Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 197: Flying tiger demon

Chapter 114: Flying Tiger Demon

Li Xing is now heading to the Demon Forest, only to "promise" it to lead the monster to appear. Of course, he will never go deep into the Demon Forest twice, and will only wait outside. It would be best if You Bikong and others were all right, and he was not too late to reappear.

If You Bikong and others lose, he will run away in time to avoid the monster.

On the way to the demon forest, Li Xing asked Tian Xie: "Master thinks I have the money, is there any problem?"

Emperor Tianxie: "Being trapped here as a teacher, I cannot sense this person's cultivation, but one thing is certain, he is by no means an ordinary person." He paused, "but this person has no intention of harming you, you do n’t need to worry."

Li Xing reached into his arms, squeezed on Xiaoxue's fur, and asked with a smile, "Xiaoxue, who is Mr. Qian?"

Xiaoxue squeaked a few times, but I didn't know what it meant.

Li Xing "hehe" smiled, he no longer asked, and accelerated to the forest.

In the demon forest, You Bikong, a group of inner disciples who participated in the trial, gathered together, under the shroud of extinction of the demon mark. Li Xing could not return, and You Bikong's face showed a cruel smile. He understood that Li Xing Bacheng had been killed by the monster.

In contrast, after waiting a long time, Liu Yiyi did not see Li Xing return, and sighed softly. Her original intention was to safeguard Li Xing, but Li Xing rushed out before she could speak.

Guo Feng's appearance was even more worried, and he kept looking outward. Not long ago, she was fighting with Li Xing, and she was considered as a half friend. She didn't want Li Xing to be in her heart.

"In my opinion, Li Xing must have been timid and fled far away." You Bikong held the Demon Seal to Liu Yiyi and said, "Yiyi, let's join hands to catch the monster."

Liu Yiyi's eyebrows were slightly locked, and he shook his head, "If the monster is not near, how can you catch it?"

The voice just came down. There was a sudden "haha" laughter outside, and a thunderous voice sounded: "Your weak ants and ants dare to run to the demon forest. Since they are here, all of them will be left for the demon king!"

The sound was mixed with a gust of wind, blowing branches and leaves, flying sand and stones, and shocked many inner disciples.

"Huh! I don't know if the monster is alive or dead, let you taste the power of destroying the demon's mark!" You Bikong shook the demon's mark in his hand, and the infinite black light suddenly shone in all directions.

Vaguely, everyone saw something in front of them surrounded by black light, but then there was a thunder, the black light was blown away, and a roar came at the same time.

"Damn humans! You have to anger this demon king completely, you have to die! The wind and the tiger roar, break me!"

Suddenly, as if from below nine days, but also from below you, there was a huge shout that rang through the world. This sound was so strong that everyone saw it in their lives. Wherever they went, the century-old tree was destroyed instantly, forming countless small tornadoes, approaching everyone.

The black light emitted by the Demon Seal was instantly intense, blocking the giant sounds and tornadoes. Even so, everyone felt dizzy. The three core disciples are okay. They are strong and able to resist. The rest of the disciples were miserable, and some of the seven holes were bleeding, repaired to be weak, and even fell to the ground.

"Not good! Fast luck to resist, this magic sound is terrible!" The three brother Song Jian's face changed, and the three-color true spirits rose up around him, protecting several weaker disciples around him.

This tiger shout was so loud that even Li Xing, who was hundreds of miles away, heard it really, horrified: "This is a terrible sound! If it comes out recently, I must be injured!"

Emperor Tianxie: "This is a demon method. It is not a big deal. You can break it when you practice ten or more qi."

Li Xingdao: "You may not be able to take advantage of Youbikong. It is best that the monster can kill him, so that I won't be troubled in the future." Since Youbikong is not comfortable with him, he doesn't have to be a gentleman.

Tian Xie: "The demon mark should be able to withstand a period of time, and at a critical moment, they will definitely ask Qi Yun's faction for help, and the loss will not be too great."

Li Xing nodded, listening to the howling sounds, and said, "While the monster is fighting with them, it is better to pick some elixir and reserve it for alchemy in the future." After finishing talking about Xiaoxue's head, "Xiaoxue, please is you."

Xiaoxue narrowed her eyes, screamed, and pointed her little paw forward and left. Li Xing urged the light electric boots, and soon he got into the forest and started collecting elixir.

In this way, he flickered, and after a while, he found a panacea.

Li Xing collected the elixir vigorously and had a rich harvest, but You Bikong and others were in danger. The demon wind issued by the demon was more urgent than before, and the black light of the Demon Seal was compressed by countless tornadoes to become smaller and smaller.

"Unfortunately, I haven't completely sacrificed the Demon Seal, and only exerted one-third of its power, otherwise I would let the monsters sting!" You Bikong showed annoyance and tried to urge the Demon Seal to resist the Tiger Demon.

Song Jian observed the demon for a while and said, "It turned out to be a flying tiger demon. Its strength, I am afraid that it has reached the dual level of training gods. The demon power is amazing, and it is difficult for us to fight against it."

Liu Yiyi also said: "The three brothers said that the best way is to immediately notify the martial arts and let the elders come to respond and avoid losses."

Letting everyone stay is the idea of ​​You Bikong. He wants to catch the tiger demon and redeem his guilt. In fact, he wanted to stay in order to go deeper into the forest and collect "Heavenly Grass". Tianxincao is the main medicine of the jade elixir "Tianxindan".

Tianxindan has a wonderful effect on the ninth monk who practiced Qi, and can help him break through. You Bikong's practice has reached the limit of practicing Qi Qi, which can be broken by one step, so Tianxindan is urgently needed. He has 80% confidence that he can make a breakthrough under the power of Tianxindan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Step into the training of vitality.

Once he entered the top ten levels of training, his position among core disciples must be greatly enhanced, and he was qualified to compete with the master brother Sima Shenbing.

Therefore, Liu Yiyi's words left You Bikong's face a bit unstoppable. He stopped Liu Yiyi's words and said, "The more the Chinese Demon Seal Guanghua is compressed, the greater its power. This tiger demon can never be broken. After a while and a half, the tiger demon was weak, leaving us a chance to start. "

Among the seven core disciples, Song Jian has always been a good old man, and no one wants to offend. Even if he encounters a tiger demon below, he has the ability to escape, so he does not advise. Besides, there was really a major loss, it was also You Bikong's fault, and it had nothing to do with him.

Liu Yiyi was different. He was worried about the safety of the crowd and shook his head: "I must notify the martial arts to come to the rescue."

You Bikong sank his face, was about to argue, and suddenly heard the tiger demon laughed wildly: "Cleavage! Cut!"

In the sky, a long axe suddenly appeared, the axe was black, the axe face was wider than the door panel, it tore the air, and severely slashed down. When the giant axe fell, there were bursts of sound in the air, like thousands of thunders exploding at the same time, extremely dense.

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