Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 198: Encounter Tiger Demon

Chapter 115: Encountering a Tiger Demon

The giant axe, like the same black lightning, fiercely smashed the defensive black light from the Demon Seal. Over the heads of the people, it sounded like a hundred-thousand thunder, and was shaken to stand unstable, the earth trembled, the air trembled, and the trees were destroyed.

You Bikong shuddered, and the demon monster in his hand was shocked. He actually flew out of his hand, carrying supreme power, and automatically hit the giant axe that cut the black light.

Dayin and the giant axe collided together, making a sound of golden iron and iron symphony. This sound was extremely thin, but extremely long, extremely sharp, and trembled in the air for a long time.

After the loud noise, Demon Seal returned to Yu Bikong. The giant axe collapsed in a loud bang.

The tiger demon yelled, "Hate! You're lucky, the demon king spares your life!" A wild wind rolled up around the sky, and the flying tiger demon flew away from the scene.

Everyone was relieved, You Bikong spit out blood, and he did his best to fight just now. Had it not been for the three-point spirituality to destroy the demon seal, he would have sent a full blow automatically, and he would have suffered more serious injuries today.

"That tiger demon's strength is not weaker than a few masters in the faction." You Bikong thought at this moment, and could not help but be afraid.

Liu Yiyi was relieved, and the fighting was just too fierce, and she could send a distress signal in the future. But now, it seems that there is no need to send a signal anymore, the tiger demon has gone.

Guo Feng stepped forward and said, "Sister Five, I want to find Brother Li Xing."

Liu Yiyi sighed softly: "Go, be careful, maybe there will be other monsters."

You Bikong waited for Guo Feng to go away and said with a smile: "The tiger demon is doing something good, but it is still not an opponent to destroy the demon mark. This trial can continue."

To this day, four disciples have been lost, and the loss is irreparable, and the tiger demon has returned, and it is not important to return. Therefore, neither Liu Yiyi nor Song Jian opposed You Bikong's proposal.

At this moment, with the help of Xiaoxue, Li Xing has taken several elixir. However, the voice from the distant tiger demon suddenly disappeared. He suddenly became tense, and didn't want to, just turned around and walked outside the forest.

It happened so coincidentally that the tiger demon didn't actually go away. Extinguishing the Demon Seal with a full blow made him suffocate and resentful in his heart. He secretly decided to kill the You Bikong people one by one.

Therefore, he deliberately made a noise, walked deep into the forest, and then quietly turned back to the edge of the demon forest, waiting for You Bikong and others to return, and then gave a fatal blow.

Li Xing has the help of light electric boots, and his action is like electricity, but at this speed, it is still not enough to watch. He was in a hurry, feeling a huge force in front of him forming a wall, stopping him.

Li Xing was frightened, he stopped quickly, and at the same time he showed the sky dagger, staring at the front. He was even ready to open the Baiyang Realm at any time and call out the little Tianshi to help.

In front of him, a rude-looking rude man was standing there, his eyebrows were thick and long, his hair was fluffy, he was covered with animal skin, and a large axe was inserted into his waist. Standing two meters away, she looks evil.

"Monster!" Li Xing instantly felt that the other person's breath was not human, and his heart sank suddenly.

Unexpectedly, the flying tiger demon sees Li Xingrong's appearance, and the fierce phase on his face converges. He imitates the person who knows the book, and hurries to Li Xing as a gift. Damn it, sir. "

Li Xing is stupid, why is this monster so kind to himself? Do monsters have to be kind to people before they eat people?

He thought so, the color on his face was a bit wrong. The tiger demon thought that Li was angry and suddenly a little scared, and secretly said, "This man was carrying his Majesty just now. It must be someone with a long history. I must not offend."

The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, the tiger demon simply rushed to his knees and said, "Please forgive me, sir!"

Li Xing understood this time, this monster is really afraid of himself, but why?

What happened in front of him was as funny as a tiger pleaded guilty to a lambless sheep for mercy.

"Did it mean that this monster had become frustrated and foolish?" Li Xing thought of a possibility, but was subsequently denied by him. Not to mention that the monster will probably not get sick like crazy, and this monster looks normal, not like crazy.

Although the cause of the incident was unknown, Li Xing was a wise man. He sneered and said coldly, "Hello, you know who I am?"

The tiger demon quickly said: "The little demon **** it! The little demon Mr. Yuanzhi is a noble guest of your Majesty.

"Who is Your Majesty?" Li Xing secretly kept wondering, "Get up, I'm too lazy to care about you."

The Tiger Demon stood up like a pardon, and said, "There are a lot of adults, and the little demon is grateful." He made himself smart and said, "Your Majesty and Mr. appear here, is it related to the demon?"

Where did Li Xing know anything, but pretending to be inscrutable, he said lightly, "What did you ask for these things? Stay away." Although he wanted to ask more questions, he was afraid to show his feet and provoke the monster. Killed him, so eager to get away.

The momentum of the tiger demon body, Li Xing could clearly sense that it seemed to be even more arrogant than that of Beichen Luo, and it was far above the silent words. Such a strong man could pinch him to death at once and had to be careful.

The tiger demon didn't dare to ask more, made another slap, and then turned away from the wind.

Li Xing squeezed a sweat in his palms and said nothing, turned his head and continued to walk out, and kept walking out of the demon forest.

However, it was said that soon after Li Xing came out, he faintly heard the call of Guo Feng from Lin Zhong, and seemed to be calling his name. With a movement in his heart, he secretly said, "This Guo Feng has a bit of affection. She should be worried about my safety, so she came out to look for it."

With regard to Li Xing's character, if others are good for him by three points, he will be very rewarded, and he will no longer consider whether he will encounter a monster again, and enter the demon forest twice.

Guo Feng looked for a long time, but did not see the shadow of Li Xing, thinking he had been killed by the monster, can not help but feel a bit sad.

"He should have a great future ~ www.readwn.com ~ Who thought he would die here. The Seventh Brother is too much, Li Xing is unlikely to threaten his position in the short term, why should he start?"

When she thought so, she heard a strange noise coming from her side. Guo Feng was extremely alert, and immediately turned to make a defensive posture.

However, when she saw someone coming, she was instantly happy, stepped forward, and rejoiced: "Master Li, you are fine!"

Li Xing smiled: "Took the sister's blessing, the younger brother found out the monster as soon as he came out. But he didn't seem to be interested in the younger brother, and didn't look at me too much. I was lucky, but I got a few potions. "

Guo Feng couldn't help giggling. She was sincerely happy for Li Xing, and patted Li Xing on the shoulder. "Your boy!"

Li Xinggan laughed and asked, "How are they like, Master Five? Have they caught the monster?"

Guo Feng shook his head: "It's really dangerous to say it." Then he told Li Xing in detail what happened. After hearing this, Li Xing sneered secretly, and hated in his heart: "You travel to the sky and let you be arrogant first. When I become a strong one in the future, I will step you on my feet in order to revenge today!"

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