Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 190: Baiyang Lingguo

Chapter 107: Bai Yang Ling Guo

The rich and wealthy showed a doubtful expression. In its view, Baiyang Lingmu was a big tonic, so why couldn't it be eaten?

Li Xing felt that it was not a wise choice to put Baiyang Lingmu and wealth together. In case this guy choked Lingmu, Li Xing didn't want to find a place to cry.

Thinking about it, Li Xing couldn't think of a way. At this moment, the rich Baiyang aura in Baiyang Realm suddenly began to converge towards Baiyang Lingmu, but the process was not violent.

Li Xing felt that Lingmu in his hand continued to absorb the aura, and gradually became hot. At last, with a "crack" and a crisp sound, a circle of Baimang emitted, it seemed that something was broken.

In a short time, the surrounding Baiyang Reiki gathered toward Baiyang Lingmu at a speed of a thousand times. Around Baiyang Lingmu, within ten meters of the circle, due to the strong reiki, no fingers were reached.

Li Xing did not loosen the spirit tree, but carefully sensed the change of the spirit tree. He just felt that the spiritual tree in his hands was getting heavier and heavier, first weighing a million pounds, then hundreds of thousands of pounds, millions of pounds.

In the end, Li Xing couldn't take it anymore, and this section of spirit tree "banged" on the crystal ground where the aura condensed. As soon as he touched the ground, he stretched a **** * root roots underneath the spirit tree and plunged into the crystal easily.

As soon as the roots came out, the strong aura around them disappeared. It turns out that this spiritual tree no longer absorbs the aura in the air, but starts to use the root system to absorb the stronger Baiyang aura in the ground.

You know, the ground of this Baiyang state is paved with the crystals of Baiyang Reiki and the nails are large, which also represents a huge amount of Baiyang Reiki.

Under Li Xing's incredible expression, Baiyang Lingmu gradually became thicker, first the thickness of the little finger, and then the thickness of the bowl mouth, gradually becoming as thick as a person. Without a meal, a towering tree has grown.

This big tree is 100 meters high, and the area spread by branches and leaves is tens of acres. The leaves of Lingmu are very peculiar. They are drooping, shaped like water droplets, and the size of a finger. The whole tree is white jade-like, and its aura is compelling.

Even the rich and wealthy was considered dead, and his eyes showed a scared expression. It seemed to think that if he had eaten this thing just now, it would grow so large in his stomach. Wouldn't it hold it to death?

The image of Emperor Tianxie appeared, and he smirked with a smile: "Miao! Miao! I never imagined that this Baiyang Lingmu would have this magical effect, and it would grow into a tree in a short time."

Li Xing came back to God and asked, "Master, there are both Baiyang Lingmu and Qingyang Lingmu in this world?"

Emperor Tianxie: "Of course there are, but the number is extremely scarce and it is extremely difficult to encounter. As a teacher, only three spirit trees were collected."

Li Xing was in deep thought, and said to himself, "There is Jiuyang Reiki and Jiuyang Lingmu between heaven and earth. What is the relationship between them?"

"I don't know what the relationship between the two is. However, Jiuyang Lingmu fell into your hands and it has become extremely precious. This strange thing is in the hands of ordinary people. I don't know if it will take tens of thousands of years to grow. Into a big tree. But in the Baiyang realm, but for a moment, it has grown. "

"In fact, Baiyang Lingmu ranks seventy in the elixir list, which is considered a treasure." Tianxiedao.

Li Xing has heard Tian Xie mention it before, and Tian Yuanzhou made the seventh list from a very long time ago. The seven lists are the list of strange animals, the list of strange birds, the list of monsters, the list of demons, the list of elixir, the list of holy artifacts, and the list of heaven and humans.

The people listed in the seventh list are the strong among beasts, birds, monsters, demon heads, elixir, magical instruments, and monks. All those who entered the list are famous in ancient and modern times and have magical things.

For example, after the hundred beasts on the list of strange beasts, they can easily kill the gods, showing their strength. In that elixir list, Baiyang Lingmu is so precious that it ranks only seventy.

Speaking of the elixir list at this time, Li Xing asked a question that he wanted to ask, but never asked: "Master, how does your old man rank in the heavenly list?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "The people in the list of heaven and earth, the eternal strong, are not bad teachers, but they are barely ranked in the top five."

Li Xing was taken aback: "Is Master only ranked in the top five? What is the origin of the person in front?"

Tian Xie sighed: "The first place in the list of heaven and earth is the ancestor of Chunyang. His position is recognized as the first in the world, and the first in ancient and modern times. The second is the fact that Gongye is too vain. The candle dragons are comparable and their rankings are controversial. "

"Candle Dragon?" Li Xing opened his mouth wide. "Is it the Candelosaur that created the great alchemy?"

Tian Xie nodded: "It is this man who is too vacant with Chunyang ancestor and Gongye, and is called the Three Ancient Saints."

"Is the fourth person Master?" Li Xing asked.

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "In the age of teachers, the fourth and fifth on the list of heaven and man are Ou Dinggong and Wu Qianhua, respectively. The two were born nearly a thousand years earlier than the teachers, and they also reached The highest level of Fatian. "

When Li Xing heard it, he immediately understood that the ranking on this day's list was the evaluation of posterity. The Emperor Tianxie thought he could enter the top five, but even he was not sure of the specific ranking.

For a moment of silence, Li Xing suddenly said, "Master can create the Jiuyin Classic, which is almost unprecedented. In the future, the disciples must help Master restore the physical body and make Master become the same existence as Chunyang ancestor!"

Emperor Tianxie "haha" laughed: "Okay! You have this heart, you are already very happy to be a teacher."

Just as Bai Yang Lingsen began to grow, a young man opened his eyes suddenly in a luxurious temple in Huolingmen. The man had a handsome appearance and a strong figure, and his face was angrily, and he said to himself: "Dare to touch the boy's Baiyang Lingmu!"

This person is the first master of the core disciples of Huolingmen ~ www.readwn.com ~ passionate son, innocent. He placed a restraint in Baiyang Lingmu, and once someone used it, he could immediately sense it.

A few years ago, Ju Wuxie gave Bai Yang Lingmu to a confidant who had a red face. Three years ago, his confidant who had lost his face lost his life, and Baiyang Lingmu disappeared.

"Yu Ye, I will definitely take revenge for you!" There was a hint of killing in his eyes, and he turned into a light smoke out of the palace.

Li Xing spent half a day in Baiyang Jingtian, watching Baiyang Lingmu bloom and bear fruit, bearing a tree of fruit, there were 3,000 Baiyang Linggu.

Each of these Baiyang Lingguo has the size of a watermelon, and the outside is radiant.

Li Xing was ecstatic, and a Baiyang Lingguo could be exchanged for at least ten jade-grade drugs. In general, jadepin medicine is effective and valuable to the scholars and gods.

Emperor Tianxie said: "If these Baiyang spirits are eaten by people who can sense the Jiuyang aura, they can become the body of Baiyang, saying that it is precious and invaluable. Even ordinary people can improve their qualifications. "Li Xing said helplessly:" Unfortunately, the disciples have a special constitution. Otherwise, they will eat a Baiyang Linggu directly, and there will be less trouble in shaping. "

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