Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 192: Silver Wolf

Chapter 109: Fighting Silver Wolf

The time for departure finally came. Three groups of people set off in succession and descended from Yunshu Peak. These people are all powerful men who have more than three qi exercises and walk like electricity. Guo Feng, who was ordered to be with Li Xing, was afraid that he could not keep up, and was ready to help at any time.

I don't know, Li Xing's feet smoke, not only can keep up with the crowd, but also walk easily and freely, showing no effort at all.

Guo Feng secretly surprised, heart palpitations: "Which practice is a heavy practice, why is your foot strength so strong?"

After descending from Yunshu Peak, heading all the way north, shortly after passing the Qiyun Pagoda, they quickly left the sphere of influence of the Qiyun faction. These people are extremely fast, and can reach the demon forest for up to half a day.

On the way, Li Xing talked with Guo Fengpan.

"Sister Guo should be the fifth person to practice qi, isn't it enviable? Presumably, the future achievements of sister will not let others." Li Xing patted a small butt.

Guo Feng's personality is very easy-going, she smiled slightly: "What am I? The five teachers and sisters are younger than me, but they are already practicing Qiqiang." Then he looked at Li Xing and said, "I heard that you have taken Tianjie Pill It may become a core disciple in the future. "

Li Xing secretly was surprised. How could she even know such a thing?

Although surprised, he was very bland on the surface, and laughed: "Sister joked and laughed, my brother is weak, how can there be such ambition."

"This is not ambition. Whoever cultivates high is respected. Everyone is so." She took a deep look at Li Xing. "The palm teacher personally allowed you to walk inside Qi Yun Tower, which shows everything."

Li Xing now realized that the right to walk inside the tower pushed him to a very high position. But the heights were extremely cold, and I am afraid many people are already paying attention to him.

At noon, the demon forest was watching, and three groups of people stopped in front of the forest.

This forest looks dark and deep from afar. The tall trees cover the sky, giving people a sense of mystery.

At this time, Liu Yiyi turned around and said: "Within a hundred miles around the demon forest, there are very few powerful monster monsters. And within a hundred miles, the infested monster monsters are much more powerful. Therefore, no one should go deeper than a hundred miles. . Also, don't be too far apart, keep a certain distance, and take the same door at any time. "

"Yes." The crowd agreed.

Guo Feng nodded to Li Xing: "Come with me." The first one got into the dense forest.

Three groups of people have successively entered the demon forest. After about ten minutes, two figures appeared on the edge of the forest. These two people are actually masters with great vitality, dressed in black robes, obviously members of the Dark Devils.

One sneered: "These thirty-three people can be said to be the elite of the disciples in the Qi Yun faction. If they are removed, the Qi Yun faction will be greatly injured and cannot be recovered within a hundred years."

Another person: "The" flying tiger demon "is really fierce. At least it has the strength to train the gods. We almost lost our lives in order to lead it out. Although the Qi Yunpai had three core disciples to sit in, they were definitely not tiger opponents . "

They both laughed aloud, their bodies disappeared.

In the forest, it was very shady and dark. Li Xing followed Guo Feng closely, and now he has penetrated more than ten miles. In the meantime, they have encountered several small beasts, but none of them have produced beasts, which is not worth shooting.

Demon has demon core, demon has demon core, beast has beast elixir, all three things can be used to make magic instruments and elixir, which are quite precious.

"Sister, the brother of our Qiyun faction before, has anyone penetrated the demon forest?" Suddenly, Li Xing asked a question.

As Guo Feng looked around, he whispered, "There were a few, but none of them came out again."

Li Xing had a cold heart, so to speak, those who broke into it were already dead. There are really fierce creatures in the demon forest!

"Boy, this demon forest didn't exist in the era of being a teacher, obviously it only appeared in nearly a thousand years." Tianxie said, "According to common sense, such a ferocious land should not suddenly appear."

Li Xing: "What does Master's words mean?"

"Boy, don't you find that many of the trees here are hundreds of thousands of years old. In other words, this forest was formed in a short period of time, which is something unusual. And, a forest wants to grow strong Monsters, without thousands of years of accumulation, are obviously impossible. "

"But listening to them, the monster forest is full of powerful monster monsters, which is also unreasonable."

When Tian Xie speculated, Guo Feng's body stopped suddenly, and she made a gesture to signal Li Xing to keep quiet.

Li Xingyun has full ears and high concentration. Finally, he heard a slight "rustle" from the front left.

Outside of Guo Feng's body, a layer of pale yellow shingle covered his body. This Shinji, named Houtu Shinji, is known for his majestic defense. Her hand was pressed on the trunk of a large tree, and the whole person rushed forward to the left like a lightning. The big tree exploded with a bang and the sawdust flying around.

The fifth level of congenital meridians, also known as "Thunder Meridian", is known as Thunder Meridian, which can greatly increase the explosive power.

Guo Feng's body soared into the sky, and then landed suddenly. Before Li Xing could see clearly, he heard a scream and a giant silver wolf bounced like a cannonball. This silver wolf, six meters away, has huge mouth fangs, grey eyes and red, and has a strong attack power.

The silver wolf screamed, "banged" on the ground, shook his body, and bleed from his mouth and nose. He was obviously seriously injured.

Guo Feng was standing in front of the silver wolf, staring at the cold light, his spirit was full of energy, and his warfare soared.

"Silver wolf, Jinjie spirit beast, powerful fighting force. However, it is by no means an opponent of the Five Kingdoms." Li Xing was relieved, watching the battle quietly.

"嗷 ~"

Suddenly, the silver wolf howled.

Guo Feng's face changed greatly. He squeezed his fist with his right hand and hit the ground. Li Xing felt that the ground shook slightly, and his body suddenly became heavy.

"The earth is bound ~ www.readwn.com ~ kill!"

Silver Wolf's body was ten million times heavier than usual, and his movement was slow. There seemed to be a force to restrain him. This is exactly one of the fighting effects produced by Shinji Houto. The **** of the earth can make the enemy tied hands and feet, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

However, after all, the Silver Wolf is a golden-order spirit beast, and its wisdom is not weaker than people. Its body stood up, a wolf paw fluttered into the air, and a layer of silver light appeared above the paw.

At this time, Guo Feng had risen into the air, and twice hit with a palm of his hand. This blow was more violent than just one. Although Li Xing was standing far away, he was still stunned with blood and shock.


The human palm and Dewclaws slammed together. The huge wolf body suddenly seemed to lose its support and fell to the ground like a ball of soft meat. Guo Feng was also weakly opened, backed up, and his face was slightly white.

Li Xing saw that the silver wolf was dead, and he quickly handed a piece of Runwu Dan to Guo Feng, saying: "Sister quickly take the medicine, so I can adjust my breath."

Guo Feng looked at the elixir and choked.

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