Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 193: Goodbye Xiaoxue

Chapter 110: Goodbye Xiaoxue

Although Runwudan is only a golden medicine of the top grade, Guo Feng gave it away casually like Li Xing. Guo Feng still saw it for the first time. . . She froze and shook her head to refuse: "Brother Li, this Dan is still used in times of crisis. I just gave it a full blow just now, and I was too exhausted, and I can recover soon."

Li Xing, however, stuffed the elixir into Guo Feng's hands, and laughed: "Sister and sister are welcome, you and I can now say that we will die together, since we consume too much qi, we just eat elixir to supplement our strength."

Guo Feng was also not a man of pride, and smiled slightly: "Since my brother said so, I'm welcome." She took the elixir, and meditated in situ to restore her strength.

And Li Xing took out the scorpion dagger, walked in front of the silver wolf's body, dissected the wolf's brain, and took out a fist-sized silver bead from the bag, which was the beast. Although this silver wolf is a spirit beast, it has not been transformed into a demon and cannot form a demon core.

The difference between a demon and a car is very obvious. A spirit beast can be called a demon if it can transform into an adult form. Demon is often one grade higher than beast. Of course, some innate beasts have strengths above ordinary monsters.

After taking out the beast dan, Li Xing saw that Guo Feng was still meditating, so he cut a few pieces of wolf meat and roasted them aside.

Guo Feng watched Li Xing put away the beast dan, and sighed in her heart, but she had just taken someone else's panic medicine, and it was hard to say anything.

Li Xing fired the barbecue, and soon the meat was cooked. He was about to ask Guo Feng to eat a bit, and a phantom flashed on the ground in front of him, and a little fox appeared.

Li Xing's eyes widened. Isn't this little fox the medicine fox?

Xiaoxue blinked her lovely big eyes, swept left and right, and found Guo Fengshi, and when she drilled, she went into Li Xing's arms and hid. This little thing is the size of a slap, hidden in Li Xinghuai, and can't see it at all.

Li Xing paused, how could Xiao Xue appear here?

Just at this moment, Guo Feng opened her eyes and the medicine fox maggot technique was brilliant. She did not notice the appearance of Xiao Xue.

"Brother, I have recovered." Guo Feng said lightly.

Li Xing quickly took the wolf meat and laughed: "Sister Hungry, hurry up and eat something." He took the beast dan from his arms and handed it to Guo Feng, saying, "Sister, this beast Dan is of good quality, and is worthy of a jade elixir. "

Guo Feng was stunned, she thought that Li Xing had coveted the beast dan, and she didn't want others to have no babies at all. This made her feel ashamed, and quickly said, "brother, you still keep this fang."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, did the sister think that the younger brother could not hunt the spirit beast, so he looked down on me?"

Guo Feng hurriedly said: "No, no ..." Suddenly, I felt that I was too anxious, lost my sister's system, and quickly calmed down, and slowly said, "I am in the order of the fifth teacher to be with you, of course. Take care of you. "

Li Xingdao said: "This beast dan, but the sister managed to hunt it. The younger brother is even more embarrassing and can't ask for it. Please ask the sister to take it back."

Speaking of this, Guo Feng was not good enough to force her, so she had to get it back and said, "There is a chance in the future. You and I will hunt some spirit beasts together." Then she sniffed suddenly and asked Li in confusion. Xing: "Where's the aroma?"

Li Xing's heart jumped. He knew it was Xiaoxue's scent emanating, which caught Guo Feng's attention, and quickly said: "My elder brother's elixir was not put in place, and the scent leaked.

Guo Feng had no doubt about him, took some wolf meat and ate, and said, "Brother, go further, the spirit beasts you encounter are stronger, we must be careful."

Just the silver wolf has already opened the eyes, and then there may be more powerful spirit beasts. He only realized at this time why the people who participated in the trial must be more than triple.

Because if it is not the triple training of qi, there is a good chance that Xiaoming will stay here.

Nodded, Li Xing said: "Little brother saves."

After eating wolf meat, the two extinguished the fire and continued to go deep. During this trip, both of them have missions, and each person has to obtain three elixir and one animal core.

Not long after the trip, Li Xing suddenly felt that Xiao Xue was scratching on his left belly with a small paw. At first, Li Xing thought it was naughty, so he squeezed it across his clothes.

No, Xiaoxue scratched even harder, then Li Xing moved his heart secretly, turning his body to the left, and said, "Sister, let's take a look here."

At the time of the trial, without a certain scope, Guo Feng naturally did not oppose it, so he followed Li Xing and left.

After walking for a while, Xiaoxue scratched her right belly again. In this way, Li Xing left and right for a while, but in the twists and turns, he was approaching a position.

Guo Feng couldn't hide his doubts and couldn't help asking: "Master, what are you looking for?"

Where did Li Xing know what Xiao Xue was doing, he had to vaguely say: "There should be elixir nearby, my brother's nose has always been smart."

Guo Feng does not doubt that it is not surprising that some people smell differently than ordinary people.

Finally, under Xiao Xue's "pointing", Li Xing walked to a big tree. The trunk of this big tree is like red jade. The trunk is thick and ten people can embrace each other. At the root of the tree, a Ganoderma lucidum was grown.

As soon as Li Xing saw Ganoderma Lucidum, his eyes lighted up: "Red Chi Zhi!"

"Be careful!" Guo Feng grabbed Li Xing and took a right-hand shot of Ganoderma lucidum. The Ganoderma trembled and flew into Guo Feng's hands. At this moment, a red snake with a finger thickness pounced on like lightning.

Guo Feng gave a cold hum and gave a flick of his finger. He used his martial arts to “finger the wind finger” and only heard a “snap”. The strong finger wind opened the snake directly.

The little red snake seemed to know that when encountering a powerful person, it flew into the grass and fled.

Li Xing heart beat, thank Guo Feng again and again.

"If it weren't for the sister, my brother would be bitten by the thing, and his life would be lost." Li Xing laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although he did not know the origin of the snake, he also saw that it was highly toxic. Otherwise, it is difficult to protect the elixir.

Guo Feng smiled slightly: "My brother's nose is so bright, this red zhizhi has grown for at least three hundred years." He said that he should hand over the lingzhi to Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," "Luck." When he reached out, he took the Chizhi into the jade box that he brought with him.

In this way, Xiao Xue quickly helped Li Xing to dig six elixir with his sensitive sense of smell. Along the way, Guo Feng had admired Li Xing admirably and decided to ask Li Xing to help her dig some plants.

At this moment, Li Xing suddenly felt that Xiaoxue in her arms began to tremble, became quiet, and even stopped her "pointing". He was weird in his heart and was trying to figure it out, but Guo Feng's face changed, Shen said, "There is blood!"

Li Xing quietly took out the day dagger and put on light electric boots. As soon as his equipment came out, Guo Feng could not help but roll his eyes and trembled: "I heard that he had a magic weapon on his body, and it was true, and it was a fifth-order and a sixth-order weapon!"

Guo Feng signaled that Li Xing was following, and the two walked forward slowly. After walking about 100 meters in this way, the scene ahead showed that Li Xing and Guo Feng were shocked. Immediately, a chill burst from the tail bones of the two, and Lingling fought a cold war.

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