he may become the lord of the country in the future, but he did not expect that even the lord of the country is not so dignified, and the prince is even more worthless.

Out of the Mengshi Garden, Li Xing walked around again, and when it returned to Yun Guangfeng, it was too late.

In the next few days, Li Xing went out every day to check. Except for Qi Yun Tower, he made the entire Qi Yun faction path clear.

On this day, the windless words that disappeared for several days suddenly appeared. The wind didn't say a good mood. When he saw Li Xing, he smiled and said, "Li Xing, help me refining Runwu Dan."

Runwudan, the top grade elixir of gold, is one grade higher than Yugudan. This Dan can comprehensively improve physical strength, which is of great help to the late warriors.

Li Xing was naturally happy to have the opportunity to practice his hand, and he promised. While the wind was silent, preparing materials, Li Xing was helping. Feng Wuyu took out sixteen kinds of elixir and one medicine, all of which could not be easily obtained.

"Although these elixir are not high-grade, they are not easy to come by. When you ignite the fire, you must make no mistakes and refining this furnace. After success, the elder rewards you." Feng said nothing while checking the spirit Medicine, while admonishing Li Xing.

Li Xing thought to himself, "I want to ask about Qi Yun's medicine, and my status is not suitable. Unless I can become a disciple of the wind, I'm afraid I can't find useful information."

He is just a Dan boy now. He has no status. If he hurriedly asked Qi Yunpai whether there was a ninth-order instrument, it would certainly cause suspicion. Moreover, even if he could hear the news, he still had to find a way to use Yaoding.

After becoming a disciple of the wind, you should have the opportunity to use the nine-stage medicine tripod. Therefore, no matter how you think about it, becoming a disciple of the wind is the only way for Li Xing to succeed.

Thinking about it, Li Xing suddenly said, "Can the elders accept disciples as apprentices?"

He asked abruptly, the wind didn't say a word, and then he showed indifference. He hummed: "Although you know how to ignite the fire, you know a little about Dao Dao. Unfortunately, this Dao Dao cannot be learned by anyone. "

Li Xing's eyes flashed, and he said lightly, "There are two conditions for becoming a master of Dan. First, it must be able to sense Jiuyang Reiki. Second, it must have a good heritage. Disciples are right?"

Feng silently inspected the elixir and said indifferently: "Everyone knows this. How many people can innately sense Jiuyang Reiki in the world?"

"A disciple can ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing raised his eyebrows." Although the disciple is not Bai Yang's body, he can sense Bai Yang's aura. "

Together with alchemy, nine kinds of auras must be used, and very few people can achieve this. Therefore, the status of Danshi is extremely noble. This is also the reason why the wind is silent, and it becomes the elder of the Qiyun faction, because the entire Qiyun faction has no second master except him.

Feng Wuyu flashed a fine light in his eyes, staring at Li Xing so fiercely that his eyes looked like a word, "You can sense Jiuyang Reiki?"

For some people, innate can sense one or more of the nine auras. Among these people, with good qualifications, they can become a higher level of the body of Baiyang and the body of Chiyang.

Of course, there are some people who can sense the nine auras, but they cannot achieve the sun body, such as the wind not speaking. But this does not prevent people from becoming a master.

At this time, Li Xing's words were undoubtedly like a thunder, sounded in the wind without saying a word. He can actually sense Jiuyang Reiki!

Li Xing looked as usual, and looked at the past without saying a word: "It is a pity that the disciples are too poor to become the body of Bai Yang, so they decided to develop on Dan Road, hoping that the elders will be successful.

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