Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 194: The monster appears

Chapter 111: The Demon Appears

In front of them, the death of the two bodies was extremely tragic. A corpse lost its head and half of its arms flew away. In the chest and abdomen of another corpse, all the internal organs were hollowed out, forming a large blood hole, the intestines were full of ground, the smell was nasty, and it smelled sick.

From the perspective of the clothes, these two people are obviously the inner disciples who were sent by Qi Yun to participate in the trial. They originally came with the three older brother Song Jian, and somehow died here.

Judging from the situation on the scene, the two scholars who practiced three or four of their qi practice were killed without even having the opportunity to fire arrows.

"Sister, who did this poisonous hand?" Li Xing was all nervous, ready to face a possible crisis.

After the initial horror, Guo Feng quickly returned to peace. She is a scholar who practiced qi in five aspects, and her skill in raising qi is excellent. After calming down, she immediately discovered something unusual.

"One shot is fatal! Even the sister of the fifth division cannot do this. And from the scars left by the opponent, the killer must be a kind of spirit beast and demon, and its strength is very strong!"


Suddenly, a screaming arrow screamed from the East. I don't know which group of disciples released the arrow for help.

Guo Feng's expression changed abruptly, and he couldn't think much about it. Shen said: "Go!" Pulling Li Xing, the two turned one after the other into two light smokes, rushing towards the arrow, almost no point.

At the same time, in all directions, all disciples who heard the arrows also gathered here.

Rushing all the way at full speed, but within a few minutes, the two arrived at the scene. Surrounded by the disciples participating in the trial, three core disciples, including the third brother Song Jian, the fifth teacher Liu Yiyi, and the seventh brother You Bikong are all there.

All three's faces were very ugly, and their eyes were fixed on the ground. On the ground, two corpses were also traversed. In such a short period of time until the arrow is hit, the monster has actually killed two disciples!

"Three brothers, in your opinion, what is it?" You Bikong asked in a deep voice. The dead person was brought by him, and he inevitably had to bear responsibility, and he would be punished when he returned. You know, the disciples who came to participate in the trials are all elite figures and backbones of the Qi Yun faction. All of them are three or more in Qi training. The total number of such disciples is not more than fifty.

Song Jian shook his head: "I can't see it." He glanced around the disciples and drank: "Check the number!"

Soon, the numbers came out. Three groups of people, under normal circumstances, counted three core disciples for a total of thirty-three. But at this moment, there are only 29 people left, four less.

"Including the corpse, there are still two, three brothers." You Bikong said.

Guo Feng hurried forward and reported the two corpses he had just seen. As soon as Song Jian heard it, his face became gloomy. He also died of two disciples. How can he tell the martial arts?

Liu Yiyi said: "Obviously, there are powerful spirit beasts or demons appearing. I suggest to withdraw from the trial and report to the martial arts."

You Bikong opposed it, saying: "Yiyi, if we go back like this, we will be punished by the teacher. I can't seem to find the thing to start and kill it. It is better to say that I look back."

Liu Yiyi sighed: "I guess that the monster's strength is still above the three of us. In case it is not an adversary, there will be greater losses, so what's so good?"

Li Xing interfaced: "The best way is to leave here and avoid greater losses."

You Bikong looked at Hanguang and shot Li Xing, and said lightly, "How can you speak here?"

Li Xing was not angry, smiled, and stopped speaking. The core disciples are so overbearing and arrogant. However, most of the people around him had the same idea with Li Xing, and no one wanted to stay here to die.

In fact, Li Xing secretly asked the Emperor Tianxie just now. The answer given by Emperor Tianxie is that the point to start may be a monster, whose strength is not weaker than the god-man who is the most important one in refining God. Therefore, Li Xing was unwilling to stay, because even the fool knew that everyone on the scene was not enough to kill the monsters at the level of refining gods.

Seeing Li Xing's interest, You Bikong hummed and said to Song Jian and Liu Yiyi: "Yiyi, three brothers, no matter how strong the monster is, how can you fight me?" He suddenly held up a black one in his right hand. Xiaoyin, boxy, looks inconspicuous.

However, as soon as this seal appeared, Liu Yiyi and Song Jian both showed shock.

"Exterminating the demon mark!" Song Jian's eyes flickered, his eyebrows shaking.

Liu Yiyi exhaled: "I did not expect that the palm teacher gave you the treasure of the town gate."

After seeing the score, Li Xing was surprised at hearing his name. He also knew that this was the first killer of Qiyun School, belonging to the 9th-order magic weapon. Legend has it that this seal is infinitely close to the innate magic weapon.

The Demon Seal is very powerful, especially for the demon, it has a strong lethality, and its effect is not under the golden rank magic weapon. At this point, he understood why You Bikong was so confident that he had this treasure in hand ...

"Master, what is the chance of this Demon Seal against that Demon?" Li Xing asked Tian Xie secretly.

Emperor Tianxie could not give an accurate answer: "It is hard to speculate as a teacher without seeing the monster in person."

You Bikong put away the demon mark, and said lightly: "With ten thousand demon marks in hand, we can at least protect ourselves. Three brothers, Yiyi, do you still insist on returning to martial arts?"

Song Jian smiled immediately: "Since there is a mark of extermination, then it is okay to fight with that monster."

Liu Yiyi no longer opposes it. Obviously, everyone is full of confidence in the demon seal.

You Bikong was very satisfied with this result. Two rays of cold light were revealed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The monster can easily kill four disciples. Its strength cannot be underestimated. The demon core in its body must also be extremely precious ~ www. readwn.com ~ If the three of us catch it together and get the demon core, I will definitely make up for it. Get martial forgiveness. "

Song Jian thought for a while and suggested: "The monster is too powerful, I see, before catching it, everyone should not separate." Without the demon mark, no one wants to meet the unknown monster.

You Bikong was full of confidence and proudly said, "As long as you are within twenty steps of destroying the demon mark, I can guarantee his safety!"

Only then did his voice fall, and there was a strange sound suddenly in the distance. The sound seemed to be something huge passing through the air at a very fast speed, thus shaking the air and causing the ground to shake slightly.

As soon as the voice appeared, everyone was approaching Youbikong subconsciously.

You Bikong sneered and sacrificed the Demon Seal. After a while, a layer of purple true magma erupted on his body, named "Zihua True magpie". The Demon Seal was stimulated by Shinji, suddenly emitting hundreds of millions of black light, covering the range of thirty steps.

In this black light, there seem to be billions of demons roaring and eerie. After being shrouded in black light, Li Xing only felt that there was heavy pressure outside him, which greatly restricted his actions. "Great! Is this the 9th-order magic weapon?" Li Xing was shocked.

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