Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 186: Doubled in value

Chapter 103: Doubled Value

Li Xing was out of the Dan room, and the outside scene made him suddenly stop. I saw, Qiu Ye, Xiu, Bai Qianfei, Hu Shilin, Qian Mingxi, and Chai Lin, the six people on Yunguang Peak, all stood at the door.

Behind the six people, there were dozens of disciples in the group. They all showed joy when they saw Li Xing coming out.

"Brother, these brothers come from the rest of the mountain, they are all people who want to meet the brother, and have been waiting for half a day." Chai Lin quickly stepped forward to explain.

Li Xing said, "It seems that I have become a disciple and have already spread it. 80% of these people came to me and wanted to get some benefits."

You must know that the disciples who are silent about the wind must not be short of elixir. If anyone can get close to Li Xing, maybe they can mix a few more each year, which will be very helpful to Xiu Wei. The elixir is very precious. Even if it is the lower-ranking elixir of the golden rank, it is not easy for ordinary disciples to get it.

Taking pride in the Qiyun pie, ordinary disciples can receive three gold-grade Chinese medicines and one gold-medium medicine from the door each year. Foreign disciples, can only receive one gold-grade lower-grade elixir per year.

Of course, except for the personal disciples, the personal disciples are assisted by the teacher, and it is easier to obtain elixir. Except, because the core disciples are not under the elders, they have a certain power to distribute elixir, which is more advantageous than the personal disciples.

Although he knew the purpose of these people, Li Xing greeted them with a smile and politely saluted the crowd: "Many brothers are welcome, please sit down a bit."

Chai Lin hurriedly led the way and said, "Please here." It felt like he was the steward of Li Xing.

Introducing everyone into the stone house, the small feelings are a little crowded because they accommodate too many people. And because the chairs were not enough, many people had to stand.

At this moment, Li Xing sat in the middle, slowly glanced at these visitors, politely and authentically: "Not long after the younger brother came to the Qi Yunpai, thanks to the love of the teacher and the teacher, he stayed at Yun Guangfeng, and he was just a dan. Tong. All the brothers came to visit, and my brother was so terrified that he would visit the door one by one.

At this opening, an inner disciple gave a thumbs up and praised earnestly: "Although Brother Li is new to the Qi Yun faction, he is valued by the elder who teaches and is too windy. This shows that Brother Li is extremely qualified and will definitely be able to Become a core disciple and have a bright future. "

This person hasn't had time to finish shooting, and another person rushed and said, "This is natural! Brother Li follows the elder Feng Tai, and he will also be a master of Dao Dao in the future, becoming a rare talent of my Qi Yun faction. Just yesterday, Brother Li has been granted permission to walk Qi Yun Tower in the future. Such things have never happened before. "

"Yeah! This shows that Master Zhang has cultivated Brother Li as a core disciple."

For a moment, Li Xingman was full of praise. He smiled slightly, showing neither pride nor impatience. When these people had spoken almost, he smiled, and said lightly: "The public is overwhelming, Li Xingxiu is inferior, and alchemy is also a beginner. There is no such thing as a Wizards, and I would like to ask for your guidance in the future. "

Although Li Xing was amiable on the surface, he was really impatient. For these generations who had to slap horses, he didn't think there was any value in friendship, and he was preparing to go away. Who knows, the Emperor Tianxie suddenly said at this time: "Li Xing, these people just give a little good, you can gather around and grow your momentum. You don't have a person around you now, know more people, and there is no harm."

Li Xing listened reasonably, changed his mind between flashes of thought, summoned Chai Lin, took out a moisturizer, handed it to Chai Lin, and said, "Drink some wine and take some dried fruit and flesh. I want to be with everyone Brothers have a drink. "

That Runwu Dan is the top grade elixir of golden grade. It has the size of longan, its texture is bright, and its fragrance is fragrant. It is quite precious at first glance. Everyone was overjoyed, this elixir was soaked in wine, and the wine was extraordinary, and it was very beneficial to the body.

The shot was a moisturizer, and Chailin's hand receiving the elixir shivered, his heart was hot, and he secretly said, "Really generous! It seems that my choice was correct that day. Once Li Xing gets up in the future, I will follow with light ! "

Chai Lin Baba went out to make wine, and autumn leaves and other five disciples of Yun Guangfeng also prepared food and tables and chairs respectively. Guoshiyuan, the tops of the mountains are simple. You know, letting your disciples go to the peak to cultivate is to be dedicated.

Luxurious and tedious life will only distract the disciples and influence cultivation.

The six acted swiftly, and soon got food and wine from the kitchen and returned. Chai Lin hugged a large wine tank with both hands and hurriedly walked. The tank was one meter deep and contained hundreds of pounds of spirits.

Before the wine tank was lowered, the strong aroma was emitted, which widened everyone's eyes.

Because the house was too small, Li Xing simply set up the banquet outside. Twenty or so people sat around and lit a pile of bonfire in the middle. The raw meat was roasted and eaten, while a large glass of wine was consumed.

Although these people are mostly applauding horses, they come from above the peaks and have been in the Qiyun faction for a long time. They know quite a bit about the facts in the faction. So during the conversation, Li Xing got a lot of information.

For example, the division of the camp among the seven core disciples, fighting openly; for example, what are the powerful elders in Qi Yun Tower, and the female disciples among the inner disciples?

Unconsciously, the sky was dark, and the sky was red with the bonfire, which attracted the attention of all the peaks.

A bottle of wine had already been consumed, and everyone's purpose was achieved. One after another, Li Xing got up and gave away. For a moment, the peak was deserted, leaving only Li Xing and Chai Lin.

Akiba extinguished the bonfire ~ www.readwn.com ~ and asked with a smile: "Brother Li, no one will look down upon us Yun Guangfeng in the future!" There seems to be a depressing atmosphere in her sentence.

For a long time, the people of Yun Guangfeng have said that their strength is also weak, and they often do some chores, and they have always been looked down on by the others. But now, the inner disciples from outside came to Yun Guangfeng to hang on to Li Xing, which made Akiba and others honorable.

Li Xing smiled, and said nothing, he was going to return to the room. Who knows, just at this time, a female voice came from a distance: "Brother Li, my sister is polite."

Li Xing looked intently, and saw a woman with a bright eyebrow. She wore a long sleeved pleated green dress and walked on the small piece. She laughed, her eyes were like crescent moon.

As soon as this woman appeared, Li Xingying paid a courtesy gift, with a graceful posture, and suddenly compared the plain autumn leaves around Li Xing.

Li Xing nodded: "Is there anybody coming for advice?"

"Little girl Gong Yan, who is from the fifth division, came here to ask for something." The other side said with a smile. Li Xing looked so surprised that he was actually sent by Sister Wu Shi. Those five teachers and sisters ranked seventh among the seven core disciples, how could they find him?

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