Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 199: Demon Emperor

Chapter 116: Demon Emperor Appears

After the hair was sent, Li Xing suddenly realized: "The evil man just changed from a monster. Since it has already gone, how can he return to this place?" Thinking for a moment, he was startled, "Oops That monster must want to kill a carbine! "

Seeing that Li Xing's face suddenly changed, Guo Feng was shocked, and quickly asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Li Xing said: "It's too late to explain!" Suddenly the ringing arrow carried on his body was released. A sharp vocal sounded, and all the disciples who participated in the trial were suddenly shocked. Song Jian and Liu Yiyi arrived first, and then You Bikong also appeared.

When you saw Li Xing and Guo Feng intact, You Bikong was shocked and angry. To his surprise, Li Xing was not dead. Angry, this guy dared to tease everyone.

"Li Xing, what danger have you encountered!" You Bikong asked in a grin, saying, approaching step by step.

Li Xing looked very serious, and Shen said, "Just before, I saw a monster and changed into a human appearance."

Everyone was a clever man, and his face suddenly seemed hard to hear. That being said, the flying tiger demon did not leave. The fool can think of the purpose of the tiger demon not to leave.

Song Jian busy asked: "Where did you see the tiger demon? Why didn't it strike you?" The latter sentence was the key, Li Xing was not easy to explain.

Li Xing flashed his mind and said, "At the time, there was a man next to the tiger demon. The man was wearing emperor costumes, and he was followed by twelve guards. They were so arrogant that they were so imposing that even the tiger demon did not dare . "

This remark was completely made up by Li Xing, but the faces of the three core disciples who made him unexpected suddenly turned pale. They looked at each other and said in unison: "Evil Emperor!"

"Get out of here immediately!" This time, you didn't even dare to stay in Bikong, and the first one proposed to leave the Demon Forest.

A group of twenty-nine people gathered together and hurried toward the forest. On the way, Li Xing could not help asking Liu Yiyi: "Sister, who is the Emperor?"

Perhaps because of Li Xing's report on this major discovery, Liu Yiyi was very impressed with him, saying: "The demon emperor is the master of the demon forest, and he has twelve demon guards by his side. They are the four Sirius Guards and the four Great Honghuang Guards. 4. The four big dragon dragon guards. The strength of this person is unpredictable. In legend, he has entered the level of law and heaven. "

Li Xing's heart was in a trance, Fatian level! How powerful it is, I am afraid that with one finger, you can destroy the masters who practice God. Unexpectedly, he fabricated a person at will and was considered a demon emperor.

However, this is exactly the result that Li Xing wanted, and everyone quit the forest to avoid encountering the tiger demon again.

Soon, everyone went out of the demon forest and did not stay, returning directly to the Qi Yunpai, to report this important news.

After Qi Yun sent his disciples to leave, the two members of the Dark Devils reappeared. The two were surprised, one said, "Why did you go away suddenly? They only lost four people, which is a pity!"

Another said, "They must have encountered something big. Let's go back to the newspaper and tell the leader."

In the afternoon of the same day, Li Xing returned to the Qiyun faction, and three core disciples entered the tower to report what happened today. During this trip, four internal disciples were lost. It can be said that the losses were heavy and shocked Qi Yun's senior management.

Qi Yun's five gods, several elders and elders, together with seven core disciples, attended the meeting. In addition to these important people, Li Xing was actually asked to participate. Because he was the only one who found the demon emperor.

This is the first time that Li Xing has entered the Qiyun Tower, and it is the top twelfth floor of the Qiyun Tower. From the moment he entered the tower, he looked at the surrounding environment and found that Qiyun Tower is very large and there are restrictions everywhere. If someone dares to break in, it is difficult to end well.

At this moment, he was sitting in the last position, watching the nose and nose, watching the heart, and remained silent. There are big people around him, and he really has no part to speak. However, he could feel that from time to time, there would be a few gazes shining on him.

After all, there are a few exceptions to his body. For example, the privilege of walking inside the tower, such as Qi Yun's only self-disciplined disciple who has no master demeanor, possesses a magic weapon, etc. These things make Li Xing stand out from the crowd and easily noticeable.

"Everyone has arrived, and today is about to announce a major event." Zhangjiao You Yuxu said. "Last time, the disciples tried and lost four people. This is the biggest loss in the past 30 years. "

"Although I have lost my disciple, it is still within the scope of my school. However, some disciples have discovered a great event, which shocked the palm teacher."

The elders didn't know what had happened and listened intently.

"The demon emperor, who has been silent for hundreds of years, finally moves."

One stone provoked a thousand waves, and the following "coax" opened up a discussion. Some people were surprised, some were scared, some were worried, and some were confused.

Li Xing couldn't speak, so he had to chat with Tian Xie: "Master, it seems that the demon emperor is a great character."

Before, Tianxie didn't understand the meaning of the word "niubi". However, after he had been interacting with the crossing apprentice Li Xing for a long time, he also knew that Niubi meant "great".

"I haven't seen any demon emperor for my teacher. I can't judge, but from the attitude of this group of people, what demon emperor is really a little bit better."

Li Xinggan laughed: "I didn't expect my apprentice to be so talented, and whenever he said anything, he pulled out the demon emperor. It was really **** painful."

Emperor Tianxie has become accustomed to Li Xing's inexplicable words like "egg pain". He rolled his eyes and said, "Be careful, these people will need to ask you in detail later."

Li Xingdao: "I have already thought about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ to ensure perfection and no flaws."

Everyone talked for a while, and Yu Yuxu raised his hand slightly, and everyone was quiet. He said in a deep voice: "The demon forest was only 1% of its size 1,000 years ago. The first demon emperor was born for the first time, and then swept Tianyuanzhou to become the master of the demon forest. Only then has the scope of the demon forest today."

"Later, the Four Kingdoms joined forces to gather many high-ranking people, and then they joined forces to block the invasion of the Demon Emperor, which prevented the demon forest from further expansion. These four countries were located in the east, south, west, and north directions of the demon forest, respectively. , Tianchen Kingdom in the south, Daxia Kingdom in the west, and too little country in the north. "

"In addition to the four great nations, there are many small nations, and they depend on these four nations. Our flat nation is one of the tributaries of the Tianchen nation. These many nations have surrounded the demon forest and have continued to this day."

"Now you should understand why all the factions will send people to the demon forest to test, because the high-level of all factions understand that the demon forest may invade the Quartet nations again at any time." Many of them first heard This matter is all shocked. Li Xing was also very surprised, and said, "Obviously, the demon emperor is not just an ordinary bully. Actually, the four kingdoms can join hands to compete against the entire Tianyuan Island. What kind of terrorist strength is there?"

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