Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 187: Yu Yandan

Chapter 104: Yu Yandan

Suffering from his heart, Li Xing was calm on the surface and smiled slightly: "It was originally the sister of the fifth division. I heard the name of the fifth division for a long time, but unfortunately I haven't been able to meet for months since I started ...

Sister Wu Shi, one of the core disciples, called Liu Yiyi. It is rumored that his appearance is unparalleled and he is the first beauty of the Qi Yun faction. And this Liu Yiyi has been engaged with You Bikong.

Gong Yan smiled softly: "Brother Li, sister five has also heard of your name. Just a few months after getting started, I became a personal disciple. Within a few days, I was allowed to walk in Qiyun Tower again. Things have never happened in Qiyun faction. "

Li Xing listened to the compliment for a day today, and his ears were grinded out of cocoons. For Gong Yan's words, he just laughed.

Gong Yan said in a tone, saying the purpose of the visit: "Brother Li, the younger sister is here under the entrustment of the five teachers and sisters, asking Brother Li for something."

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "Oh? I don't know what Wu Shi needs?" He came to Qi Yun. What can he have? The other side said that Li Xing was immediately alert.

"For Brother Li, that thing may not be difficult, it may just be a hand-to-hand." Gong Yan said, "Sister Wu Shi wants to ask for a few 'Yu Yan Dan'. I wonder if Brother Li is willing to help?"

Upon hearing "Yu Yan Dan", Li Xing secretly relieved. Yuyandan, Jinjie Chinese medicine, has a unique effect that can improve a woman's appearance and make the skin smooth and tender. Presumably, Liu Yiyi just wanted to make herself more beautiful.

He knew that although Liu Yiyi was a core disciple, he could get a lot of elixir. However, the elixir issued by the martial arts can be used for improvement and will never be issued.

If you want Yuyan Dan, you must ask for it. The wind does not speak very badly, Liu Yiyi is not sure, how dare to rush? Therefore, she sent someone to find Li Xing, hoping to get Yu Yandan from Li Xing.

On one side are core disciples, and on the other side are newly banned disciples. Liu Yiyi is confident that Li Xing will probably sell her as a human being.

"Liu Yiyi is a core disciple. When I first came to ask me, it was difficult to refute her face. Moreover, it was easy to refine Yuyan Dan, and I could do it in two or three days."

Thinking about it that way, Li Xing decided to agree with the party, so he laughed: "Since the five sisters have a life, how dare not agree?"

Gong Yan's face was hilarious, and she smiled, "Great! When will it come?"

Li Xing thought about it, it took about ten days to prepare the elixir and alchemy, but for the sake of insurance, he decided to postpone the time by a few days, and said, "Twenty days later."

Sister Wu Shi was obviously not in a hurry to use Yu Yandan. Gong Yan had no objection. She nodded: "Brother Li has a job." Now he took a jade box out of his sleeve and gave it to Li Xing.

"This is a cold star grass, although it is not a peerless elixir, but it is also very precious. It was accidentally obtained during the last few years of the five master sisters. The older sister said, you ca n’t ask for something from Brother Li. Grass exchange. "

Li Xing was not a mother-in-law. He quickly took the jade box without looking, and said, "Thank you, Sister Five."

Gong Yan finally completed the task, exhaled lightly, and smiled at Li Xing: "That's good, brother Li and leave," Yingying left and turned away.

A few of Akiba looked at it, and then came back to God, all surprised and said: "Sister Fifth Division actually sent someone, this Gong Yan, I heard that it is the sixth person who practiced Qi. Close people. "

Sister Wu Shi sent someone to strongly prove that Li Xing's status has far surpassed ordinary disciples. Of course, the six autumn leaves are happy.

Li Xing didn't think so. On the contrary, he felt that such attention was not a good thing.

It was late at night, but Li Xing had no drowsiness. After consulting a few **** questions from Tianxie, he began to contact the Jiuyang Jing.

"Master, what's so magical about the Jiuyang Jing?" Li Xing raised some questions in his mind.

Tianxie University said "Hey": "If only the benefits of practicing Jiuyang Jing are indescribable. Jiuyang Jing is divided into nine parts, namely Baiyang, Chiyang, Qingyang, Ziyang and Danyang. Ministry, Zhenyang Ministry, Yuyang Ministry, Tianyang Ministry, Chunyang Ministry. "

"The nine classics are advanced one by one, and Baiyang is cultivated first, then Chiyang, Qingyang, etc. Each step of cultivation will increase the strength several times!"

"Exercising the Jiuyang Sutra can not only make the body of Jiuyang faster and more powerful, but also more importantly, it can cultivate the nine major gods in the body, and finally condense to the Holy God."

"Yangshen?" Li Xing stunned.

"Those who are the gods of the sun can gather together and form the spirits, and they are free in the heavens and the earth, and they have unparalleled power. Practicing the nine scriptures can be completed into the nine major gods such as Baiyang Yuanshen, Chiyang Yuanshen, Qingyang Yuanshen .After the Nine Great Gods are completed, they can condense into the Most Holy Sun God. "

"Once the **** of the sun is achieved, this world can no longer restrain you. In front of you, there will be more and a wider world." Tianxie emperor's tone was full of longing, "I was almost a teacher for the first time, so Can see the world, but unfortunately failed. "

Li Xing was so excited that he couldn't hold on to himself. The Jiuyang Jing had such power that he could break the world!

"There are many benefits to practicing Jiuyang Jing, for example, it can speed up your cultivation speed in the period of divine deity and law and heaven, and make you a wizard of cultivation."

After the excitement, Li Xing calmed down, no matter how good the Jiuyang Jing was, he had to cultivate step by step. He couldn't become a strong overnight.

Emperor Tianxie: "You have opened the Baiyang Realm, and you can now practice the Baiyang Department. However, for your safety, when you find a suitable woman, you will first cultivate it into a body of the Yin Yin, and then officially teach it to the teacher. The content of the White Sun Department. "

Li Xinggan laughed: "Master, where are the disciples going?"

If Li Xing could see it, he would find that the Emperor Tianxie was rolling his eyes.

"Bad boy! It's your own business to find a woman ~ www.readwn.com ~" After speaking, the emperor stopped speaking and wondered where to hide in Baiyangjing.

Li Xing flashed a few shadows in his mind, but then sighed. Several possible women, who are not at all, where do they go? Suddenly, he remembered his girlfriend from the previous life.

"If only Su Li was by my side ..."

But Li Xing knew that this was an extravagant hope. He shook his head, took out two volumes of Danshu from the side, and read it carefully. These Dan books were all collected by Qi Yunpai. They were brought by the wind and said to Li Xing.

The authors of Dan Shu were all former masters of Dan Dao, and many of them made Li Xing refreshing.

Time passed, twenty days passed.

After making enough preparations, Li Xing asked the wind for a few elixir and said that he would try his hand to make a pot of elixir. Feng is naturally very happy and agrees immediately.

Although there is no evil teaching to teach the evil spirit and the wind, but this is not easy. After summing up his experience, he started to make a second furnace.

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