Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 191: Baiyang Reiki Aura Drug

Chapter 108: Baiyang Reiki Aura Drug

The words of the two were heard by the rich and rich, and while Li Xing wasn't paying attention, he suddenly choked up, crossed his claws, and accurately held a Baiyang Lingguo. ,,

Li Xing didn't care about three thousand pieces of fruit, and was able to produce them at any time, so that the rich could eat a few.

Fugui threw Bai Yang Lingguo on the ground. When Li Xing didn't ask him, he shook his tail and opened his mouth to reveal a huge mouth. Then he swallowed the big watermelon fruit. Li Xing was taken aback, for fear it would hold up.

But when you look closely, the rich belly is flat, as if nothing was eaten.

Heaven evil said: "You don't need to worry. It is a heavenly order spirit beast. Goodness can sense the heaven and earth aura. That spirit fruit enters its belly and dissolves into aura early and is absorbed by it."

Li Xing let go of his heart, so he no longer cared about riches and let him eat.

"Master, this Baiyang Reiki is so good at stimulating Baiyang Lingmu, and it will certainly not worsen the effect of other elixir." He took out a jade box from his body. In the jade box, there is a cold star grass, which is Liu Yiyi, the five division sisters, as a gift to thank Li Xing.

As soon as the jade box was opened, the leaves of the star grass suddenly trembled, as if suddenly there was life, and the surrounding Baiyang aura also apparently began to gather towards it. However, the speed at which Reiki gathers is much worse than Baiyang Lingmu.

"I thought that if the elixir grows in the sky of Baiyang, the effect of one day will be ten years of growth in the wild." Tianxiedao said, "So it takes only one hundred days to produce a **** place here *" The elixir of the year. "

Li Xing's heart is beating, the strength of the elixir is determined by the substance of the elixir and the growth period. Both are very important. For example, ginseng grown for ten years is not even an elixir. However, if it is a ginseng with a history of more than 100 years, it is relatively rare and can be used for refining gold-grade elixir. Thousands of years of ginseng is extremely precious and can be used for refining jade step elixir.

"When going to the demon forest, be sure to find more elixir and put it in Baiyangjingtian. It won't be long before you can cultivate the **** * year elixir for emergency needs."

Li Xing was in Baiyang Jingtian, and he stayed for seven days. During the seven days, his understanding of Baiyang Jingtian has strengthened a lot. In the meantime, Li Xing put a few elixir into Baiyang Jingtian.

These elixir were left before Feng Wuyu left, and used by Li Xinglian. Although they are not particularly precious elixir, they are often only a few decades old, but as long as they can be placed in the Baiyang Realm for a period of time, their value will immediately double.

On the seventh day, when it was time to head to Yunshu Peak, Li Xing stepped out of the Baiyang Jingtian and was ready to go.

For seven days, Qiu Ye and several other disciples of Yun Guangfeng have never seen Li Xing and have gone crazy. It was very unexpected to see Li Xing suddenly appear at this moment.

"Brother, where have you been?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I walked between the peaks alone and returned today." A meal, "I want to leave for a while, you take good care of Yun Guangfeng."

"Brothers rest assured that everything is with us." Several people quickly said.

Yun Shufeng, Li Xing has also been here. At that time, he first arrived at the Qi Yunpai, met the elders on Yunshu Peak, and was then brought to Yunguang Peak by Nie Shan.

When he came to Yunshu Peak for the second time, Li Xing's mood was completely different from last time. Last time, his mood was somewhat vigilant, but now he is much more relaxed, and he disciples himself in the Qi Yun faction.

The square on Yunshu Peak is very large, paved with bluestone slabs. In the distance, Li Xing saw dozens of people gathered there, and they were divided into three groups. The well water did not violate the river water and was far away.

Li Xingyi appeared, and among a group of people, a female disciple stepped out to welcome Li Xing. This female disciple has darker skin and normal appearance, but her eyes are unusually bright and energetic. She stepped forward to look at Li Xing and asked, "Are you Li Xing?"

Li Xing nodded: "Exactly, are you the fifth master?"

The woman nodded: "Come with me." She took Li Xing into a group of people. When the two arrived, the crowd separated automatically, showing a beautiful and elegant woman. This woman has a long white dress, a melon seed face, and willow leaf eyebrows. The skin seems to be transparent, as white as sheep fat and jade. .

"Sister Five, Li Xing is here." After the woman reported, she stood sideways.

When Li Xing saw the fifth-class sister Liu Yiyi at the first glance, she suddenly lost her mind. However, he could not show ugliness in front of so many people, looked away slightly, and stepped forward to see salute.

"Li Xing has met Sister Five."

Liu Yiyi nodded slightly, she didn't have any expression on her face, and said lightly: "How dangerous are you during the trial, so you know it." In this sentence, she wouldn't say more.

Li Xing also knew that he was not familiar with these people, so he stood to the side with interest and said nothing.

There were nine disciples standing next to Sister Wu Shi. They were all scholars who practiced triple Qi and above.

"He is the disciple of the wind who doesn't speak? It's nothing special, but it's a heavy practice." Someone whispered, but Li Xing was very strong and could hear clearly.

"This person didn't know how to get stuck with Sister Wu Shi. He didn't see Sister Wu Shi forcing him to take part in the trial trial."

Li Xing ignored these arguments and stared there, looking inwardly.

About half an hour later, Liu Yiyi, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "Masters and brothers, before I leave, I have a few words to say."

Everyone knew that Liu Yiyi had to make a rule, and he opened his ears to listen, so as not to make mistakes and be punished by Chun.

"To go to the demon forest, you have two tasks. First, each person collects more than three hundred years of elixir; second, each person hunts a leisure gold-tier beast to obtain the beast."

"During the trial process ~ www.readwn.com ~ they work together in groups of two. Each group can carry an arrow. If it is in danger, it can be rescued by an arrow. I will go there as soon as possible." , She pointed to the woman just before, "Guo Feng, you and Li Xing team."

Guo Feng, the woman who just greeted Li Xing, smiled slightly, nodded to Li Xing, and Li Xing hugged one.

"It seems that Liu Yiyi is worried that I can't protect myself, so let me be with this girl." Li Xing trembled. This Guo Feng is obviously a five-strong scholar who has strong strength.

Not far away, another group of people gathered together, and in the center stood a young man with a proud and ruthless look. The man's lips were thin and his eyes were very sharp. His clothes made of ice silk showed his uniqueness.

"Brother Seven, that kid who can walk inside the tower seems to have run into the rank of Brother Five." An inner disciple has been watching the situation over Liu Yiyi, and at this time he reported to Brother Seven in the sky.

You Bikong didn't take it seriously: "This kind of person participates in the trial, and he will die without death." He glanced at everyone. "This time, be sure to find me the" Heaven Heart Grass! " "Seven Brothers, rest assured, we will do our best!"

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